

  1. Xray should support minimal original post discovery


    When Xray is retrieving a permalink from a silo / social media service such as Twitter, it should look for an original post link starting with a simplified version of the original post discovery algorithm to start with.

    Simplified algorithm: if there is a URL at the end of the content (trimming trailing whitespace, and close paranthesis/bracket if any), and that URL is on the same site as the "website" field of the silo profile of the requested permalink, then return that URL as original-post-url in the return result. This is similar to what Bridgy does today for discovering an original post as a destination for sending Twitter backfeed responses.

    Recent POSSE tweets that would work with this and should produce a result:

    Note that this will not work for POSSE tweets that use a non-canonical (redirecting) short-domain for their original post link and this is ok for now. It is worth considering for a future iteration. Example that should (for now) return no result:

  2. #IndieWeb Summit:
    reply-contexts should be user-editable in posting UIs
    in-reply-to h-cite property: reason, action
    * name+summary: too long, truncate
    * photo: unwanted or more than one, remove or choose one among several
    * dt-published: 1969 or future or wrong timezone, use present time
    * author name: Twitter names/pronouns, use full name
    * author icon: campaign banner or solid color or questionable, remove or use a previous icon

  3. going to IndieWeb Summit Pre-pre-party dinner tonight 20:00 at Los Gorditos since I’m in Portland!

    Openly organized on https://chat.indieweb.org/meta so if you’re in #Portland and curious about #IndieWeb or inspired to #TakeBackYourWeb yet unsure how, join us for tasty burritos, tacos, and conversation!

  4. 🏔 #IndieWeb Summit has sold out!

    Did you mean to sign-up and forgot? You can:
    🤞🏽 Join the waitlist!
    🎟 Get a pre-Summit Social ticket (free!) for Friday night!



  5. 🎂 Happy 14th #microformats.org!

    Last year:
    #microformats2 parsing: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing
    * id attr for frag links
    * img alt for #a11y (consumed by Brid.gy!)
    + #Perl parser! microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#Parsers

    Prev: https://tantek.com/2018/171/t2/happy-13th-microformats-org

  6. Tantek about to eat an It’s It after finishing the Double Dipsea race, trees, other runners, and race tents behind himPerry and Tantek near the Double Dipsea race start, Tantek behind the yellow ribbon, race starting area behind themTantek selfie behind a bunch of other guys preparing to start their wave at the Double Dipsea raceTantek grinning, running, after having just crossed a bridge in the enchanted forestTantek kicking hard at the Double Dipsea finish line, under a red, white, & blue archTantek stopping his running watch just after crossing the Double Dipsea finish lineFinished my second #DoubleDipsea #race yesterday in 3:56:17!
    Goals achieved:
    ✅ Finished strong
    ✅ Beat last year’s time by 3+ minutes, finished 615th of 706, and in time for an It’s It! (1). Started minutes before pal Perry (2 📷 Lily), at the back of my age group (3), knowing I’d start slow to warm-up.

    The blanket of fog kept the sun off us, and made for surreal views. The mist was so thick in the forest that it rained. Swept through the Cardiac hill aid-station with only a brief stop to top off my water, and dove into the downhill. Everything felt faster this time, set my second fastest time down the Dipsea stairs, despite having to thread between other descenders, and those making their way up. Turn right-around at the Mill Valley aid-station cones without stopping, heard someone yell my bib number.

    The Dipsea stairs ascent was hard, pushing to take them two at a time. Got passed by a few of the folks I’d passed on the way down, who I’d pass again on the final climb to Cardiac. Refilled my water bottle at the top and popped in a Nuun tablet. Ate a couple of salty potato chips, and drank two half-paper-cups of Coca-Cola (which tasted way better than I expected). Checked my watch and sped-off, knowing I’d have to push to finish under 4 hours.

    Felt great cruising down the still foggy trails and through the enchanted forest. I was happy to see the photographer after the bridge (4 📷  Andrew Ng). Kept picking up the pace as much as I could, and passing many more runners up Insult hill and down towards Stinson Beach. Across the road and on the last bit of pavement, I saw a runner about 100 yards in front of me. He must have heard me because he turned around and picked up his pace. Pushed hard anyway, didn’t catch him, still kicked strong to the finish (5 📷  Monica Zorman). Stopped my watch just after (6 📷  Monica Zorman), and caught my breath which read just over four hours. Only after walking back around the finish and seeing the clock read 3:57 and change did I realize I’d forgotten about the handicap adjustment. I’d beaten my time from last year!

    #dserunners #optoutside #getoutside #raceeverything #trail #runners #run #trails #runner #trailrun #Dipsea #50ktraining #fitstrongfierce #Stinsonbeach #Marin #California #yestergram #latergram #nofilter #2019_166

    Photos from CrowdPic:
    * 4 https://www.crowdpic.com/Double-Dipsea-2019?photographerId=5268&photoId=597037
    * 5 https://www.crowdpic.com/Double-Dipsea-2019?photographerId=7512&photoId=601506
    * 6 https://www.crowdpic.com/Double-Dipsea-2019?photographerId=7512&photoId=601508
    Previously, previously:
    * https://tantek.com/2019/071/t2/signed-up-doubledipsea
    * https://tantek.com/2018/168/t1/finished-first-doubledipsea

  7. Excited to announce that @JackyAlcine will speak on Making the IndieWeb for All @IndieWebSummit 2019! (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/942cb7b0-edef-4b38-b3d0-8c432f68c1b4)

    He is https://jacky.wtf/ the independent developer & creator of Koype for the #IndieWeb.

