Re: believe in yourself. Steve: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." I'd agree with that with one caveat: sharpen and practice your inner skeptic, use it to double-check your heart and intuition, as they can be tricked by dogmas both old and new.
went to leave white lilies at SF Apple Store broke down in KTVU 2 interview: (also Flash video :( but was on home page). I was of the Apple ][, ][+, and //e generation, eventually embracing Macintosh as well. Those products inspired me to create, to empathize with users, to build tools for independents and independence, and eventually, open web standards. From square brackets to angle brackets.
many differences at #schemaorg workshop, but some common ground to build on: 1. simplicity of mental model is important, 2. rough consensus that we should support multiple syntaxes - co-evolution and sharing of ideas has informed and mutually improved microformats/microdata/RDFa, 3. multiple types on objects are useful/important, 4. everyone wants to innovate as efficiently as they can, so let's openly share and incorporate brainstorm proposals.
15y ago yesterday vCard 2.1, 13y ago vCard 3, 7y ago hCard, 1mo ago vCard 4: for the history of vCard specifications. A good example of the evolution of a shared semantic vocabulary in the open, over many years and iterations.
going to invite-only #schemaorg workshop Wed., so @KevinMarks and I planned an open @microformats meetup Tue nt: come by and bring any/all thoughts/rants/raves about microformats, microdata, RDFa, HTML semantics, schema(.)org, OGP, etc. I want to help drive the development of these technologies in the open as I don't trust a Google+Microsoft duopoly to either get it right or act in the best interests of the open web. Previously:
asks @jc "Are we finally calling them web actions?" Yes. #webactions make sense in seconds to users, authors, designers, developers. "web intents", not so much. This is based on experiences talking with a very broad set of web folks, from San Francisco, to Brighton, to Portland. in-reply-to:
remembering good times in Brighton+London thanks to hosts @wordridden@adactio@han@mckelvie, many friends, numerous events both planned and last minute: @dConstruct, @UpdateConf, @microformats meetup, Adobe HTML5 Camp, Astronomy Photographer of the Year at Greenwich Observatory, @BarCampBrighton 6, and Sunday Roasts! Most of all it was great seeing so many wonderful people of Brighton and London. Two weeks went by very quickly and missing you all already.
new server exploit: mod_rewrite now-protect*ru redirect added to htaccess, hidden with extra returns/tabs. more: Check all your .htaccess files, turn on "Soft Wrap Text" / "Word Wrap" in your text editor, check for extra lines, search for "now-protect", and delete all such extra lines.
Last Friday I had the chance to attend the 2011 dConstruct conference in Brighton.I really enjoyed the talks this year, even some of the more experimental bits. There were some rough parts, and yet I found every speaker inspiring in a different way.
Did you notice the music? Hopefully not, as like a good interface it should have been a seamless part of your dConstruct experience. However if you did notice it, or you're curious about it, read on.
I'd arrived a few days before, and the day before the talks, Jeremy asked me to pick out a few pod-safe (e.g. Creative Commons licensed) tracks to play during the breaks, in between talks, and at lunch time. Nothing bounce-bounce beep blip bloop he said. I was searching with Google, then Creative Commons's various directory, search, blog, and community resources to little success (though I did find the excellent Asterisk hold music) when Emil suggested that I just try browsing/searching SoundCloud. Aside from apparently needing Flash to listen to the music, that did the trick.
Without further ado, here are for your browsing and few-click downloading (no way to link directly to CC MP3s on Soundcloud) enjoyment is the background soundtrack for dConstruct 2011:
If anyone knows of a FFFFound for uploading of Creative Commons SSSSound, I can upload them and make a podcast (as suggested to Matt Ogle as a simple and useful project/hack for the Institute For the Future of Music). Otherwise go through the above links, do the necessary 3-4 clicks to go to the track, click download, hover to the download link, click, etc., and enjoy some nice background music.
#update2011 # steps to run from link to web (1) vs to native app (9) : web = click, run. native = click, load appstore, click free, click install, enter password, wait for download, go home screen, find new app, click, run.