

  1. a jpg. a jpg. Goodnight 2018. Many ups and many unexpected downs. New highs despite unexpected battles and losses. Still, finishing the year stronger, fitter, more understanding, more at peace. Appropriate to wake up this 365th day before dawn, work out til sunrise with #NPSF friends, pack in a full day, then drive off into the sunset.

  2. Resolution: issue 2 proposal accepted.

    No objections in above discussion, and positive opinions (đź‘Ť) from a few implementors on the proposal. Proposal text incorporated into spec and reviewed.

    Proposal implementation in mf2py parser, test cases provided, and Brid.gy verification that mf2py implementation satisfies use-case for the issue is sufficient to demonstrate implementability and utility, all as noted/linked in issue thread.

    Edited specification accordingly. Thanks everyone for all the hard work on this one! Took a while but I think it was worth it to get it just right.

  3. #microformats2 parsing spec updated: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66969&oldid=66967
    * always parse alt with img src for accessibility info by default https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/2
    Implemented in current version of:
    * mf2py - behind flag, in use by Brid.gy
    This is a pretty big change, likely to require updates to parsers and calling code, however, the better access to accessibility info on img elements by default is a big improvement for all.

  4. đź’» watched Terminator Salvation (2009) @Netflix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_Salvation last night.

    This fourth in the original Terminator series of movies was better than expected. Felt plausibly dystopian, perhaps because it takes (took?) place in the year 2018. #2018_364

  5. December was too busy to post. A few days:
     1 7.6mi rainy trail run(tantek.com/t4yH3); baked my first (apple) pie(tantek.com/t4yM1)
     3 returned to Orlando 3 yrs later, differently optimistic, packed lighter
     9 first Sunday SFRC trail run
    10 reframed W3C "agenda bashing" to "agenda gardening"
    11 completed 2nd 8-week yoga philosophy study course
    15 XFN 15th anniversary, rel=me keeps growing (Mastodon etc.)
    16 baked my first triple chocolate chip cookies
    18 back to Tuesday track
    21 misty Dipsea trail run to Cardiac and back
    25 baked my first gluten free pie (also apple)
    26 did double-NPSF workout

    Individual posts (most with photos) when time permits.

  6. TODAY: Donate, and renew arts & science memberships:
    @ACLU 2x
    @PPact 3x
    @InternetArchive 2x

    Donate/renew NOW for 2018+2019 for 2-3x match and keep funding science ! Why:

    Why you must act TODAY (everyone)

    Several of the above charitable organizations have matching donations that will increase your donation 2-3x IF you donate by end of day TODAY 2018-12-31 US Timezones.

    See the 2x/3x next to the @-names for which organizations and how much.

    Why you must act TODAY (US friends)

    It’s the last day of 2018. By donating today, you may be able to itemize your donations and deduct them from your 2018 Federal taxes (IANAA, talk to your accountant regarding itemizing vs using the standard deduction).

    You can donate to all of these organizations online and get an email receipt in minutes (I confirmed this by donating/renewing all the above personally).

    See each Twitter profile above for their site/donation URLs.

    **Disclosure: I work for @Mozilla, on & with open web standards & communities @indiewebcamp @microformats @W3C @WHATWG supported by @Firefox to provide a more human-centric, private, and secure web for all users. #fightfortheuser

    Previously: tantek.com/2017/365/t1/today-donate-renew-arts-science

  7. Donated 8 large canvas bags worth of stuff (64 pounds) to Goodwill. Literal weight metaphorically lifted off my shoulders.

  8. When posting positive things promptly*, I think it first makes sense to post positive things from that day (for reason 6**), and then from previous days (that week, or month), in pure date-time order (oldest to newest), regardless of subject (topic) or type of post (e.g. text note vs. photo).

    Subject-focused or clustered may make it easier to think/write about all posts for one topic at once (less context switching). However sometimes you don’t know the subject(s) of a post until you’ve actually written it, which means you have to finish at least drafts for posts before you can actually successfully categorize and cluster them, which seems like a lot more work (finishing all drafts before posting one) than just finishing/publishing one post at a time.