    Sign-up: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit

  8. Happy to announce @Kitt will be speaking on “On Contractions & Expansions” @IndieWebSummit 2019!

    Kitt is a brilliant developer, prolific writer, photographer, and posts at https://ki.tt/

    Join us in two weeks!


  9. I didn’t think you could make half-baked toast, yet here we are

  10. likes @slsoftworks’s tweet

  11. @janl Thank you for writing both of these (and your patience with those of us who didn’t see them until today 🙈). Spot on and I may re-use them in about 19 & 26 days. #IndieWebSummit

  12. @janl @indiewebcamp @slsoftworks @mountain_ghosts
    Grateful for your work, and appreciate differences in YT experiences & trade-offs.

    Consider also uploading to @internetarchive, or allowing others to do so and link to a non-YT alternative. Thanks 🙏🏻

  13. likes @nycplayer’s tweet

  14. likes @janl’s tweet

  15. likes @janl’s tweet

  16. likes @janl’s tweet

  17. likes @janl’s tweet

  18. likes @janl’s tweet

  19. likes @jezdez’s tweet

  20. likes @glueckpress’s tweet

  21. likes @glueckpress’s tweet

  22. likes @glueckpress’s tweet

  23. likes @glueckpress’s tweet

  24. likes @sordip’s tweet

  25. likes @philiprenich’s tweet

  26. @philiprenich beautiful. Plenty of greens there, some nice blues & oranges too. 🙌🏼

  27. @janl @indiewebcamp @slsoftworks @mountain_ghosts
    Was this 2016 or before?

    2019: YouTube algo is launching people's conspiracy theories, misogyny, & racism careers: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html

    It rarely promotes sensible content, so why bother posting to it?

  28. @slsoftworks yes #Archive.org is great!
    @IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf we posted 100% of session videos to @InternetArchive https://indieweb.org/2019/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Schedule#Saturday
    @janl not trivial, yet also not complicated
    @mountain_ghosts yes we can stop posting to YouTube.

    Aside: The Internet Archive’s video pages need #mediafragment support, e.g. #t=300 on the end of URL to cue up the video player to start playing 5 minutes into the video.

  29. @imogenheap nice meeting you @MozSF & thanks @brianbehlendorf for introducing us!
    Appreciated Creative Passport focus on empowering makers — we’re hosting IndieWeb Summit @MozPDX June 29-30 https://2019.indieweb.org/summit for independent creators of all kinds!

  30. View of the Marin Headlands from Miwok north of Tennessee ValleyView from Coyote Ridge of the Marin Headlands with just the tip of San Francisco’s skyline peaking above.View from Coyote Ridge of Mt Tam under a blue skyCoastal trail forking into Fox and Coastal trails, Marin Headlands in the background, with a bit of downtown San Francisco peeking above, and Sutra tower just left of centerTennessee Beach looking north to the red brown rocky hillTennessee Beach with blue skies, blue ocean, and white surfLooking down, standing on a coarse sandy beach with ocean surf lapping red trail shoesRocky hill to the south of Tennessee Beach with just a bit of green on topLagoon ringed with green, amber hill behind it dotted with bushes, Pacific ocean in the distanceSunlight glistening on a lagoon, light green bushes in the foreground, dark green bushes on the hill in the back10+ miles at #SFRC today. #screentime vs #greentime. Have you gone outside today and filled your view with #green? (Hey @btconf friends!) It’s too easy when you’re tired, to just stay inside, going through screenfuls.

    Flew back from Toronto last night, woke up at 06:00, awake, but tired. Picked up some coffee, and drove solo to #SFRC. Felt ok at the very start, yet awful just half a mile in. Kept pushing to the Tennessee Valley parking lot for a quick pit stop. Gathered myself and took off up #Miwok, feeling exhausted after 100 meters or so. Took deeper breaths, appreciated the sunshine, the blue skies, tried to distract myself with the nice green views(1).

    Made it to the Miwok cut-off and decided I wasn’t doing the full SFRC route. Deciding to cut it short provided enough of a sense of relief to push extra hard the rest of the way to Coyote Ridge. Felt encouraged by the oncoming trail runners. After they passed I heard mountain bikers creeping up behind me, on a narrow single-track with a cliff off to the left? What were they thinking? I hate to admit I was annoyed; focused it all into breathing and leaping up the trail faster than they could crank their low gears. Made it back to the main Miwok trail, breathing hard, and let them pass now that there was room to do so.

    Ran up Coyote Ridge to the top and took in the views of the South, tips of the #SanFrancisco skyline poking up behind the #MarinHeadlands(2), and the North, clear views of #MtTam(3). Inspired, ran down Coyote Ridge to Fox in personal record time.

    Paused at the Fox and Coastal fork(4), unsure which to take. Drawn to the sea, I ran down Coastal toward the beach. Tennessee Beach was so beautiful, blue sky gradients contrasting the red brown rocks to the north(5), bands of blue ocean and frothy surf to the west(6), rising up the coarse sandy shore(7). There was still a bit of green left on the hills to the south(8).

    #Running back along the valley trail, I looked back to admire the lagoon ringed by lush greenery, the Pacific in the distance(9). As I turned, the sunlight glistening on the water caught my eye(10).

    #Marin #trails #trailrun #trail #run #runner #50ktraining #optoutside #getoutside #fitstrongfierce #California #nofilter

  31. 👍

  32. Would this page/post be considered "sepia"?


    If I could I would use prefers-color-scheme: sepia for that page.

