

  1. It seems 99% of devs are building ephemeral apps, whether "native" or single-page, not #longweb http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1857

  2. Tough #trackattack today: 800 warmup, 2x(1200 800 400), 4x400 relay, 400 cooldown, abs. Did all that, one difference: 800 warmup, 1200 1200, 1200 800 400, 4x400 relay, 400 cooldown, abs. After I did the first 1200, just as I was reaching the finish line for the first 800, they started the subsequent 400 so I just kept running and my first 800 400 turned into another 1200. That plus the second actual 1200 made three 1200s in a row for me. But I really enjoyed the 4x400 relay. We found out we were to partner up, and I suddenly got hit with classic age-old memories of gradeschool sports / not getting picked / rejection, and froze. Yeah seriously, that happened. I unstuck myself just enough to start looking around to see if anyone else was looking around for a relay partner. Brian (AKA @pavementrunner) looked over, started walking toward me, and asked if I wanted to partner up. Of course! Obviously I would have partnered with anyone - yet, wow, Brian is an inspiration (See tantek.com/2014/117/b1/bostonstrong-pavementrunner-sam-novemberproject for some background). He went first and did 400, then tagged me and I did 400 and tagged him back, repeating until we'd both finished four 400s. One thing about our track workouts is that it's not really supposed to be about racing anybody but yourself and your previous times. Everyone is very supportive and encouraging. We tell each other good job even when being passed. Regardless you can't help feel a sense of friendly competition. It's a *track* inside a *stadium*. That's part of the inspiration of going to track, as you enter through the gates and run down the stairs to the track you feel like you're entering something epic, you're on the field, you're in an *arena*. While intimidating at first (actually, for a while), eventually you feel you deserve to be there, because you chose to #justshowup at 06:00 in the morning when it's often dark (now predawn), and most everyone is asleep. In addition to the "arena" feeling, we regroup on the starting line before each sprint (for the most part), and our track coach counts down from "In 15, 10, 5 seconds, Go!" for us to start at the same time. Being (almost always) slowest anyway, I like to take photos of everyone else launching into the first sprint (and then do my best to not be too far behind). http://scontent-b-sjc.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10601962_283324178520759_1152101154_n.jpg http://instagram.com/p/sKlcpZg9ZP For me it's less so about competition, and more about watching (nearly) everyone else's technique in front of me, and being inspired by their sheer ability. If they can run that fast, maybe I can push myself a little harder to run faster. Maybe I can keep-up or even catch-up. By mimicking others' techniques and even motions, I've been able to go much faster than ever by myself. I ran the first two of those relay 400s at just under a 9:00 minute/mile pace the whole time which was a first for me. I think partly the social pressure to not let my partner down contributed to pushing harder. On the third of four 400s, I just happened to start at the same time as my friend Nick. My friend Nick who did the recent San Francisco Marathon under 3:10 (I did *half*, the first half, in ~2:23 tantek.com/2014/208/t1/finished-sf-half-marathon). I took off as hard as I could, watching Nick pull away from me. I tried to literally copy his motions, moving my legs and arms at the same rhythm and pace as I saw him moving and somehow was able to (breathing as hard as I could). Despite Nick still walking away from me, according to my Nike+ I did an ~8:27 minute/mile pace on that 400. Pretty sure it was my fastest ever, and it felt very different running at that pace. I couldn't repeat it on the last 400, but still did it at under a 9:00/mile pace, and thus the whole set of four under that. Brian and I jogged the cooldown lap together and caught up (talking). I asked him how he felt after his ultramarathon (the ultramarathon challenge at the SF Marathon - running it backwards at midnight, then forwards with everyone else at 5:30am). He happily reported no injuries, sprains, tears or anything else. Just that his legs felt very heavy for a few weeks after so he took it easy (what he means by "taking it easy"). Amazing. We finished track with 5-10 minutes of abs (abdominal exercises). And a group hug photo: http://photos-g.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpa1/927143_679420362133574_1556234502_n.jpg http://instagram.com/p/sNaCAIg1Qg That was this week. Last week's was actually harder (or felt harder): http://photos-h.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/10616750_680035435420631_1442306065_n.jpg http://instagram.com/p/r4iTtNg9SW * 2 miles (8 laps) warmup, 5x400, 5x200, 1 mile (4 lap) cooldown, abs I did: * 3 laps warmup, 5x400, 5x200, 1 lap cooldown, abs http://photos-b.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpf1/10544212_1467990196795329_1063040754_n.jpg http://instagram.com/p/r4l2slg9YO and after our group photo I ran another 2.5km to make up for the missing warmup/cooldown laps. I did all the sprints but wasn't able to keep up with doing the entire warmup and cooldown with everyone else. I'm counting last week's as an "almost" rounding up to "did it" since I at least kept-up, started, finished all the sprints with everyone else, and then did more cooldown distance after to compensate for what I missed. Doing the entire workout this week from start to finish with everyone felt a lot better, especially with those faster 400 times. Hopefully I can remember what I did differently and keep pushing/breaking those 9:00/mile and 8:30/mile barriers. Counting both last and this week, that makes five weeks in a row of complete #NPSF trackattack workouts. Previously: tantek.com/2014/224/t1/trackattack-completed-third-week

  3. @joindiaspora please support webmention & #microformats. They're simpler = more devs can do, more sites/networks compat

    2014-238 12:18 in reply to: https://twitter.com/joindiaspora/status/504291188565082113 using BBEdit.
  4. @sorpeen no need to hack <p>; <blockquote> is for embedding others' text with "cite" attr to source. @kevinmarks+1.

