The Library of Infinite Loan is a physical world practice I conceived of many many years ago^1, implemented in minimal prototype form 5+ years ago^2, shared a summary with the #IndieWeb community at least four years ago at #IndieWebCamp Austin in 2020^3 and last year in IndieWeb chat^4, so it’s about time^5 I wrote it down. Summary: lend a #book from your personal library^6 to a friend, on the conditions that they do not donate sell or dispose of it, and instead when they are done with it they return it or lend it to someone else who agrees to these conditions. My goal was to create a book lending system that: * preserves books — effectively in a giant #distributed communal #library * makes lending easier fiscally, psychologically, emotionally for both parties * encourages direct person-to-person lending without intermediaries * grows a culture of non-zero-sum sharing, preservation, and longterm thinking The basic steps to create a Library of Infinite Loan: 1. Create a separate space (like a particular bookshelf) for #books to infinite lend. A small shelf in a guest room or common space like a hallway works well. 2. Move books there that you are ok lending out and never seeing again 3. Label that space your “Library of Infinite Loan”, or invite guests to borrow from your “Library of Infinite Loan” 4. When visitors ask what that means, explain the Rules Rules for borrowing from a Library of Infinite Loan (“the Rules”) 1. Keep it as long as you like 2. Do not sell donate or otherwise dispose of it 3. You may give it a. back to the person you borrowed from b. or back to its original purchaser if they wrote their name and web address inside c. or (lend it) to someone else who agrees to the Rules There are several ways to extend / expand the Library of Infinite Loan: * custom book plate: design a custom book plate for yourself with room for your name (and web address) on it e.g. “From Tantek’s ( Library” (with space), print it on longterm adhesive paper, and place it inside new books you purchase. When you move a book to your Library of Infinite Loan, amend the book plate to say ”… Library of Infinite Loan” and attach a copy of the Rules. * add a “borrowers log” with blank lines for anyone you lend it to or they lend it to, transitively, to optionally add their name, web address, and a date of borrowing. Then amend the rules to allow returning a book to who you borrowed from or anyone in the borrower log or original purchaser. * more media: CDs, vinyl records, DVDs, LaserDiscs, VHS, cassette tapes, video game cartridges etc. * other things * large tools — which usually come in a box with instruction manual, so there’s a logical place to put an “owners plate”, “borrowers log”, and copy of the rules. * artwork — a great way to rotate art among a community This is what I remember off the top of my head and with a little web searching. I know I have a bunch more notes in various places of my thoughts (and conversations) over the years about a Library of Infinite Loan. As I find those notes, I’ll post them as well. #infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan References: ^1 I’m looking through old personal logs for earliest mentions of “infinite loan” ^2 In my 2019 personal log I found a note that I “moved some books as library of infinite loan to guest room” where I had previously setup a small bookshelf for such books. ^3 ^4 ^5 I was also inspired by sharing the idea again to a couple of friends in an espresso-making livestream this morning ^6
Recently ( published the first Group Note of the Vision for W3C: I’m the current editor of the Vision for W3C and helped get it across the line this year to reach #w3cAB (W3C Advisory Board consensus to publish as an official Group Note, the first official Note that the AB (Advisory Board) has ever published. I’m very proud of this milestone, as I and a few others including many on the AB^1, have been working on it for a few years in various forms, and with the broader W3C Vision TF^2 (Task Force) for the past year. W3C also recently announced the Vision for W3C in their news feed: One of the key goals of this document was to capture the spirit of why we are at #W3C and our shared values & principles we use to guide our work & decisions at W3C. If you work with any groups at W3C, anything from a Community Group (CG) to a Working Group (WG), I highly recommend you read this document from start to finish. See what resonates with you, if there is anything that doesn’t sound right to you, or if you see anything missing that you feel exemplifies the best of what W3C is, please file an issue or a suggestion: Check that list to see if your concerns or suggestions are already captured, and if so, add an upvote or comment accordingly. Our goal is to eventually publish this document as an official W3C Statement, with the consensus of the entire #w3cAC (W3C Advisory Committee). One key aspect which the Vision touches on but perhaps too briefly is what I see as the fundamental purpose of why we do the work we do at W3C, which in my opinion is: To create & facilitate user-first interoperable