  33. 👍

  34. @domenic @tabatkins Google the company *already* effectively rebranded, into Alphabet
    while Google Search stayed with then sans-serif logo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_logo#History.
    Perhaps send more logo ideas to these folks: https://design.google.com/library/evolving-google-identity/

  35. @tabatkins @domenic yes, mostly.
    For more details, published 2019-05-28:
    and last year: https://blog.mozilla.org/opendesign/evolving-the-firefox-brand/ (in particular System 2). #firefox #evolving #brand #identity #masterbrand #browser #icon #design

  36. Tantek and Hannah sitting on top of Mt. Tam, bushes and rocks right behind them, clouds and hills below in the distance, partially visible San Francisco building tops poking through thick fog in the far distanceTemelpa trailhead, trees and grass a mix of green and dull yellowThin stretched clouds drape across a partly blue sky, over a fog covered San Francisco in the distance, hills and clouds below, a bush and few boulders in the foregroundThe sun shining through an upper cloud layer, high above distant mountain peaks, themselves poking through lower clouds, a partially visible bay, and nearer hills, bushes and a rocky outcropping in the foregroundTantek standing, mud and scrapes on left leg and right shin, standing on asphalt
    #trailtuesdaythrowback to #running up (and down) Mt. Tam almost two weeks ago with pal Hannah (1). The #trails are not (2) as green as they were two months ago (tantek.com/t4zc1). After an 88:31 climb (tied my 2nd fastest time) to Mt. Tam’s East peak summit, I could barely see the tiny San Francisco skyline poking through a thick fog blanket (3). Looking East the sun was rising far above the horizon, already well on its way at 7:30am (4).

    Chasing Hannah back down the hill was faster than a month ago, setting a PR on the first 1.6 miles of steep technical descent. With a gentler downhill, Hannah ran ahead and disappeared. I settled into a good rhythm and pace of my own, having become more familiar with these trails.

    While enjoying the Tenderfoot trail forest, I noticed the ground felt squishier from the recent rains. The trail narrowed with a hill on one side and ravine on the other. Suddenly the earth gave way under my right foot, I felt my lower body start to rotate and fall downward in slow motion, impact the side of the ravine, and start sliding.

    I remember thinking, how far am I going to slide, followed shortly by, I have to stop! I spun to press against the hill, threw my arms up, dug my hands & fingers into the soft earth, slowing and stopping the slide. Took a few seconds to realize what happened, spit out some mud, and balance myself against the side of the hill to look up.

    I’d slid ~20-30 feet down into the ravine. Nothing felt broken. I looked down and couldn't really see how far down I’d have to go. Looking back up I pressed against the nearly vertical earth for extra grip while I climbed up one limb at a time, holding on and pressing gently downward with the other three. Made it back up to the trail. Collected myself, scraped most of the mud off my body and water bottle, wiping off the top so I could drink what was left. Another self-inspection, lots of scrapes from left forearm, to thigh, and knee which was bleeding but didn’t hurt. Shock, I’m sure.

    Ran down the rest of the trail, and onto Cascade road. I could start to feel the dirt stinging in my skin. Made it back to Equator coffee in downtown Mill Valley where Hannah was waiting. She checked to make sure I was ok, then took a photo at my request (5). Not pictured: my forearms muddy from elbow to wrist.

    After wiping off a bit more, I drove us back to the city, went home, and scrubbed off all the mud & dirt in the shower. Scrapes & bruises, nothing broken, nothing sprained.

    Despite the fall, I set my second fastest time for the Mt. Tam Loop.

    Still learning to fall, still learning to get (crawl) back up and keep running.

    #MountTam #Marin #trail #trailrun #run #TemelpaTrail #MtTamEastPeak #50ktraining #optoutside #getoutside #befierce #pushyourself #facethemountain #trailrash #fitstrongfierce #nofilter #latergram #20190523 #2019_143

  37. Please also add a :buffering (or :waiting) pseudo-class distinct from :stalled, at the same time as adding :stalled.

    Use-case: showing loading/buffering spinner, often with a %, e.g. on Netflix.

    I’d like to see :buffering defined similar to :stalled https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/media.html#event-media-stalled, however with the key difference that data *is* forthcoming. Similar to how the waiting event is defined: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/media.html#event-media-waiting

    Alternatively I'd be ok with a :waiting pseudo-class that maps to the waiting event/definition (might be simpler for the platform / web-developers if we "just" do/keep a direct mapping of the pseudo-class to an existing HTML event name).

    I do think it is important to add :buffering (or :waiting) at the same time as adding :stalled, in order to avoid having :stalled be errantly overloaded by implementers and/or web developers to handle the buffering use-case.

  38. 👍

  39. Cameron, David Baron, Emilio, and Tantek arranging actual physical tables in the main meeting room at Mozilla TorontoConference tables laid out in a U-shape face the front of the room with podium, a row of standing tables behind, and couches off to one side#Mozilla’s @davidbaron asked @heycam @ecbos_ and me (@t) to help him with table layout (1).

    And the finished result (2).

    @MozToronto preparing for this week’s @CSSWG meeting. #CSS #Tables #TableLayout

  40. Deep green valley dotted with trees, bay and mountains in the distanceDense trees below the trail and up to the next hill, bay and a bridge in the distanceWave breaking at Muir Beach under overcast skiesLooking down shorts and trail shoes standing on the beach, the surf recedingLooking up Marincello trail, grass on both sides, trees on the left side and in the distance9 days ago, 13+ miles & 2500' at the final May #SFRC #trailrun. May had many ups & downs, emotionally & literally like this #run. Started at Tennessee Valley, ran up Miwok to beautiful green valley views (1) and distant bridges (2). Turned left onto Dias Ridge, ran freely downhill til I tripped & fell.