    2014-238 11:10 in reply to: https://twitter.com/sorpeen/status/503918135364579328 using BBEdit.
  5. going to Homebrew Website Club 18:30 @MozSF 2014-08-27. Indie event werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-august-27-2014 silo fb.com/events/257262281151171

    2014-234 16:20 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-august-27-2014 using BBEdit.
  6. #WDC14 video posted The Once and Future #IndieWeb youtu.be/FNr0JNwsLy8 41:48 min, CC-BY. Prev tantek.com/2014/122/t2/wdc14-once-future-indieweb-slides-notes

  7. Appears Google finally killed Google Buzz permalinks e.g.: http://www.google.com/buzz/tantek/8LbV7EbZPie/Brett-Slatkin-rocked-another-PubSubHubbub-talk-at#1279057528102000 #ownyourdata cc: @haxor @willnorris

  8. going to Homebrew Website Club 18:30 @MozSF. Join us! Indie event: werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-august-13-2014 silo: fb.com/events/326393207525928

    2014-225 15:53 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-august-13-2014 using BBEdit.
  9. & second week officially chairing a @W3C telcon. #socialwg, with nice IRC logs socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/today Thanks @aaronpk!

  10. #NPSF #trackattack completed, third week in a row. * warmup 2x800 2x1mile 2x800 abs Previously: tantek.com/2014/217/t1/completed-npsf-trackattack-again-notafluke

  11. Completed #npsf #trackattack again! #notafluke warmup, 3x100, 4x200/200 sprint/jog, 10 min. run, 4x200/200 sprint/jog, 800 cool down. Previously: tantek.com/2014/210/t1/trackattack-warmup-laps-first-time-did-all

  12. #trackattack this morning: 4 warmup laps, then 5 4 3 2 1 lap intervals. First time I did it all. Previous track workouts: * 2014-07-22: did mostly jog laps; tapering for SF Half Marathon. * 2014-07-15: missed track - travel in LA (1xNP) * 2014-07-08: w = warmup, s = stadium stairs half the stadium & back * workout: 800 w; 400 s 800 s 1200 s 800 s 400 abs * I did: 800 w; 400 s 400 s stretch&rest s 400 abs * 2014-07-01: r=run, j=jog * workout: 800 w; 4x1600r (I think) * I did: 800 w; 4x(800r 400j) * my last 800r I started with everyone else's last 1600r, and managed to barely keep up for that 800 by drafting Jessica (coach), Molly (in front), and Weston (on the right) who all went on to run 2 more laps. Fastest 800 I've ever run pretty sure. * 2014-06-24: * workout: 800 w; 8x800r * I did: jogged outside laps around the track, flew home night before * 2014-06-17: missed track - travel Minneapolis (1xNP) * 2014-06-10: missed track - travel Boston (2xNP) * 2014-06-03: tantek.com/2014/154/t1 2 & 1 laps short * 2014-05-27: tantek.com/2014/147/t1 1 & 2 laps, & a stadium stairs set short. * 2014-05-20: tantek.com/2014/140/t1 an 800 short * 2014-05-13: tantek.com/2014/133/t1 over half the workout * 2014-05-06: bb = bathroom break * workout: 800 w; 400 600 800 2x400 600 800 600 400 s abs * I did: 800 w; 400 600 800 400j bb jog, left knee hurt, walked, then did sets of pushups, situps, sargent lunges, burpees instead. * 2014-04-29: missed track - travel Melbourne * 2014-04-22: * workout: 800 w; 3x200 400 600 800 * I did: 400 w; 2x200 jogged laps 800 * 2014-04-15: tantek.com/2014/105/t2 2x1600 short * workout: 800 w; 2x400 2x1600 2x400 abs * I did: 800 w; 2x400 jogged 2x400 abs * 2014-04-08: * workout: 800 w; 400 800 1200 1600 1200 800 400 * I did: 800 w; alternating run/walk laps - post #RnRSF * 2014-04-01: * workout: ??? * I did: alternating run/walk laps; tapering for #RnRSF * 2014-03-25: I did: 800 warmup; outside lane laps * 2014-03-18: I did: 800 warmup; outside lane laps * 2014-03-11: I did: 800 warmup; outside lane laps * 2014-03-04: tantek.com/2014/064/t2 First #NPSF track workout.

