
Tantek with NovemberProject San Francisco friends sitting on the Alta Plaza park steps after the PR Wednesday workoutGraffiti street art of a flying saucer abducting a fallen skateboarder on a running path in the Panhandle park#fbf to two days ago running to @Nov_Project_SF #PRWednesday and finishing 40 burpees & 4 spokes in 27:00 — a new PR on the "new" (since this year I think) #NPSF PR Wednesday course. Before this week I admit I didn’t feel very motivated by this new course, still wanting to improve on the previous course. I do know that I’ve never made it past 30 burpees & 3 spokes.

This morning was also the first time I’ve run to the Wednesday workout in quite some time. Definitely first time this year, and maybe since 2017? I also ran back afterwards, and saw this(2) graffiti street art on the running path in the Panhandle park.

#2019_212 #20190731 #run #NPSF #runner #NovemberProjectSF #runners #AltaPlazaPark #SF #newPR #latergram #nofilter

Previously: https://tantek.com/2018/150/t1/npsf-double-pr-wednesday

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