    Somehow reacted quickly enough to roll towards the grassy edge, scraping only my right hand on gravel. Immediately got back up and kept running. Reached #Muirbeach (3), touched the #surf (4). Ran back up Coastal, down Fox, to the parking lot, just short of 13. Ran up #Marincello to finish my #trail #halfmarathon (5).

    Tough but solid just two days after a Tam run, during which I also fell (down a ravine!) but that's another story.

    #Marin #trails #runner #50ktraining #optoutside #getoutside #fitstrongfierce #MarinHeadlands #California #20190525 #latergram #nofilter

  41. Winding Miwok cut-off single-track trail with a hill on the left, and drop-off on the right, fog shrouded trees and hills in the distanceLooking downhill on green bushes which disappear into a thick fogLooking back down Fox trail as it disappears into the fogLooking up Fox trail as it disappears into the fog☁️⛰☁️ Summer is coming. 10+ miles of #SFRC #trailrun this morning under and through thick #fog. Miwok cut-off trail (1) with fog above, ahead, and below (2). Fox trail at the start: looking back downhill (3) and looking ahead uphill (4) appear similar thanks to fog blocking the sky and any distant hills. Temperatures lower than usual. Our #SanFrancisco summer is coming.

    #Marin #trail #run #trails #runner #50ktraining #optoutside #getoutside #fitstrongfierce #MarinHeadlands #California #nofilter

  42. likes @pauljacobson’s tweet

  43. likes @owenfar’s tweet

  44. likes @jkphl’s tweet

  45. @TrevorFSmith 1 year later notification from your like!
    @Timoni #IndieWeb folks are building & using their sites as memexes, with unique personal features.
    Twitter is not anyone’s memex but theirs; we POSSE copies there to invite others to explore ours.

  46. @4sqSupport thanks for your work! Many of my May 15-17 checkins were with friends. Could it be possible to reconstruct my checkins from theirs?
    And yes swag! I’m still a big @Foursquare fan!
    Got any @SwarmApp Weasley clocks https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/684226935606517765? :)

  47. @carolstran @oetseli yes it was so good! Thank you for both bars of chocolate!

  48. likes @Kajrietberg’s tweet

  49. likes @jgmac1106’s tweet

  50. likes @manton2’s tweet

  51. likes @carolstran’s tweet

  52. likes @oetseli’s tweet

  53. likes @carolstran’s tweet

  54. likes @davidmead’s tweet

  55. likes @bonstewart’s tweet

  56. likes @jgmac1106’s tweet

  57. likes @4sqSupport’s tweet

  58. likes @timoni’s tweet

  59. @SwarmApp @Foursquare update:
    2 weeks after my account was mysteriously deleted: @4sqSupport restored all but profile photo & last 3 days (May 15-17) checkins, unrecoverable per eng. team. Still unknown: how/why deletion happened, were others deleted?

  60. The @W3C Needs You: Please Vote For Change In The @W3CAB Election


    (as is customary for W3C), is the deadline for voting.

    Please Vote in the 2019 W3C Advisory Board Election (W3C Member-only link, only Advisory Committee members can vote).

    My fellow Advisory Board (AB) candidates and additional members of the W3C Community have shared their thoughts on the AB election, some on their blogs, and some on W3C Member only list(s).

    It is very important that you explicitly rank candidates according to what is most important to you due to the way the current W3C STV mechanism is interpreted and implemented by the W3C Team. Past STV elections have shown that a Ranked 1 vote is crucial to candidates, Ranked 2 may have some impact, and the likelihood of effect drops off precipitously from there (though you should still rank at least a few more, ideally all candidates, just in case).

    I’ve previously stated why I think W3C is facing several existential crises, how I will do my best to help W3C during this crucial time of transition, and thus ask for your Ranked 1 vote:

    The AB has seven open spots in this election, so I will recommend six others for your consideration of a Ranked 1 vote.

    Each of these candidates has many strengths, I am highlighting just one or two, depending on what may be most important to help steer the W3C in the next two years. Each of these candidates has many more strengths. Ordered by those with their own posts/blogs first (then by full name).

    If web developer perspective is most important to you, choose Aaron Gustafson as Ranked 1

    Aaron has worked as a profession web developer, written several well regarded books on web development, and spoken with & taught numerous web developers. Of all candidates he brings the most modern and most aware perspective of what matters to web developers today on the web, and what standards the W3C must prioritize in order to better serve today and tomorrow’s web development community, the community that builds the web you and I depend on day-to-day. Read his blog post for more

    If experience is most important to you, choose Chris Wilson as Ranked 1

    Chris Wilson has been working on the web for over 25 years, more than any other candidate. He has written code in web browsers, written specifications, chaired working groups, and served for five years on the Advisory Board. He has more experience, and a broader perspective, across more companies essential to the evolution of the web, than any other canidate. See his post for more

    If bold directness & standing up to W3C Management is most important to you, choose Elika Etemad as Ranked 1