standards that improve the web for humanity The Vision does mention “#interoperable” explicitly as part of our Vision for the Web in ”There is one interoperable world-wide Web.” The Vision also mentions “#interoperability” explicitly in our Operational Principles “Interoperability: We verify the fitness of our specifications through open test suites and actual implementation experience, because we believe the purpose of standards is to enable independent interoperable implementations.” These are both excellent, and yet, I think we can do better, with adding some sort of explicit statement between those two about that “We will” create & facilitate user-first interoperable standards that improve the web for humanity. In the coming weeks I’ll be reflecting how we (the VisionTF) can incorporate that sort of imperative “We will” statement about interoperable standards into the Vision for W3C, as well as working with the AB and W3C Team on defining a succinct updated mission & purpose for W3C based on that sort of input and more. In a related effort, I have also been leading the AB’s “3Is Priority Project^3” (Interoperability and the Role of Independent Implementations), which is a pretty big project to define and clarify what each of those three Is mean, with respect to each other and Incubation, which is its own Priority Project^4. As part of the 3Is project, the first “I” I’ve been focusing on has unsurprisingly been “Interoperable”. As with other #OpenAB projects, our work on understanding interoperability, its aspects, and defining what do we mean by interoperable is published and iterated on the W3C’s public wiki: This is still a work in progress, however it’s sufficiently structured to take a look if interoperability is something you care about or have opinions about. In particular, if you know of definitions of interoperable or interoperability that resonate and make sense to you, or articles or blog posts about interoperability that explore various aspects, I am gathering such references so we can make sure the W3C’s definition of interoperable is both well-stated, and clearly reflects a broader industry understanding of interoperability. References: ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4
Last week I participated ( #w3cAC (W3C Advisory Committee^1), #w3cAB (W3C Advisory Board^2, and #w3cBoard (Board of the W3C Corporation^3) meetings in Hiroshima, Japan. The AC (Advisory Committee) meeting was two days, followed by two days of AB and Board meetings which started with a half-day joint session (including the #w3cTAG), then separate meetings to focus on their own tasks & discussions. The W3C Process^4 describes the twice a year AC (Advisory Committee) Meetings^5. In addition to members of the AC (one primary and one alternate per W3C Member Organization), the meetings are open to the AB (Advisory Board), the W3C Board, the W3C TAG (W3C Technical Architecture Group^6, Working Group^7 chairs, Chapter^8 staff, and this time also a W3C Invited Expert designated observer^9. The AC currently meets in the Spring on its own and at a shorter meeting in the Fall as part of the annual #w3cTPAC (W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee^10 meetings). The existence, dates, and location of the event are public^11, however the agenda, minutes, and registrants are generally Member-confidential. Since those individual links have their own access controls, I collected them on a publicly-viewable wiki page for easier discovery & navigation (if you work for a W3C Member Organization^12): * Most of the W3C meeting materials and discussions were also W3C Member-confidential, however many of the presentations are publicly viewable, and a few more may be shared publicly after the fact. Myself and others at #W3C who believe in pushing for more openness and transparency in standards work, even (or especially) governance of said work, will be doing our best to work with others at W3C to continue shifting our work accordingly. Aside: I started the #OpenAB project when I was first elected to the AB (Advisory Board) in 2013, documenting it on the publicly viewable W3C Wiki, and updated it with the help of others since: Like most conferences, I got as much out of side conversations at breaks (AKA hallway track^13) and meals as I did from scheduled talks and panels. For now, here are the events, slides, and videos which are publicly viewable that provide an interesting glimpse into some of the topics discussed: * 📄 report: * 🖼 slides: * 🖼 slides: * 🖼 slides: * ▶️ video 5m42s: * ▶️ video 4m16s: * 🗓 event: * 🖼 slides: * 🖼 slides: * 🖼 slides: (nice #IndieWeb mention) * 🖼 slides: * 🖼 slides: Warning: the proposed use of .well-known therein is IMO a bad mistake. Unnecessary reinvention (most handled by existing rel values^14), more complex to author (requires sidefiles^15), harder to publish (requires site admin root access), likely to become inaccurate (Ruby’s postulate^16), and fragile (site admins frequently break .well-known for individual pages). A full critique likely requires its own blog post. * 🗓 event: I’ll update this list with additional resources as they are made publicly viewable. If you work for a W3C Member Organization you can view the full list of resources linked from the Member-confidential agenda: References: ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ^7 ^8 ^9 ^10 ^11 ^12 ^13 ^14 ^15 ^16
