

  1. wearing my #ilyaz button as I join Ian Jacobs of @W3C to introduce the BarCamp / breakout sessions at #TPAC 2012.

    Twitter post 263563085686648832
  2. once more into the fray. Happy Halloween, congrats SF sports fans. thinking of you as I fight for open standards #TPAC

    Twitter post 262766536316575744
  3. almost forgot: added h-as-note h-as-article classes just after 2012-300 #FSWS #ActivityStreams #microformats2 session.

    Twitter post 262699525456658432
  4. thought for today: swing dancing in sunny GG Park is much more fun than arguing @W3C licensing. heading to #TPAC soon.

    Twitter post 262698511253008385
  5. mentioned #POSSE in my #FSWS talk. More projects you should use: @relmeauth, @cassisjs, #microformats2 h-entry: http://microformats.org/wiki/relmeauth, cassisproject.com, microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#h-entry

    Twitter post 261921313583681536
  6. #FSWS participants: /join #indiewebcamp on Freenode for IRC backchannel: irc://irc.freenode.net/indiewebcamp #fsws2012

    Twitter post 261914411327954944
  7. gave overview of #indiewebcamp + #POSSE indiewebcamp.com/POSSE at #fsws2012, brought FEED book: tantek.com/asin/0316081051 #fsw

    Twitter post 261894020261883904
  8. happy to be participating in 2012 Federated Social Web Summit. Live etherpad notes: etherpad.mozilla.org/fsw #fsw #fsws2012

    Twitter post 261880905403084802
  9. quite happy with this Stanley stainless steel flask: tantek.com/asin/B003AWN1RY. ht: @timoni during #xoxofest. More: holds a good amount of water and is much nicer than plastic or sports/running water bottles: both for carrying (the flask is flat-ish, fits very comfortably in your hand or small bags) and for when dressed up a bit for an evening of swing dancing.

    Twitter post 260874318446227456
  10. Apple Facebook Google SF bus flow map by @Stamen allthingsd.com/files/2012/09/scaled2.0_final_web_trimmed.gif resembles Napoleon's March: edwardtufte.com/tufte/graphics/poster_OrigMinard.gif

    Twitter post 260533349347627008
  11. A Few San Francisco Election Flyer Statistics

    Every election season it seems we're deluged with flyers and mailers for (and against) various propositions and candidates. Rather than just getting annoyed and recycling them, this time I've collected them to gather a few simple stats just to see who and what issues were wasting the most paper, here in San Francisco (SF) District 5.

    As of I've received the following:

    California Propositions Flyers

    Flyers primarily about specific California (CA) state propositions:

    • 2 from "Small Business Action Committee" (re: 30, 32, 40)
    • 2 from "Budget Watchdogs" (re: 30-37, 39)
    • 1 from "San Francisco Firefighters" (re: 30, 32, A-E, F, supervisors, state senate/assembly)

    None of these flyers had URLs for the supporting organizations, nor did they have any verifiable citations backing up any of their positions on propositions. Thus I cannot trust any of their recommendations.

    All I can factually conclude is that "Small Business Action Committee" and "Budget Watchdogs" are more wasteful of paper than "San Francisco Firefighters".

    San Francisco Propositions Flyers

    Flyers primarily about specific SF city propositions:

    Ironically the proponents to "improve our [SF] parks" have wasted the most paper on proposition flyers, more than all other city proposition flyers combined! Perhaps they like parks but not trees?

    SF District 5 Supervisor Flyers

    I've received more district supervisor flyers than all others combined. Sorted by most to fewest, then family-name:

    One of the London Breed flyers even had a hand-written in pen sticky note on it addressed to me by first name which I found a bit creepy.

    SF School Boards

    I also received a few flyers for school and community board positions:

    • 2 from Matt Haney for school board
    • 2 from Hanna Leung for community college board (No URL)

    And those are the flyer totals as of 2012-10-22 morning. I don't think they will affect my voting choices. If anything, the flyers are an annoying waste of resources and make me want to oppose whoever sends them. I may however hold onto them and see how many more I receive before election day.