    I have had the good fortune of working with Elika (AKA fantasai) for numerous years in the CSS Working Group, have seen her contribute to invited W3C Advisory Board discussions, and Advisory Committee meetings as well. She always brings a well considered, often bold, and always direct perspective. She brings a strength of commitment that is inspiring and I believe necessary to represent the needs of the web community especially when such needs require standing up to W3C Management. This will be an essential skill during W3C’s upcoming transitions. Read her blog post for more

    If accessibility is most important to you, choose Léonie Watson as Ranked 1

    I have had the good fortune to work with Léonie Watson during my past tenure on the Advisory Board. She has consistently brought a diverse and inclusive perspective in all our matters, especially making sure the AB was aware of accessibility implications of any number of policy decisions. Read her blog for more

    If consensus building is most important to you, choose Alan Stearns as Ranked 1

    I have also had the good fortune of working with Alan Stearns for many years. He has been an extremely effective chair of the CSS Working Group, a very large and diverse set of individuals with a variety of backgrounds, interests, and priorities, that is also extremely prolific. He has demonstrated time & time again that when there is conflict, he is able to mediate a dialog to find common ground, find fair ways to resolve differences, or often get parties to defer when progress can be made regardless.

    If Chinese standards efforts representation is most important to you, choose Judy (Hongru) Zhu as Ranked 1

    While I was on the Advisory Board, I got to know Judy and very much appreciate her participation. She brought key insights with regards to the interactions of global standards efforts, especially with standards efforts in China. I believe these insights have helped the governance of W3C, and W3C’s goals of producing truly global standards.

    Thank you Natasha and Mike

    Huge thanks to Advisory Board incumbents Natasha and Mike for their service. I am glad I got a chance to work with Natasha and Mike on the AB. Natasha provided a refreshing perspective and I hope she considers running for the AB in the future. Mike has served on the AB for a very long time, and demonstrated the ability to actively evolve the AB, the W3C, and forge a productive relationship with the WHATWG (as noted in the recenty announced MoU). Both Mike and Natasha set good examples for whoever is next elected to the AB.

    Please vote!

    Go Vote in the 2019 W3C Advisory Board Election (W3C Member-only link, only Advisory Committee members can vote).

    If you have already voted, thank you for voting. If you have not, please take the few minutes to do so. In either case please consider the above candidates for their strengths and consider (re)ranking accordingly. Thank you for your consideration.

  61. Bridgy publish to GitHub should turn profile URL links into mentions


    When using Bridgy publish to GitHub, GitHub is smart enough to recognize issue links and repo links and provide short versions of them inline. However it fails to do so for profile URLs for some reason, just shows the full profile URL link instead of a mention, and does not notify the user mentioned.

    It would be great if Bridgy Publish to GitHub (issues, comments) could recognize GitHub profile URL links of the form github.com followed by username, e.g. https://github.com/snarfed and turn them into the profile mention equivalent, e.g. @snarfed which I think also has the advantage that it will notify that GitHub user of that mention.

    Recent real world Bridgy Publish example what would have benefited from this: https://github.com/chrisdavidmills/mdn-and-frameworks/issues/1#issuecomment-497395828

    Labels: publish

  62. https://github.com/flaki your understanding is correct. microformats2 (specifically microformats.org/wiki/h-entry for a https://indieweb.org/reply ) would work well to mark-up such useful asides and other notes / comments regarding MDN pages, notifying those pages using Webmention, and handling them accordingly via moderation etc.

    How those asides or notes are displayed on the MDN page is up to the design of the MDN page.

    In addition Webmention also allows for easily submitting updates to such asides, notes, and comments and having them handled automatically for accepted submissions, or again via a moderation step.

  63. 👍

  64. Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  65. > TL;DR is that SMS is, in fact, more than a tiny bit better than nothing

    I read the post.

    It has six occurences of the phrase "recovery phone number" (not "second factor phone number" which would have been better), and yet no mention of all the published counter-evidence to date of SMS account recovery making things *worse* for (especially targeted) users. E.g.

    * https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/08/nist_is_no_long.html
    * https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/25/nist-declares-the-age-of-sms-based-2-factor-authentication-over/
    * https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/business/dealbook/phone-hack-bitcoin-virtual-currency.html
    * https://twitter.com/justin/status/883171036283285508
    * https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vbqax3/hackers-sim-swapping-steal-phone-numbers-instagram-bitcoin
    * https://techcrunch.com/2018/11/15/millions-sms-text-messages-leaked-two-factor-codes/
    * https://twitter.com/hillbrad/status/1004040328150540288
    * https://twitter.com/cooncesean/status/1130493867734605824
    * ... etc.

    Also omitted: the fact that when users turn on SMS 2FA, services in general (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Paypal, even Apple ID) also enable SMS account recovery, thus making their users *more* vulnerable to targeted attacks.

    I have personally known friends (with short / firstname usernames on various services) who have been targeted and had accounts stolen.

    I think it’s irresponsible to be recommending (or reducing the barriers to) SMS user-flows that default users into SMS account recovery, and especially irresponsible to be pretending it doesn’t exist as a problem by not mentioning it (in particular SIM swaps) despite even the New York Times documenting it almost two years ago, and NIST deprecating it almost three years ago.

    In addition the "% of users affected" or "% of attacks stopped" metrics are not really good measures here. Steering users to adopt SMS account recovery is the equivalent of planting thousands+ of seeds, for which attackers only have to wait until a few of those accounts grow enough value to be ripe for targeted harvesting.

  66. I Am Running For The @W3C Advisory Board (@W3CAB)


    I am running for the W3C Advisory Board (AB). If you work on or care about open web standards, I am asking you, and in particular your W3C Advisory Committee representative, to vote me for as their #1 vote (due to the way the current W3C STV mechanism is interpreted and implemented by the W3C Team).

