

  1. The answer to “How should you @-mention someone you are replying to?”¹ can depend on many factors or a few. Context matters somewhat, sometimes.

    We can simplify it to 2 questions, based on 1 directive:

    * Elevate #IndieWeb domains, above any silo or @-@ identities

    Two questions and answers:

    1. Do they have an #IndieWeb domain? Then @-domain mention them², like you are speaking to them at their domain identity. This will notify them there, or at least reinforce their domain’s importance.

    2. Was their post only published on a silo (or #fediverse instance), or was it POSSEd to a silo (or fediverse instance) and you plan to POSSE (or federate) your reply³? Then use their silo @-name (or @-@ address), in parentheses if (1). This will notify them on that silo (or instance), and may help thread your POSSE reply.


    If the author has their own domain:

    Reply to an IndieWeb post (& POSSE toot): https://tantek.com/2023/008/t1/
    * @-domain (@-@)

    Reply to an IndieWeb post (& POSSE tweet): https://tantek.com/2023/016/t1/
    * @-domain [that matches their Twitter @-name]

    Reply to a toot: https://tantek.com/2023/008/t4/
    * @-domain (@-@)

    Reply to a tweet: https://tantek.com/2023/002/t2/
    * @-domain (Twitter @-name)

    If the author does not have their own domain:

    Reply to a toot: https://tantek.com/2023/002/t4/
    * @-@

    Reply to a tweet: none since this series, though it would be of the form:
    * Twitter @-name

    This is day 17 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days, again finished the next day.

    ← Day 16: https://tantek.com/2023/017/t1/socialweb-blogs-reply-comment-post
    → Day 18: https://tantek.com/2023/019/t5/reply-domain-above-address-and-silo

    ¹ https://tantek.com/2023/017/t1/socialweb-blogs-reply-comment-post
    ² https://tantek.com/2023/011/t1/indieweb-evolving-at-mention
    ³ https://tantek.com/2023/015/t1/publish-indieweb-decide-distribute