    Twitter post 260451401094799360
  12. wanting to build it, having it be this hobby, getting people around me excited: techcrunch.com/2012/10/20/zuckerberg-facebook-started-out-as-a-hobby-and-a-project-not-a-company/ by @loyalelectron

    Twitter post 259819246614347776
  13. Reminder: Feedburner API shuts down TODAY developers.google.com/feedburner and business2community.com/blogging/am-i-talking-to-myself-over-here-my-feedburner-saga-0311367 blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2012/10/04/tech-journal-when-to-move-from-feedburner/ #indieweb

    Twitter post 259814910886830080
  14. nice @XOXO project update email. loved re-reading the reactions. trying to keep the #xoxofest positivity in mind+heart

    Twitter post 259464611902926851
  15. @meyerweb asks Or is it ad Rominem? Already defined: ad ROMinem adj Relating to a personal attack on your BIOS: books.google.com/books?id=tZKCZje8178C&pg=PA4&dq=%22ad+rominem%22 The Computer Contradictionary: 2nd Edition, p.4. tantek.com/isbn/0262611120 in-reply-to: https://twitter.com/meyerweb/status/259407053095845888

    Twitter post 259410615653781505
  16. #romnesia "can't remember the polices that are still on your website?" youtu.be/sNGZil616ug genius if a bit ad nominem

    Twitter post 259403198396264449
  17. Romney #bindersfullofwomen lie elections.americablog.com/2012/10/romneys-binder-full-of-women-story-was-a-lie.html Are there wiki debunks of his speeches? Close rationalwiki.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney#2012_campaign

    Twitter post 258623882666332160
  18. Sign in with Twitter broke on @Lanyrd FF+Saf. Time to switch to #RelMeAuth: indieauth.com or OSS microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth#open_source_implementations

    Twitter post 258606173069131777
  19. documented #microformats2 parsing algorithms for p-*, u-*, dt-*, and e-* prefixed properties: microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_algorithm

    Twitter post 258364511411658752
  20. "With Esri, you own your own data." A service that gets it. Congrats @geoloqi+@esri! https://geoloqi.com/blog/2012/10/geoloqi-is-now-part-of-esri/ #ownyourdata

    Twitter post 258332731904237569
  21. "... shared a photo on Twitter!" really @Twitter? See tantek.com/2012/271/b1/why-twitter-spamming-new-updates-emails-every-week, fire your email marketer. cc: @dickc @jack

    Twitter post 258279326854828032
  22. on a more productive note, just documented #microformats2 implied property parsing algorithm: microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_for_implied_properties

    Twitter post 258019775777734657
  23. More #monday fun: #Twitter is over capacity. instagr.am/p/Q0s_mHg9Ql distilleryimage9.instagram.com/6f89dbe2172a11e2afba123138140fd7_7.jpg as usual #ownyourdata #indieweb

    Twitter post 258007063068815360
  24. Monday, time for weekly work fax^H^H^H email processing, while listening to Nirvana's Nevermind (appropriately enough)

    Twitter post 258000862390124544
  25. interesting #indiewebcamp IRC chat on #ActivityStreams, captured on wiki: indiewebcamp.com/ActivityStreams. contributions welcome.

    Twitter post 256857962012893184
  26. #lazyweb Anyone building a web app of Project Hamster (Gnome time tracker app via @fantasai)? projecthamster.wordpress.com/screenshots #qs

    Twitter post 256820921581568000
  27. "journalists want apps that work in very low bandwidth" - quote @pressfreedom conference, that I happen to agree with.

    Twitter post 256178860398374913
  28. #SteveJobs promoted #HTML5 H.264 video over Flash. Apple uses Quicktime .mov embed plugin in his memorial. #regression

    Twitter post 254437379404869633
  29. nice, sad apple.com #stevejobs memorial. sadder: View Source, JS-only plugin not #HTML5 video. .mov: http://movies.apple.com/media/us/stevejobs/stevejobs-memorial-us-20121005_r848-9dwc.mov

    Twitter post 254435396782526464
  30. "The problem is you don't know if what you are posting could irk FB"/G+/Tw thecoolhunter.net/article/detail/2126/when-facebook-disables-your-fan-page #ownyourdata #indieweb

    Twitter post 254307917958877184
  31. This year's Federated Social Web Summit is 2012-10-26 @SayMedia in SF w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/Federated_Social_Web_Summit_2012 want in? ping @evanpro #fsw

    Twitter post 252921999104565250
  32. Monday moment: forgot phone at home. Realized texting is too single-(point-of-failure)-device dependent. IM/DM instead.