Happy World Piano Day^1! Because there are 88 keys on a standard piano, the 88th day of the year was established as a day to “celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers and most important, the listener”. There are multiple websites about Piano Day: * * And related #socialMedia and other profiles: * * * Spotify playlist: I appreciate that Piano Day is on an ordinal day of the year (88th) rather than a Gregorian date (e.g. 8/8 or August 8th) which is subject to leap year variances. The 88th day of the year is the 88th day regardless whether it is a leap year or not. From a standards perspective, we can express today’s Piano Day as 2024-088, an ISO ordinal date^2, however there is no standard date format for just "the 88th day of a year" without specifying a year (yearless). There is (was) a way to specify a yearless month and day, like you might see as a birthday displayed on a social media site, without disclosing the year, or an annual holiday like May Day^3, that is May 1st, without a specific year: --05-01 This yearless date format (--MM-DD or shorthand --MMDD) was supported in the ISO 8601:2000 standard, but then dropped in the 2004 revision. This omission or deliberate removal was an error, because there are both obvious human visible use-cases (communicating holidays, and yearless birthdays as noted above), and other standards already depended on this yearless date format syntax (e.g. vCard^4 and specs that refer to it like hCard and h-card). Every version of ISO 8601 since 2000 has this flaw. Fixing (or patching) #ISO8601 is worth a separate post. Returning to yearless ordinal dates, since they lack an interchange syntax, we can define one resembling the yearless month day format, yet unambiguously parseable as a yearless ordinal date: ---DDD e.g. Piano Day would be represented as: ---088 We have to use three explicit digits because there's also pre-existing "day of the month" and "month of the year" syntaxes which are very similar, but with two digits: --MM ---DD This yearless #ordinalDate syntax (---DDD) is worth proposing as a delta "repair" spec to ISO 8601 (use-cases: Piano Day and others like Programmer’s Day^5), alongside at least a restoration of the --MM-DD yearless month day syntax (use-cases: publishing holidays and yearless birthdays), perhaps also the ---DD day of the month and --MM month of the year syntaxes (use-case: language independent numerical publishing of Gregorian months and days of months), and propose adding a NewCal bim of the year syntax --B (numerically superior replacement for Gregorian months and quarters). Glossary: hCard h-card NewCal References: ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 in effect! Well done 🙌🏻 #POSSE threads “Me: You should publish on your own website first, then other platforms. Me: Publishes on my own website first, then other platforms. Galaxy brains: HOW IRONIC YOU PUBLISH ON OTHER PLATFORMS” #IndieWeb
Join the open social web or be relegated the same fate as AOL, who couldn't even sustain their dominant instant messaging silo. #Twitter, #Pinterest, #Snapchat, #Quora, you're not special enough to survive on your own. And tick-tock #TikTok. #fediverse threads “If Meta can join the Fediverse, what's your excuse?” #openSocialWeb #AOL #AIMsilo Want to learn more about rel=me distributed identity verification with zero cryptohashfoo blockchaining? Drop by #HTML FTW! “as everyone is trying out fediverse, today is a good reminder that threads support rel=me link verification -- another open web standard we adopted last year. this is useful right now because you can't see fediverse replies to your posts on threads yet. so if you use a mastodon alt account to reply to your threads posts, setting this up proves you are the owner of the mastodon and threads account. see post below on how to set this up: “to set your own up: 1. add your mastodon profile to your threads link in bio. 2. add your threads profile to your mastodon profile 3. save your profile and it should show as verified now” ” Previously: #microformats #relme #fediverse #Threads
Agreed Given the feedback in the comments, I accept that the marginal benefit of explicitly adding "malvertising" as less than the marginal costs of doing so (document length, jargon/uncommon term). I’m open to other purely editorial changes that help simplify the Vision and improve its readability, but those should be proposed as separate issues / pull requests. Per’s proposal and no objections to’s comment, since I filed this issue I am closing without prejudice.
Are you celebrating #spring #equinox [ ] in September for the Southern Hemisphere [ ] 2024-03-21 [ ] 2024-03-20 [ ] 2024-03-20 03:06Z [ ] 2024-03-19 [ ] 2024-03-19 23:06 EDT [ ] 2024-079 [ ] 2024-079 20:06 PDT and optionally, why did you choose which choice(s)?
