

  1. Instead of posting on a personal #IndieWeb site (& POSSE copies), some post primarily to a #fediverse instance and syndicate to Twitter, or vice-versa. How to reply¹ to such posts, e.g.:

    Reply to a toot (& POSSE tweet): https://tantek.com/2023/019/t4
    * @-@ (Twitter @-name)

    This is a variant of case (2) in https://tantek.com/2023/018/t1/elevate-indieweb-above-silo.

    We can update the directive and two questions & answers in that prior post accordingly:

    * Elevate #IndieWeb domains above @-@ addresses, and those above any silo identities

    1. Do they have an #IndieWeb domain? Then @-domain mention them², like you are speaking to them at their domain identity. This will notify them there, or at least reinforce their domain’s importance.

    2. Was their post only published on a #fediverse instance (and/or silo), or was it POSSEd to a fediverse instance (and/or silo) and do you plan to federate (and/or POSSE) your reply³?
    Then use their @-@ address or silo @-name, or @-@ (silo @-name) for both, or (@-@, silo @-name) parenthetically following their @-domain if (1). This will notify them on that instance (or silo), and may help thread your POSSE reply.

    When posting a reply, you (or your CMS automatically) should explicitly link with u-in-reply-to markup to the post your are replying to, and any of its syndicated copy permalinks on destinations you plan to POSSE your reply (see also multi-reply).

    This is day 18 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days, written the day after.

    ← Day 17: https://tantek.com/2023/018/t1/elevate-indieweb-above-silo
    → Day 19: https://tantek.com/2023/020/t2/bridgy-fed-follow-form

    ¹ https://tantek.com/2023/017/t1/socialweb-blogs-reply-comment-post
    ² https://tantek.com/2023/011/t1/indieweb-evolving-at-mention
    ³ https://tantek.com/2023/015/t1/publish-indieweb-decide-distribute

  2. Thanks @w3cdevs@w3c.social (@w3cdevs) & @w3c@w3c.social, good to be back on the @W3CAB.

    As W3C Developers noted, we have a lot Priority Projects work to do. I have rejoined the Vision project: https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB/2023_Priorities#Vision.2FPrinciples, with gratitude to @cwilso.com (@cdub@mastodon.social) for his editing & stewardship, and am looking forward to helping support his leadership & initiative on that project.

  3. rolandtanglao.com (@roland@devdilettante.com) thanks for the kind words and yes I was at W3C TPAC in Vancouver, would have been nice to chat!

    You’re right, neither ActivityPub, Webmention, nor h-entry for that matter have any explicit length limits.

    You can run “an experimental 10,000 character limit AP implementation” on your existing site rolandtanglao.com with a few webdev steps:

    Setup Bridgy Fed support on your site:
    * https://fed.brid.gy/docs#setup (SSL, /.well-known/ server redirects, homepage h-card)

    Add h-entry + h-card markup to your post template:
    * https://fed.brid.gy/docs#how-post

    Then send Bridgy Fed a Webmention when you publish a post.

    Presto, you’re running an AP implementation without a character limit!

    Happy to help with any of those steps. Drop by https://chat.indieweb.org/dev!

  4. @swart@mastodon.cloud my #IndieWeb site https://tantek.com/, which runs its own software, doesn’t have any explicit length limit, nor does https://fed.brid.gy/, the service I use to federate to ActivityPub followers such as Mastodon instances.

    Both client & server as it were. I haven’t seen it cause any problems with other instances yet.

    For more about how an #IndieWeb setup works, and why, you might be interested in:
    * https://tantek.com/2023/005/t3/indieweb-simpler-approach

  5. Bridgy Publish feature request: Support posting to GitLab sites


    It would be great if there was a way to post issues & comments for GitLab repos, on a personal site, and have Bridgy Publish syndicate them to the actual GitLab repos. e.g. feature requests to Pleroma:

    Such as:

    • Implement IndieAuth support (both sign-in with IndiAuth, and use of a Pleroma profile as an IndieAuth identity to sign-in elsewhere)
    • Implement Micropub server support
    • Implement Webmention support, sending & receiving
  6. @novakeith.net (@knova@dartboard.social) welcome to #100DaysOfIndieWeb!

    There’s a few of us doing this:
    * https://indieweb.org/100_days#2023
    Feel free to add yourself to the ”100 Days of IndieWeb” section if you like, or to a new subhead for #AtLeast100!
