
Mostly cloudy sky, with a low sun illuminating streaks of light blue, yellow, and orange, above a tiny San Francisco skyline barely visible above distant Marin Headlands hills, Coastal trail in font, with fresh green bushes and grasses on either side.Grey clouds above, a distant orange-ish horizon with Sutro tower poking above, rolling hills in the foreground.The sun shining through grey cloud cover, above a streaky orange horizon, hills of San Francisco Marin, the Pacific ocean on the right edge betwen them, green hills and buses in the foreground.Rocky hill and outcroppings extending into the ocean, the sandy beach and surf in the foreground, the ocean on the right side with two quite small rocky outrcoppings emerging from the surf.Jagged rocky outcropping extending into the ocean, with surf and a sandy beach in the foreground.Looking down at the surf coming up the sandy beach and surrounding trail running shoes, socks, legs, and shorts above them.🌄 #Solstice #SFRC, sun’s getting real low. The solar arc at its lowest on the greyest day. 10+ miles started with friends, run #solo as usual, only seeing friends again afterwards at breakfast.

Ran most of the SFRC course, skipping the first loop. Up Miwok(2) to Coyote Ridge(3) then down to Coastal Fire Road(1) to Tennessee Valley. Ran the last little bit to Tennessee Valley Beach(4,5,6) then Tennessee Valley trail all the way back to breakfast.

My first double-digit miles run since the November North Face Endurance Challenge Races.

Gradually stepping it up for my #50miletraining.

#run #trail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #LetsDoThis #MarinHeadlands #TennesseeValley #trailsForBreakfast #sunrise #WorkHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #noFilter

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