    The web community depends on W3C as a key venue for open web standards development. We are in a period of transition and existential risks for W3C (detailed in my official Advisory Board nomination statement). I bring both the experience (served on the AB for five years, 20+ years of first-hand standards work at W3C), and the boldness (created and drove numerous open reforms) necessary to work with an Advisory Board committed to modernizing W3C into a form that continues to support pragmatic & responsive open standards development.

    There are many highly qualified candidates running for the W3C Advisory Board in this election, with a variety of strengths and abilities.

    I believe the most important issue for this election is the active modernization of W3C to both avoid its existential risks and hopefully refocus on its best qualities, providing an even better venue for modern open web standards development.

    Now more than ever we need an active Advisory Board composed of individuals who have demonstrated that they are bold web-doers that can actively drive change at the W3C. This means they must both have experience with editing & shipping broadly applicable specifications at W3C (ideally also experience with W3C processes), and have shown the initiative to teach themselves to pragmatically first-hand use the technologies of the web itself to express their work, i.e. using their own websites.

    There are (currently) four additional AB candidates that have such experience and actively use the web itself to do their work. I encourage you to read their blog posts (or blogs in general) and vote for them as well:

    1. Chris Wilson (Google)
    2. Aaron Gustafson (Microsoft)
    3. Elika Etemad (AKA fantasai, W3C Invited Expert)
    4. Léonie Watson (TetraLogical)

    The deadline for votes is .

    Please Vote in the 2019 W3C Advisory Board Election (W3C Member-only link, only Advisory Committee members can vote) for myself (preferably as "Ranked 1"), and at least the other abovementioned candidates (Ranked 2 through Ranked 5) in an order according to who you think has the experience, capabilities, and will to actively collaborate and drive positive changes at the W3C. Thank you for your consideration.

  67. Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  68. likes @manton2’s tweet

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  77. likes @tbiz’s tweet

  78. Thanks @dens, appreciated!

    It was so sudden & without warning that I suspected something strange had gone wrong. I’ve gotten a few support emails and sounds like things are being recovered. Hope you’re well too!

    cc: @zeldman @4sqSupport @Foursquare

  79. likes @brucel’s tweet

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  101. likes jgregorymcverry’s note (@)

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  137. likes @katharinabrx’s tweet

  138. likes @fraktalisman’s tweet

  139. likes @m_ott’s tweet

  140. likes beyondtellerrand’s post (@)

  141. #IndieWeb in The @NewYorker!
    Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/can-indie-social-media-save-us:
    “Who owns the servers?

     everyone posting to @microdotblog does so on his or her own domain

     POSSE, for “publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere”

  142. Dear @4sqSupport,
    You emailed
    “At this time there is no account attached to the email provided”
    Because my @Foursquare account https://foursquare.com/t was deleted on May 17!
    I was Superuser Level 9 w/
    600+ friends
    30k+ checkins

    cc: @dens @zeldman

    Please check your logs & backups, and undelete & restore my account! @t

  143. likes @TedMielczarek’s tweet

  144. Ran my 9th #baytobreakers in 1:38:35, 1+ minute faster than my 1st (1:39:47), yet first time #running it the day after a 10 mile trail #run. Finished healthy & strong, thanks to pal Michele for running with. #50ktraining
    Last year: https://tantek.com/2018/140/t1/baytobreakers-bonus

  145. likes beyondtellerrand’s post (@)

  146. Thanks @btconf for posting the video of my talk “Take Back Your Web”!
    #takebackyourweb #indieweb #indiewebcamp

  147. Thanks @jkphl. It is very strange. I have had zero problems with @Foursquare/@SwarmApp for over 10+ years, and Dodgeball before that. As a private-only silo with no viral/amplification features, it’s stayed fairly calm & useful.

  148. Dear @4sqSupport, apparently my @Foursquare/@SwarmApp account (https://foursquare.com/t) was erroneously deleted earlier today! :(

    I sent email to support@ with only automated response.

    Please undelete my account! Thanks! @t

    cc: @dens @zeldman

  149. @g16n @heydonworks heads-up @jensimmons @jaffathecake can we get this fixed in Chrome? Is there an existing bug on proper 'gap' for flexbox support, and fixing '@supports()' accordingly in the meanwhile? Thanks!

  150. @depone great having you @indiewebcamp Düsseldorf! Enjoy Homebrew Website Club #Karlsruhe, and maybe see you at #IndieWebCamp Brighton!

  151. @webgefrickel @btconf great seeing you again @IndieWebCamp! Maybe see you at #IndieWebCamp Brighton? https://indieweb.org/2019/Brighton

  152. @utopiah Excellent reminder! There are many who have quit various #socialmedia sites. A few documented here: https://indieweb.org/silo-quits

  153. @glyphe glad we got to chat again, and thank you! Looking forward to seeing what you do next with your #IndieWeb site! #takebackyourweb

  154. @davidlinssen thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately I am missing @IndieWebCamp Utrecht, but several others are going!
    Perhaps ask in https://indieweb.org/discuss (IRC, Slack, etc.) and mention Frank & Tonz. #takebackyourweb

  155. @obearone agreed it was quite wonderful & inspiring! I hope Berlin happens and perhaps we can add an @IndieWebCamp side-event again.