    Twitter post 252872037440303106
  33. #UXLx 2013 ux-lx.com early tickets now available. Bruno organized a great #RefreshLX. Highly recommended.

    Twitter post 252798627964141568
  34. 10 Tips on Writing brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/02/07/david-ogilvy-on-writing now at the top of my blog-this.txt to re-read while writing future blog posts.

    Twitter post 252176742553362432
  35. Fellow climbers: please fill out the Mission Cliffs Expansion Survey and ask for more bouldering: www.touchstoneclimbing.com/survey

    Twitter post 251801823504125954
  36. If Twitter is for posting updates, why do "Updates from Twitter" use email? http://i.qkme.me/3r3ove.jpg #philosoraptor

    Twitter post 251388918296084481
  37. Why is Twitter spamming users with new "Updates from Twitter" emails nearly every week?

    I tried to fit this into a tweet, then drafted four, now a post.

    When you click the "unsubscribe to these emails" link at the bottom of the numerous spam emails Twitter has recently been sending out, it takes you to a page that says:

    "Too much chirping? We hear you!"

    Well, apparently you (Twitter) don't, because you're still making up new opt-out email subscriptions.

    Is Twitter so desperate for inflated growth that it's had to resort to new annoying "Updates from Twitter" emails nearly every week?

    Or is it that Twitter has bolloxed up their previously simple UI so much that it's compelled to spam for engagement?

    Must I visit my Twitter Email notifications page regularly to uncheck the latest email marketing brainfart? Why the email notifications Whac-a-mole UI, Twitter?

    Where's this checkbox?

    [x] Never add me to any new "Updates from Twitter" notifications.

    Twitter post 251375984887083009
  38. Thanks @RefreshLX #reflx for being wonderful! slides: #microformats 2: The Next Evolutionary Step tantek.com/presentations/2012/09/microformats2

    Twitter post 249206817886986240
  39. Europe, where music TV stations still play videos and television tuned to a dead channel is still instagram.com/p/P0Vl6Vg9TC/

    Twitter post 248949517536350209
  40. That @simplescott @textfiles #XOXOFest anecdote will have to do for now. Now to @RefreshLx to talk #HTML5 @microformats #uf2.

    Twitter post 248168527389925376
  41. Whereas "dealing" I associate with businessmen and drug dealers: intermediaries. #xoxofest was about disintermediation

    Twitter post 248135402022645760
  42. I said wheeling. Wheels are used when creating (spinners, saws, lathes, disks), which is what we were doing. #xoxofest

    Twitter post 248135362189348865
  43. While hacking with @simplescott on the Unofficial #XOXOFest Directory, @textfiles asked "Are you wheeling or dealing?"

    Twitter post 248135293377589248
  44. Updated: Unofficial @XOXO 2012 Directory tantek.com/xoxo-2012-directory loads faster, optional Twitter follow buttons. #XOXOfest

    Twitter post 247554335481946112
  45. @XOXO @goodonpaper @waxpancake THANK YOU for #XOXOfest! Please do it again, cap attendance, dibs on tickets to alumni.

    Twitter post 247466521922781185
  46. @makerbot I'd create-on-demand toy blocks with glyphs, typefaces, elements, and science! You know, for kids. #xoxofest

    Twitter post 247445484619317248
  47. @xoxo #xoxofest @ev_rat likens new long form writing to old CD-ROMs; @adactio compared iPad apps to CDROMs @UpdateConf

    Twitter post 247415041882718209
  48. find+follow #XOXOfest folks: Unofficial @XOXO 2012 Directory tantek.com/xoxo-2012-directory Best in FF15+Operator, 502 hCards ;)

    Twitter post 247394613801910272
  49. @xoxo: Now for a run before #xoxofest last day. Breakfast, Zells, 9am? cc: @benward @j @karenism @laughingsquid et al.

    Twitter post 247346764267544579
  50. @xoxo early birds, try this unofficial 500+ #xoxofest 2012 directory: tantek.com/xoxo-2012-directory (might stress your browser)

    Twitter post 247345043604660224
  51. @xoxo: great speakers. + wrapped up a simple #xoxofest hack with @simplescott. sleep now; will post it in the morning.

