Choosing a domain name is a key step toward getting your own #IndieWeb site. Like choosing an account name (chat, email, Mastodon) but global, feels more personal, and like more of a commitment. Six tips:
1. Use some form of your name (given & family), so you have a chance of having your site and posts show up when people search for you
2. Or a made-up nickname that fits you now and into the future
3. Something easily memorable, speakable, & spellable to better tell people in-person or on the phone (i.e. avoid "cute" or "weird" spellings like dropping vowels)
4. Use to quickly try variants
5. Try to get a .com .net or .org, which are still seen as more legitimate. A .me is ok, as is your country/region (e.g. .us .uk .eu etc. see for more examples)
6. Shorter is better for many reasons:
Once you find an available name, choose a domain registrar, which is like choosing a phone company, except there are more of them. Some recommendations:
Got questions, or want more tips & opinions?
Ask in — you’ll get a lot of sympathy & support as nearly everyone there has gone through this process, and many are eager to share their experiences to make it easier for new folks. is hard, it’s ok to ask for help.
This is day 4 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days
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