While an HTML style element for inline CSS needs nothing but simple start and end tags (as of HTML5 and later) <style> p { color: red } </style> a more robust style element requires a precise series of overlapping code comments. Here is the answer if you want a code snippet to copy & paste <style><!--/*--><![CDATA[*/ p { color: red } /* you may delete this sample style rule */ /*]]><!--*/--></style> Here is why: 1. Not all HTML processors are CSS processors. While all modern browsers know how to parse CSS in style elements inside HTML, it is still quite reasonable for people to build HTML processors that do not, and many exist. There are plenty of ways to errantly or deliberately misplace markup inside a style element, like in a CSS comment, that such processors will not see, that can break them and cause unexpected and different results in different processors. Strictly speaking any use of > child combinator selector syntax should also be HTML escaped (as >) inside a style elment. Thus it makes your HTML more parseable, by more processors, if you can hide the entirety of the style sheet inside the style element from such processing, including any child combinators. A CDATA section does exactly that: <style><![CDATA[ p { color: orange } /* CDATA allows a </style> here to not close the element */ body > p { margin: 1em } /* CDATA also allows an unescaped > child combinator */ ]]></style> 2. However CSS syntax does not recognize a CDATA directive (even as of the latest published CSS Syntax Module Level 3^1 or editor's draft^2 as of this writing). CSS parsers may very well treat a CDATA directive as a syntax error that invalidates the subsequent style rule. Thus we must hide the CDATA directive, its opening and closing markup, from CSS parsers. CSS code comments /* ... */ can do exactly that: <style>/*<![CDATA[*/ p { color: orange } /* CDATA allows a </style> here to not close the element */ body > p { margin: 1em } /* CDATA also allows an unescaped > child combinator */ /*]]>*/</style> 3. This is close but still exposes HTML processors that do not process CSS to a minimal bit of content, the CSS comment opener and closer that are outside the CDATA section: /* */ This recently showed up in a draft of the This Week in The #IndieWeb newsletter^3, because portions of it are automatically constructed by parsing the HTML of MediaWiki pages for content, and one of those used a MediaWiki template that included a minimal style element to style the marked up content inserted by the template. A draft of the newsletter was showing raw CSS, extracted as text from the style element by the CSS-unaware parser extracting content. I was able to hide nearly all of it using CSS comments around the CDATA section opener and closer. Except for that little bit of CSS comment noise outside the CDATA section: /* */ Fortunately there is one more tool in our toolbox that we can use. Simple HTML/SGML comments <!-- --> are ignored at the start and end of style sheets^4 (noted there as CDO-token^5 and CDC-token^6), and thus we can use those to hide the last two remaining CSS comment pieces that were leaking out, like this: <!-- /* --> and <!-- */ -->. Note that the portion of the HTML comment directives that are inside CSS comments are ignored by CSS processors, which is why this works for both processors that parse CSS and those that do not. This last addition produces our answer, with no fewer than three different comment mechanisms (CDATA, CSS, HTML/SGML), overlapping to hide each other from different processors: <style><!--/*--><![CDATA[*/ p { color: orange } /* CDATA allows a </style> here to not close the element */ body > p { margin: 1em } /* CDATA also allows an unescaped > child combinator */ /*]]><!--*/--></style> By replacing those informative style rules with a style rule to be deleted, we have recreated the code snippet to copy & paste from the top of the post: <style><!--/*--><![CDATA[*/ p { color: red } /* you may delete this sample style rule */ /*]]><!--*/--></style> Q.E.D. Afterword: If you’re reading this in a traditional feed reader and see any red or orange text, then your feed reader has a bug (or a few) in its HTML parsing code. If you View Source on this post’s original permalink or my home page you can see the more robust style element in a real world example, following the IndieWeb Use What You Make^7 principle. #CSS #style #styleElement #styleSheet #HTML #HTML5 #CSSsyntax #codeComments #CDATA #SGML #CSScomment #HTMLcomment #SGMLcomment Glossary: CDATA CSS — Cascading Style Sheets HTML — HyperText Markup Language HTML5 IndieWeb Principles MediaWiki original permalink Q.E.D. References: ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ^7
