Technorati just launched a 2005 New Year's Resolutions page to aggregate resolutions from the blogosphere. Here are mine:
It's been just over a month and yet it feels like it has been much longer. Many things have happened. On a personal note, mid last month I caught one of the nastier colds I have ever had. Bad enough to make me take my first two sick days from Technorati. As usual, I stopped drinking coffee when I realized I had a cold (coffee always seemed to exacerbate such illnesses for me, perhaps having to with its dehydration effects). The cold lingered long enough that I went for a week without coffee.
At some point (I don't remember exactly when), a switch flipped and I remember thinking, hmm... I wonder what it would feel like to not drink coffee (or any other caffeinated drinks) for a little while longer. Days turned into weeks and it has now been over six weeks. That is by far the longest I've gone without caffeinated beverages for perhaps ten or eleven years. I had forgotten what it felt like, and strangely enough, I started to feel an awareness of my physical self like that of about ten years ago. Other noticeable changes: going to sleep at night became much easier (obvious), getting up in the morning became much easier (interesting).
I started to wake up at 7am completely of my own volition, before any of my alarms would go off. Stranger still, after about four weeks, I somehow regained the ability to stay up late (like now) without the need for caffeine, which I haven't done since college.
More anecdotally observed or at least perceived changes: much much lower frequency of "panicky" feelings and heart-pounding (though some amount of increased exercise has probably helped that too), increased ability to focus, in contrast with decreased tendency to jump at (i.e. be distracted and derailed by) whatever most recent email, phone call, voicemail, IM etc. I may have just received. Perhaps the best way to put it overall is a greatly increased sense of calm, control, and balance.
I haven't decided yet whether to never drink coffee again or to simply allow myself to drink coffee recreationally once in a while. That will take some additional analysis and introspection. For now I'm still marveling at the feeling of getting my self back, and wondering what additional positive changes could be waiting around the corner. And I suppose I'll have to update my LEGOman avatar in the sidebar.
P.S. Yes, it has been a late night. We made some fixes to several improvements in Technorati, specifically the process of blog claiming for members. In addition, upon Derek's excellent suggestion and design, we've prominently featured the American Red Cross on the Technorati home page. I've noticed that folks have observed a few other sites that have prominently featured donations and ways to help cope with the tsunami tragedy.