    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/obearone/status/1128354930232786945

  156. @rsteudel thank you and thanks for the photo of me and @marcthiele!
    Looking forward to seeing your #indieweb site!
    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/rsteudel/status/1128329366608449539

  157. @derSchepp Can you believe @m_ott posted that just days ago? The power of publishing on your own #indieweb site. Here is the permalink: https://matthiasott.com/articles/into-the-personal-website-verse

    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/derSchepp/status/1128327736286744576

  158. @m_ott YES! ✊#IndieWeb
    Keep up the good work yourself! And thanks for the photo!
    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/m_ott/status/1128327679571374081

  159. @derCemDerin several are making it work! Some open source, some private. Several use & extend existing CMSs. Choices & trade-offs: https://indieweb.org/CMS
    The beauty of the #indieweb: YOU CAN CHOOSE
    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/derCemDerin/status/1128326835849375745

  160. @SanityResort awareness is the key first step!
    You’ve got a blogspot, now pick a domain name and hook it up!
    #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/SanityResort/status/1128327125675728896

  161. @hirsebirse louder for the people in the back!
    #HTMLfirst #semanticHTML #indieweb #takebackyourweb

  162. @mozTechSpeakers always worth remembering and thanks for the photo! We all started somewhere. We all deserve our own #indieweb sites. #takebackyourweb

  163. @Synaltic and this photo too! What if we all shared (perhaps even sold) our photos, thoughts, songs, and more on our own sites like Bowie, and connected directly with each others’s #indieweb sites?
    #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/Synaltic/status/1128324380444880897

  164. @alexcio_ great capture! #StopScrollingFacebook
    Nice to meet you and looking forward to seeing what you do with your #indieweb site! #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/alexcio_/status/1128328622463434752

  165. @Synaltic thanks for the photos and all your notes! Merci! #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/Synaltic/status/1128322939835887617

  166. @bkastl thanks for the photo! #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/bkastl/status/1128320257561640961

  167. @fraktalisman thanks for the photo! Bowie was a visionary. We can fulfill the positive potential he spoke of. What you said + #microformats2 h-feed #indieauth micropub.net #websub. #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/fraktalisman/status/1128397411586584582

  168. @faulancr nice crowd shot! Is that @LeelooRocks I see cross-legged on the table? #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/faulancr/status/1128323078092664834

  169. @Jessman5 @xwolf 😂 after two pre-checks even! Thanks for your patience! :) #indieweb #takebackyourweb

  170. @SandraPersing thanks for the photo — nice capture of a debugging moment! #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/SandraPersing/status/1128318159495340032

  171. @j9t it was great to finally meet you! #boxmodelhack

  172. Wonderful week in Düsseldorf @IndieWebCamp @btconf @a11yclub (thanks @jkphl!). 100% inspiring talks & sessions. Honored to give the #btconf closing talk. Thank you @marcthiele! Everyone was awesome. Til next time, #takebackyourweb! https://twitter.com/m_ott/status/1128327679571374081

  173. likes @fraktalisman’s tweet

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  180. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  181. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  182. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  183. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  184. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  185. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  186. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  187. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  188. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  189. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

  190. likes @Synaltic’s tweet

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  201. likes @depone’s tweet

  202. likes @Jessman5’s tweet

  203. likes Beyond Tellerrand Düsseldorf 2019

  204. likes @webrocker’s tweet

  205. likes @webgefrickel’s tweet

  206. likes @brendandawes’s tweet

  207. likes @RobertKatzki’s tweet

  208. likes Beyond Tellerrand 2019 Düsseldorf

  209. likes @bkastl’s tweet

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  211. likes @rsteudel’s tweet

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  213. likes @fraktalisman’s tweet

  214. likes @j9t’s tweet

  215. likes @derSchepp’s tweet

  216. likes @SandraPersing’s tweet

  217. likes Beyond Tellerrand Düsseldorf 2019

  218. likes @sonniesedge’s tweet

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  222. likes @utopiah’s tweet

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  225. A woman’s #rights to her body are absolute.

    Discuss ethics & philosophy as you wish. Governments have no place regulating women’s bodies except protecting their #autonomy.

    Men: #speakup & donate @PPact @ACLU

    + what @AOC said https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1128890390982123522

  226. YES @carolstran!! 🤘 https://twitter.com/carolstran/status/1128356653538205698
    (❤️ that <title>)

    100% of #btconf speakers now have personal websites.

    Next: join us @IndieWebCamp! https://indieweb.org/events

    #indieweb #takebackyourweb

  227. likes @carolstran

  228. likes @glyphe

  229. likes @hirsebirse

  230. likes @m_ott

  231. likes @mozTechSpeakers

  232. likes @bkastl

  233. likes @hirsebirse

  234. Good morning Düsseldorf!

    Looking forward to another great day @btconf. I may have something to say later about the #IndieWeb.

    I also have a handful of #IndieWebCamp & #microformats pins, find me at lunch (black outfit, white backpack) and get one!

  235. likes Marc Thiele: Interview with The Dorf

  236. likes Marc Thiele: Did I Miss Something on Medium?

