

  1. View of sunset-lit downtown San Francisco in the distance as viewed from Twin Peaks, with the hairpin turn below, and immediately below the green hill slope of Twin Peaks summit.Black sign with white text in a window with white mini-blinds behind it, with six lines: see black women, hear black women, trust black women, love black women, protect black women, pay black women.Sutro Tower nearby and a tiny Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, both lit with orange light from the sunset, blue skies with a few small cloud streaks, Mount Tam visible in the distance.Very bright sun emitting lots of sunbeams barely over the Pacific Ocean horizon, lighting up pedestrians along the road, including two women dressed in pink dresses.Large mostly dirt and rocks hill in front lit up with orange light from the sunset, a road off to the left, with two women in pink dresses in the distance walking down the middle of the road.Twin Peaks towers, downtown San Francisco in the distance, looking down Market Street from above, its streetlamps lit, the sun glinting off the taller downtown skyscrapers.The glowing orange sun barely above the Pacific Ocean on the horizon, Sutro tower a bit closer yet darker, its legs backlit by the setting sun.November Project San Francisco group photo at Dolores Park just before sunrise, the barely backlit outline of the downtown skyline visible behind them.
    Seven years ago today I showed up to my first #hillsforbreakfast workout @Nov_Project_SF and ran up & down a few blocks for 25min[8]. In memory of #NPSF hills I ran to Twin Peaks today[1], 25min (or a bit less) of all uphill just to start — something that was beyond my reach back then.

    Starting at Oak Street I caught a sign in a window[2] I hadn’t seen before, encouraging folks to:
    * see black women
    * hear black women
    * trust black women
    * love black women
    * protect black women
    * pay black women

    After running up Ashbury to Clayton to Twin Peaks Boulevard and climbing to the summit & both peaks, I turned around to see a clear view of Sutro Tower, Mt Tam, and the Golden Gate Bridge from the South Peak[3]. On the return run, I spotted a pair of apparent princesses in pink dresses strolling along, brightly lit by the brilliant setting sun[4], along the adjacent road blocked to motor traffic. As I climbed the North Peak, I saw them again up ahead, strolling in the middle of the road without a care in the world[5].

    Reaching the top of the North Peak, I noticed Market Street’s streetlamps had been lit, the sunset barely lighting up a few blocks of downtown[6]. Made it back to the Twin Peaks Summit as the sun dropped toward the Pacific Ocean, bathing everything nearby in orange light[7].

    Ran down the hill at an easy pace, legs & feet tired after yesterday’s longer run. Grateful for regular runs up Twin Peaks, where 25 minutes is the start, rather than the whole workout.

    #trail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #SF #SanFrancisco #hilliversary #NovemberProjectSF #NovemberProject #TwinPeaks #50ktraining #50mileTraining #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #noFilter

    Previously, previously, previously:
    * https://tantek.com/2020/017/t2/six-years-ago-npsf-hills
    * https://tantek.com/2016/017/t1/two-years-ago-first-npsf-hillsforbreakfast
    * https://tantek.com/2014/017/t1/first-novemberprojectsf-hillsforbreakfast

  2. January of 2021 month calendar built from LEGO bricks, on a hexagonal white on gray blanket background.🗓 More than half way through #January 2021. Since last month’s calendar post: Electoral college results finalized in the middle of the night[1] despite a violent insurrection[2]. Millions received their first vaccine doses, though new cases grew by many millions more[3].

    And yet, Georgia’s Senate seats flipped, and with them the US Senate. 3 days til our next president snaps his fingers with executive orders, undoing damage or putting a stop to bad ideas, like the Keystone XL pipeline[4].

    Finally, as of this morning, 2021-01-17, we’ve entered the future of Johnny Mnemonic (1995)[5], as noted by a wake-up call in its opening scene[6]. Time to pop in that USB stick and view it in today’s contexts.

    #2021 #Gregorian #LEGO #month #calendar #twentyTwentyOne #31days #noFilter

    Previously: https://tantek.com/2020/356/t1/december-winter-solstice

    1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/01/06/electoral-college-vote-stopped-unclear-when-resume-after-riot/6572441002/
    2. https://www.newyorker.com/news/video-dept/a-reporters-footage-from-inside-the-capitol-siege
    3. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2021/01/14/covid-vaccine-distribution-by-state-how-many-covid-vaccines-have-been-given-in-us-how-many-people/6599531002/
    4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/biden-keystone-xl-1.5877038
    5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film)
    6. https://twitter.com/DatesInMovies/status/1218154517360934912

  3. TFW an old post hits #HackerNews https://news.ycombinator.com/news #jsdr

    Still true: making sites that depend on client #JS to view content is bad practice and you should feel bad.

    Prev: https://tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead (https://twitter.com/t/status/575434935554584576)

    I miss the optimism of 2015.

    For completeness (and those clicking through POSSE copy original post links), Hacker News permalink that does not depend on JS to view:
    * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25813836