    Using the date-time (of when that positive thing happened that you’re posting about), has the following advantages over clustering by subject:

    * easier to get started: because "date" has an objective (don’t need to think about it) absolute answer that makes it easy to sort your drafts and just start posting them in date order (oldest first within some reasonable timeframe like, in the past week, or in the past month).

    * easier to post incrementally, and pause / resume posting: since your "index" is linear (time), you can choose a date / point in time to pause, and later pick-up at whatever date you left-off, no need to think about what subjects did you already posted and what subjects are remaining.

    Another consideration for publishing older posts is whether to post different types of posts before others, like text notes vs. photos vs. longer blog posts, or just interleave different post types all by date.

    If one type of content had a particular workflow, like editing photos, it could make sense to cluster publishing those. However even photos have captions to write which are similar enough to text notes. Blog posts often open with a featured photo. It almost seems like more work to try to distinguish different types (as an author), than just post in date order, and add aspects to the content, text, photo(s), as they make sense for the post. Publishing them all in date-time order seems the simplest approach.

    * tantek.com/2018/357/t3/five-reasons-post-positive-things-promptly
    * tantek.com/2018/364/t1/sixth-reason-post-positive-things-promptly

  9. #microformats2 parsing spec updated: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66967&oldid=66965
    * parse HTML id attribute per https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/44
    Implemented in current versions of parsers:
    * phpmf2
    * mf2py

  10. Resolution: proposal accepted.

    No objections in above discussion, and positive opinions (đź‘Ť) from a few implementors on the proposal.

    Proposal implementations in mf2py and phpmf2 parsers, and https://github.com/dshanske verification that phpmf2 implementation satisfies use-case for the issue is sufficient to demonstrate implementability and utility, all as noted/linked in issue thread.

    Editing specification accordingly.

  11. I’ve incorporated the proposed issue 2 spec changes (see diff: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66965&oldid=66956), please review "PROPOSED" text in:
    * http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_a_u-_property
    * http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_for_implied_properties
    * http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parse_an_img_element_for_src_and_alt

  12. Sixth Reason To Post Positive Things Promptly

    6. Post about something positive the same day it happens so it will show up automatically in future "On This Day" reminder posts. https://indieweb.org/on_this_day

    Previously: tantek.com/2018/357/t3/five-reasons-post-positive-things-promptly

  13. đź‘Ť

  14. Apologies for the late notice, cancelling Homebrew Website Club SF tonight.

    Not feeling 100%, and checked with Jacky to see if we could do a virtual one on Mumble so we’re going to try that.

    See https://chat.indieweb.org/ for more or to join virtually!

  15. Good times this morning guest co-leading the Monday morning #NPSF workout with pal Dena in the Santa suit here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxxqAdB4-v/

    Previously: 2017-149 @Nov_Project_SF https://november-project.com/buck-plz/

  16. @abritinthebay there are a couple of open source Javascript #microformats2 parsers:

    Try them out and definitely file any issues you find, and/or join us in discussion: http://microformats.org/wiki/discuss

  17. #microformats2 parsing spec updated: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66956&oldid=66955
    * u- parsing should always do relative URL resolution per https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/10
    Implemented in current versions of parsers:
    * phpmf2
    * mf2py
    * microformats go

  18. Resolution: proposal accepted.

    No objections in above discussion, and positive opinions (đź‘Ť) from several implementors on the proposal.

    Proposal implementations in mf2py and microformats go parsers is sufficient to demonstrate implementability and interoperability (with updated tests cases), all as noted/linked in issue thread.

    Editing specification accordingly.

  19. #microformats2 parsing spec updated: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66955&oldid=66898&rcid=103842
    * implied photo property restricted similar to implied url property per https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/21
    * mf2py (current version)
    * phpmf2 patch pending: https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/210

  20. Resolution: proposal accepted.

    No objections in above discussion, and positive opinions (đź‘Ť) from three implementors on the proposal.

    Proposal implementation in mf2py per https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues/135 is sufficient to demonstrate implementability.

    Editing specification accordingly.

  21. Cancelled: Homebrew Website Club SF!

    ⚠️ This event was cancelled

    When: … Where: Mozilla San Francisco Hosts: Tantek Çelik, Jacky Alcine

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  22. This is a misintepretation of the backcompat portion of the spec.

