▶️ watched “Leonardo Da Vinci: The Universal Man” (https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08HJP5LKN/) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11143562/
No large language models (LLM) were used in the production of this post.
Inspired by a subtle but clear sign-of-the-times one-line disclaimer at the end of RFC9518’s Acknowledgments (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9518.html#appendix-A-4)
“No large language models were used in the production of this document.”
I have added a similar disclaimer to the footer of my homepage:
“No large language models were used in the production of this site.”
2023 was certainly a year that LLMs took off and stole the hypecycle from #metaverse and #blockchain before that.
Yet unlike those previous two, #LLMs are already having real impacts on the way people create (from emails to art), communicate (LLM chat apps), and work (2023 Writer’s Strike), fueling growing concerns about the authenticity of content, especially content from human authors.
I expect we will see more such disclaimers in the future.
For now, if you blog on your own site with words written by you not #ChatGPT or a similar tool, I encourage you to add a similar disclaimer, and then add your site as an example to the #IndieWeb wiki:
* https://indieweb.org/LLM#IndieWeb_Examples
#largeLanguageModel #LLM #generativeAI #AI
There is the related problem of, when you discover what seems to be an independent site written by a human, how do you know that human actually exists?
For now I’ll mention that XFN rel=met links, published (e.g. metrolls / met-rolls), aggregated, indexed, and queried, can solve that problem. This will be similar to how XFN rel=me links solved #distributed verification on the web (see https://tantek.com/2023/234/t1/threads-supports-indieweb-rel-me and posts it links to).
This is day 48 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days
← Day 47: https://tantek.com/2023/365/t1/capture-first-edit-publish-later
→ 🔮
Post glossary:
large language model / LLM
Writing about writing: capture first, edit & publish later.
Braindump timely thoughts & experiences into as many draft notes as it takes, while ideas & memories are fresh.
Collecting higher fidelity memories seems more important than editing past writings or finishing/polishing a post for publishing, which can be done at a later time.
Sometimes the passage of time helps provide insights and broader understandings that can help with writing more effective posts, from better summaries to narratives that help sense-making.
Bits of even this minor post sat for weeks, and only today did I add a summary and related thoughts.
Similarly, it makes sense to edit and publish small notes on a subject, without feeling compelled to turn them into a larger blog post, or a longer list of points.
This is a key advantage to publishing on your own #indieweb site, you decide on the granularity of your posts, small, medium or large, instead of being constrained, burdened, or pressured by any particular #socialMedia user interface, character count limitation, or audience expectation.
Like Twitter before it, even the default #Mastodon user interface has limitations, and the #fediverse itself as a whole has audience/cultural expectations (certainly quite a few articles have been written about that).
On your own site you decide if you want to publish a post to make one point, or mention a related point or two, or collect things into a list or longer article, or eventually all of the above.
On your own site you feel more free to prioritize and share what is on your mind, instead of feeling compelled to first respond to whatever topics are trending, or to whatever you happen to read in your algorithmic feed.
This is day 47 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days
← Day 46: https://tantek.com/2023/296/t1/posse-syndicate-link-reply
→ Day 48: https://tantek.com/2023/365/t2/no-large-language-model-llm-used
* “More Thoughtful Reading & Writing on the Web” (https://tantek.com/2023/277/b1/thoughtful-reading-writing-web)
Post glossary:
algorithmic feed
social media
at the first ever #IndieWebCamp San Diego, documented a bunch of discussions and content in new and updated wiki pages on https://indieweb.org/ and updated my home page static events listing.
#IndieWeb wiki pages created, from small stubs to longer and reasonably thorough:
* https://indieweb.org/December
* https://indieweb.org/joy
* https://indieweb.org/what_to_make_at_IndieWebCamp
at a fascinating #Threads meetup hosted by Meta in San Francisco, with a handful of great #dataportability #fediverse #indieweb #openweb folks, learning about and providing feedback to Threads folks about their #federation #ActivityPub and other #openStandards support plans.
Chatham House rule¹ means we can quote and talk about what’s being discussed (I’m taking notes), however no attribution, which I’m extending to not saying (or @-@-mentioning) who else is here.
If you’re also here, feel free to reply to this post or use one of the below hashtags. And since I’m publishing this, feel free to @-me as well.
#DataDialogue #Threadiverse (unofficial hashtag suggestion from a participant)
¹ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_rule
attending Homebrew Website Club - Pacific - 10th Anniversary & Thanksgiving Edition
It’s the 10 year anniversary of Homebrew Website Club (HWC) which first took place 10 years and 2 days ago!¹
We’re celebrating at tonight’s HWC Pacific meetup, live on Zoom til ~20:00 PST.
Plans are afoot for the first ever #IndieWebCamp San Diego as well:
Join us on Zoom (see event link above) and chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/
¹ https://indieweb.org/events/2013-11-20-homebrew-website-club