  13. @simplescott refound this. Done since: ✅ 1:14 #B2B103 tantek.com/t4W81 ✅ 3 half marathons tantek.com/t4XJ1

    2014-209 7:45 in reply to: http://tantek.com/2013/174/t3/fitness-heartrate-faster-b2b-half-marathon-future https://twitter.com/t/status/348726025519239169 using BBEdit.
  14. Finished SF Half Marathon (1st half) in 2:23:45 including 1 bathroom break. Likely would have PR'd without bathroom break, beating my first half marathon (and PR) of 2:22 from #KPSF this past February: tantek.com/2014/033/t2/finished-first-halfmarathon-rain-cold-wind Also beat my April #RnRSF time of 2:29 by ~6 minutes: http://tantek.com/2014/096/t1/finished-rnrsf-ran-hills-thanks And that was a more comparable course to SF First Half. This was my third half marathon (attempted and completed).

  15. Since my prev post used a ## URL, time to deploy #fragmention polyfill. #indieweb #showdonttell http://tantek.com/2014/179/b1/indiewebcamp-thoughts-before-gathering##standard+way+to+make+URLs+that+refer+to+a+selection+of+text

  16. @kevinmarks iteration on tech proposals in a CC0 wiki is more than ok, it's preferred! Per: http://tantek.com/2011/168/b1/practices-good-open-web-standards-development##use+an+open+wiki

    2014-207 10:14 in reply to: https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/492932609177944064 using BBEdit.
  17. New rule: make tech proposals to improve web publishing on your site, or 1st learn how to. Prev tantek.com/2013/219/t7/new-rule-learn-html-before-innovate-osfw3c

  18. @lucas_gonze except changing after publishing defeats the purpose of permalinking (your URL still has "/webmention-").

    2014-206 15:03 in reply to: https://twitter.com/lucas_gonze/status/492780223260147712 using BBEdit.
  19. @lucas_gonze naming your idea & article #webmention without first searching it demonstrated fallibility of your step 2

    2014-206 14:06 in reply to: https://twitter.com/lucas_gonze/status/492771866319134720 https://twitter.com/lucas_gonze/status/492770706891882496 using BBEdit.
  20. going to Homebrew Website Club Wed 30th 18:30 @MozSF, 17:30 writing hr indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-07-30-homebrew-website-club & fb.com/events/682246018521339

    2014-203 23:29 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-july-30-2014 using BBEdit.
  21. just piloted my first drone on the @Photojojo rooftop launchpad! 🏢📡👾 Wow. So much fun. I get it.

  22. @timoreilly Thanks! Would be great to do @IndieWebCamp in Sebastopol with actual camping! Could even invite tent.io :)

    2014-202 12:33 in reply to: https://twitter.com/timoreilly/status/491291462798036992 using BBEdit.
  23. @benwerd because @W3C Social Web WG *just* launched *today* tantek.com/2014/202/t1/social-web-working-group-launched-wiki-irc as noted on the #indieweb. Ahem. ;)

    2014-202 11:00 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/not-sure-why-the-w3c-social-web-working-group-is https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/491279668423577600 using BBEdit.
  24. @evanpro oops. thanks for reminder & Twitter id. #indieweb post updated tantek.com/2014/202/t1/social-web-working-group-launched-wiki-irc but not tweet POSSE copy.

    2014-202 10:00 in reply to: https://twitter.com/evanpro/status/491262172815564800 using BBEdit.
  25. W3C Social Web Working Group launched today: co-chairs @evanpro @lehors @t homepage www.w3.org/Social/WG is wiki IRC #social

  26. @benwerd Why? Who(people) / what(sites) consume AS JSON? Why bother to code/publish/maintain a sidefile DRY violation?

    2014-201 16:59 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/although-sometimes-you-do-want-to-control-the-json-withknown https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/490959274646855680 using BBEdit.
  27. just informed my manager of @chloeweil's passing - I barely held it together. He'd met her @IndieWebCamp NYC in April.

  28. going to Homebrew Website Club SF 18:30 tonight but ~19:15+eats&drinks indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-07-16-homebrew-website-club & fb.com/events/1530172017206158

    2014-197 17:02 in reply to: http://werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-july-16-2014 using BBEdit.
  29. shocked & numb from losing @chloeweil. saw her 11 days ago @IndieWebCamp indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos indiewebcamp.com/images/9/90/indiewebcamp_nyc2014.JPG

  30. @andymcmillan @weilone my condolences and deepest sympathies. Yes she was special and touched so many of us.

    2014-191 15:41 in reply to: https://twitter.com/andymcmillan/status/487120586628681728 https://twitter.com/weilone/status/487119452899909632 using BBEdit.
  31. Awesome work @adactio with shipping #indieweb photo notes including POSSE of images to Twitter! http://adactio.com/notes/6978

    2014-190 00:27 in reply to: http://adactio.com/notes/6978 https://twitter.com/adactio/status/485552177080201217 using BBEdit.
  32. Inspiring week+ #IndieWebCamp PDX/NYC/Berlin & #IndieTech Brighton! What will you create & ship on your own site next?

  33. @firefox no-one. The web is open, decentralized, and more important than a game. See also: tantek.com/2010/281/b1/what-is-the-open-web