What I created while remotely participating at #IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024: wiki-gardened day 1’s BarCamp sessions notes pages, and documented my @-mention @-@-mention autolinking coding improvements I built the Sunday before. Day 2 of IndieWebCamps is Create Day, where everyone is encouraged to create, make, or build something for their personal website, or the IndieWeb community, or both. At the start of day 2, everyone is encourage to pick things to make^1. What to make at an IndieWebCamp^2 can be anything from setting up your personal website, to writing a blog post, redesigning your styling, building new features, helping other participants, or contributing to shared IndieWeb community resources, whether code or content. Everyone is encouraged to at least pick something they consider easy, that they can do in less than an hour, then a more bold goal, and then perhaps a stretch goal, something challenging that may require collaboration, asking for help, or breaking into smaller steps. For my "easy" task, I built on what another remote participant, completed the night before. gRegor had archived all the IndieWebCamp Brighton Sessions Etherpads onto the wiki, linked from the Schedule page^3. gRegor had noted that he didn’t have time to clean-up the pages, e.g. convert and fix Markdown links. I went through the 13 Session Notes archives and did the following: * converted Markdown links to MediaWiki links * converted (and some services) links to local wiki page links * fixed (some) typos With some help from (, I figured out how to create a MediaWiki Contributions summary link of my edits: * I point this out to provide an example of an IndieWeb Create Day project that is: * incremental on top of someone else’s work * community contribution rather a personal-focused project * editing and wiki-gardening as valid contributions, not just creating new content I point this out to illustrate some of the IndieWeb community's recognitions & values in contrast to typical corporate cultures and incentive systems which often only reward: * new innovations (not incremental improvements) * solo (or maybe jointly in a small team) inventions, designs, specs, or implementations * something large, a new service or a big feature, not numerous small edits & fixes In this regard, the IndieWeb community shares more in common with Wikipedia and similar collaborative communities (despite the #Indie in #IndieWeb), than any corporation. For my "more bold" goal, I wrote a medium-sized post about the auto-linking improvements I made the Sunday before the IndieWebCamp to my personal website with examples and brief descriptions of the coding changes & improvements. * My stretch goal was to write up a more complete auto-linking specification, based on the research I have done into @-mention @-@-mention user practices (on #Mastodon, other #ActivityPub or #fediverse implementations, and even across #socialMedia silos), as well as how many implementations autolink plain text URLs, domains, and paths. That stretch goal remains a goal, however I did collect a handful of prior posts on @-mentions which I plan to source for specifying auto-linking and @-mentioning: * * * * * #autoLink #atDomain #atPath #atMention #atMentions #atat #atAtMention I was one of a few remote participants in addition to ~18 in-person participants, the overwhelming majority of overall attendees, who demonstrated something at the end of IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 day 2. See what everyone else made & demonstrated on Create Day: * And read what other participants have blogged about their IndieWebCamp Brighton experience: * * * This is post 13 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts ← → 🔮 Glossary: Create Day IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 References: ^1 ^2 ^3
Updated the auto-linking code^1 on my website last Sunday to handle a few more @-mention use-cases. In particular: * @-domains with dashes/hyphens like * @-@ with (some) Unicode alphabetic characters like @briansuda@loðfí * @-domain-and-path for indicating @-mentions of silo profiles that don’t support @-@ syntax, like or I also dropped auto-linking of URLs with user:password "userinfo", since they’ve been long abandoned and effectively deprecated because there’s fairly wide agreement that such basic HTTP authentication^2 was poorly designed and should not be used (and thus should not be linked). If you’re curious you can take a look at, which has updated functions: * auto_link_re() — regular expression to recognize URLs, @-mentions, @-@, and footnotes to link * auto_link() — specifically the code to recognize different kinds of @-@ and @-mentions and link them properly to profiles, domains, and paths. This code is only live on my website (testing in production^3 as it were) for now, and you’re welcome to copy/paste to experiment with it. I plan to test it more over the coming weeks (or so) and when I feel it is sufficiently well tested, will update it on GitHub^4 as well. With this additional auto-linking functionality, I feel I have a fairly complete implementation of how to auto-link various URLs and @-mentions, and plan to write that up at least as a minimal “list of use-cases and how they should work” auto-linking specification. This (blog post) is my contribution to today’s #IndieWebCamp Brighton^5 #hackday! This was originally a project I wanted to complete during IndieWebCamp Nuremberg last October, however I was pre-occupied at the time with fixing other things.^6 #autolink #atmention #atmentions #atat #atatmention This is post 12 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts ← → ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6