  237. likes Beyond Tellerand: Conference Buddy

  238. likes Charlie Owen’s home page

  239. likes Aaron Parecki: Better Default Security for IndieAuth Login Forms

  240. likes Matthias Ott article

  241. likes @m_ott’s tweet

  242. likes @m_ott’s tweet

  243. likes @faulancr’s tweet

  244. likes @zachleat’s tweet

  245. likes @jkphl’s tweet

  246. likes @mxbck’s tweet

  247. likes @heydonworks’s tweet

  248. likes @Spellacy’s tweet

  249. likes www.jvt.me’s post

  250. likes @JamieTanna’s tweet

  251. likes adactio’s note (@)

  252. likes @m_ott’s tweet

  253. likes @webrocker’s tweet

  254. likes @danbar87’s tweet

  255. likes @btconf’s tweet

  256. likes @Kbabula’s tweet

  257. likes @AaronGustafson’s tweet

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  261. Announcing today:

    IndieWebCamp Brighton is BACK for 2019!

    Super excited to return to @68MiddleSt after 3 years for the sixth #IndieWebCamp #Brighton Oct 19-20th, thanks to host @adactio!

    Save the dates and start booking travel:

  262. Just wrapped two #IndieWebCamps with inspiring people, chats, and demos! Photos, notes, videos:
    * https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin
    * https://indieweb.org/2019/Dusseldorf

    Next weekend: https://indieweb.org/2019/Utrecht

    And sign-up for #IndieWeb Summit June 29-30!

  263. I think moving feeds will be a common new user need because of this behavior:
    * Add feeds to just the Home channel by default (for ease/convenience of reading all in one place)
    * Home channel gets too busy
    * Create a second topic or group-specific channel to partition off some of the feeds which may only be related to a specific community, organization, company etc.
    * Try to move those feeds from the default Home channel, and realize you have to remove and re-add them one at a time, which feels bit tedious

  264. 👍

  265. #IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf hack day “quick” addition:
    New @TronLegacy inspired theme, using
    +1 hyperlink on home page
    +1 #CSS style rule
    Thanks to #HTMLfirst, #CSSVariables, and @ColorsEffect!


  266. #IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf hack day minor site improvements:
    * better #webactions text symbols ♥♺↵  https://indieweb.org/webactions#emoji_text_labels
    * better reply-context symbol ↳ https://indieweb.org/reply-context#Minimal_text_reply_contexts

    and figured out flex>grid>flex CSS for table>tr>td for @aaronpk monthly archives.

  267. In #IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf session on SSG #CMS #WebHosting, common theme keeps coming up as a reason to minimize maintenance #devops #admintax, because:
     “I like going hiking in the woods.”
    as an example of personal time priorities. #selfcare

  268. In #IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf session on #URLs and #URLdesign, I asked discussion leader @sonniesedge to please use a browser (when presenting) that actually shows the URL (as opposed to Safari which hides the URL on desktop).
    So she opened #Firefox Developer Edition!

  269. My #CSS tip for tonight: Learn & try out CSS Custom Properties (AKA #CSSVariables)!

    Simple examples on MDN:
    * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/var

    Used them to implement theming on my site @IndieWebCamp Berlin, felt like they made my CSS more maintainable too!

  270. #London friends, this is your #LondonCSS reminder! Signed-up? Get over there! https://twitter.com/ohhelloana/status/1126538482560708608
    @ohhelloana & @oliverturner got great speakers @freezydorito @cassiecodes @Teoli2003! I hear a @W3CTag member (@torgo) will be @LondonCSS too.

    It’s been a heads-down day for me and I’m seriously bummed I can’t make it.

  271. Prioritizing simple & maintainable is perhaps most in contrast to enterprise systems, or any system that requires a separate IT person. Minimum viable ops.
    #indieweb features & systems should be as easy (easier!) to setup & maintain than smartphones (which have sadly regressed in simplicity & maintainability over the years).

  272. @doriantaylor sounds like a good minimization of tech dependencies, I think we align on principles there.

    I have found XSLT hard to “come back to”, e.g. maintaining @H2VX, compared to PHP. #microformats2 is a good alternative to RDFa. v2 syntax has vocabulary independence (and a well defined and tested parsing specification) with the ability to create & use your own custom terms, but simpler, prefixing like HTML5’s "data-*" attributes without worrying about explicit URL based namespaces and fragile qnames.

    We can likely do even better. Good to see multiple approaches to the principles of simpler setup & maintenance, plenty of learning opportunities I’m sure.

  273. Under the hood I wanted theming that is simple & maintainable. Perhaps implicit #indieweb pragmatic design principles, since we are creating features & systems that individuals can understand & maintain, likely those with less time (e.g. future selves).

  274. Goals for my theme switcher:
    * switch-off the Matrix 20th anniversary (re)inspired theme I hacked in March (similar to 2003 April & May: https://tantek.com/log/2003/04.html https://tantek.com/log/2003/05.html) while keeping the option
    * minimal system to add more for fun

    Next steps: more themes, and possibly dark/light modes of each theme that auto-switched based on media queries from an OS-level dark mode preference if any.

  275. During #IndieWebCamp #Berlin I built a simple theme switcher for my site!
    hyperlinks -> URL query param -> PHP to add class to <body> & query param to local links -> CSS class selectors -> CSS variables -> colors & font. No cookies, no JS. #indieweb

  276. IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf

    When: Where: sipgate

    In town for beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf May 13-14 and not otherwise busy on May 11-12?

    Marc Thiele, Joschi Kuphal, Jeremy Keith, Aaron Parecki, and I are looking forward to welcoming you again. We're meeting for a two-day BarCamp collaboration in Düsseldorf. Brainstorming, working, teaching, helping each other and much more. Join us on Saturday the 11th & Sunday the 12th and get your ideas out of your head and onto your website!

    Both days are free to attend!

    More information:

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    RSVP by registering for a free ticket: btco.nf/DUS2019indiewebcamp

    Event created: on