    Twitter post 247257882117144576
  52. @xoxo: “Lesson Number 1: Scratch your own itch. … Dogfooding.” - @danprovost @tomgerhardt #xoxofest #indieweb #diy

    Twitter post 247036030589480961
  53. @xoxo is a filter. ... internet that's into snark, cynicism. We love people who make things, and who love them. -@waxy

    Twitter post 246668840245792768
  54. @xoxo: @cascadebrewing with @laughingsquid @erinjo @karenism @benward @termie @noneck et al. so it begins. #xoxofest

    Twitter post 246419912959066112
  55. Made it to Portland. Looking forward to meeting everyone here for @XOXO. And Happy #8bitday! tantek.com/w/8bitday

    Twitter post 246137268811751424
  56. Wonderful time @dConstruct @IndieWebCampUK @UXBri @digitalbrighton. Onward to Portland for @XOXO conference!

    Twitter post 245802449074532352
  57. just read all of @aral's breakingthin.gs a 2nd time. must read for #indieweb and #diy. #fear #shame #focus #break #fix

    Twitter post 245674611063263232
  58. "Never underestimate the power of a simple explanation and a product that looks nice." - @denisewilton @UXBri #design

    Twitter post 245642018481651714
  59. @UXBri nice final slide in @ds1935's presentation, full citations: instagram.com/p/Pcu8AoA9Re #citation distilleryimage6.instagram.com/cf08aa6afc5111e18d6622000a1cbab4_7.jpg

    Twitter post 245641584668975104
  60. @UXBri if you're into #connnectedhome uses/challenges, watch 1984 movie Electric Dreams en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Dreams_%28film%29 cc @clurr

    Twitter post 245605112976924672
  61. watched @clurr talk #connectedhome @UXBri. Earliest "remote control for your life" ref maybe 2001 thefeaturearchives.com/topic/Announcements/Four_Futurists_on_Tomorrow_s_Mobile_Media.html

    Twitter post 245602039449677826
  62. Inspiring sessions and demos @IndieWebCampUK this past weekend. Notes on the wiki: indiewebcamp.com/2012/UK/Schedule #indieweb

    Twitter post 245568314703761410
  63. I'm demonstrating @Falcon in its current awkward posting state @IndieWebCampUK by editing the static file. #indieweb

    Twitter post 244801143321022464
  64. fascinating "cite this story" #UI at end of Science Daily articles e.g.: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120906144623.htm nevermind NASCAR buttons

    Twitter post 244245367913320448
  65. dConstruct 2012 intersession soundtrack

    I'm attending dConstruct again , and like last year, put together a few pod-safe tracks for before and after the talks. They're all Creative Commons licensed and downloadable. Here's the set list if you'd like to enjoy them for yourself.

    1. The path to the future... by Firebrand
    2. Summer's Secret Sounds (Future Animation Score Thingy) by Lady Vinyl
    3. Future 78 by rupertlally
    4. Sleep by MitchFuture
    5. Bad Circuit - Millimeters Away by Future Management Agency
    6. Tacit by Resotone
    7. Elixir - Distant Future FULL by ElixirDnB
    8. Rocket Cars (Shifting Into The Future) by The Number Sixes
    9. Atomic-Powered Hydrofoil of the Future by Sage Chow

    Access each track by following the links and clicking the ( Download ) button on the subsequent pages. Share and enjoy!

    Twitter post 244088308748140544
  66. #ireality closing set: I Feel Love, Echo Beach, Call Me, Funkytown, This Is Not A Love Song, Happy House, If I Can't Have You

    Twitter post 244014797149061121
  67. Dear #ireality #ireality2012 speakers, what to do about those trying to revert to the past? eg undo teaching evolution, to instead teach creationism/I.D., undo same-sex marriage and gay rights in general, undo women's rights over their bodies, and undo healthcare/obamacare?

    Twitter post 243701671585271808
  68. Attending @dconstruct? Let's start lurking in the #dconstruct IRC backchannel on Freenode. See you soon.

    Twitter post 242804031158894592
  69. great idea+execution: "Pretty Eight Machine" #NIN Pretty Hate Machine re-imagined #8bit inversephase.bandcamp.com/album/pretty-eight-machine #chiptune

    Twitter post 242414724120211456
  70. just one week until @IndieWebCampUK! Have your own site, want to do more? Join us 9/9 in Brighton indiewebcamp.com/2012/UK/Guest_List

    Twitter post 242331275229294592
  71. made a new favelet because FF, Chrome, IE stopped supporting "javascript:" in URL bar. Get JSeval favelets.com/#jseval

    Twitter post 242096502690955264