    Everything in the compat rules means “look for”.

    In this case, “author - including compat root vcard in the absence of h-card” means to look for an “author” class name, *including* looking for a “vcard” class name on the same element, only if there is no “h-card” class name on the same element.

    Thus yes, according to the spec, the code snippet:

    <span class="author">Tom Morris</span>

    Inside an hentry as noted above must be treated like:

    <span class="p-author">Tom Morris</span>

    And thus in the parsed JSON it becomes a simple "author": ["Tom Morris"] as noted as a “preferable result”.

    If you can suggest wording that would help clarify this in the spec, I would be happy to make an editorial change to make this more explicitly clear (as well as similar for h-event location).

  23. Five Reasons To Post Positive Things Promptly

    1. Stronger reinforcement of positive behaviors. The sooner you post about having finished something positive, the stronger such a positive self-affirmation will reinforce that positive action or habit.

    2. Use recency bias for good. Part of recency bias is treating things that happened more recently as more important than things that happened less recently. Thus by promptly (rather than later) posting about a positive thing, it’s seen as more important than if you wait to post about it.

    3. Make positive waves sooner. The sooner you post something positive, especially about something positive, the sooner others may see and be inspired by your example to say and do positive things, inspire others, in a likely compounding domino effect of positivity.

    4. Beat future negativity. By publishing sooner and getting your positive post out there, you may be doing so before something bad happens in the future that you may have to deal with instead.

    5. Details are better sooner. The sooner you can post about positive things that you personally observed or especially participated in (actions, events, accomplishments), the more details you will remember, and the more you reinforce your own short-term (then longterm) memory of the thing! Since that value decreases as the time since the thing happened increases, post the about the most recent thing first to get the details down, the the next most recent thing etc.

    (more promptly posted as a note, perhaps worth expanding into an article with citations)

  24. Last year I completed 100 Days of Positive Posts #100DoPP.Âą
    This year I started 100 Days of Positive Doing Posting Days #100PDPD and stopped after 8 days.²
    Missing from both of those was why. Why post positive things?
    Why may be insufficient to motivate, which implies a drive to action.
    More motivating: why post positive things promptly?

    Âą https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb#100_Days_of_Positive_Posts
    ² https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb#100_Days_of_Positive_Doing_Posting_Days

  25. I’ve posted a lot less, recently, and this past year.
    As I’ve used social media less, many motivations for posting faded, replaced with questioning motivations for posting and interacting with posts publicly.
    From a broader #indieweb community, technology, and social perspective, I think we must ask what incentives are we creating, amplifying, and propagating by everything we invent and promote? What incentives should / can we design for?

    Originally expressed in IndieWeb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-12-15#t1544896208141100

  26. Issue filed: https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/125 and
    updated pull request with mozPositionIssue and mozPositionDetail as requested.

  27. RFP: CSS Grid Level 2: subgrid


    Per Bugzilla 1240834 we are implementing subgrid because it is a critical improvement for many CSS Grid use-cases, and we should explicitly state our position as such.

    Some additional background on subgrid:

    Related: Pull request 114

    Labels: w3c

  28. likes Aaron Parecki's post

  29. đź‘Ť

  30. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. #TBT to last Saturday at Sausalito Ball Field, excited and anxious at the start of the #ECSCA 50k course đź“· @BryanTing. A few more from that day:
    2 Running up Alta, the sun cresting up ahead
    3 Looking down Marincello, blue sky and fog ahead
    4 Cardiac hill above the clouds
    5 Alice Eastwood trail lit by sunbeams
    6 SCA trailhead, Golden Gate Bridge in the distance
    7 SCA descent, Golden Gate Bridge at golden hour
    8 Twilight at the bridge north side
    9 The bridge at night from the south side
    10 Warming Hut / Crissy field looking back at the bridge
    #2018_328 #latergram #nofilter

  31. Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: … Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  32. Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: … Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  33. #givingTuesday
    Saturday I ran my first 55k in solidarity&support of @JWLevitt’s CA fire victims fundraiser. Please pledge+donate today!
    * https://www.facebook.com/donate/359051034667215/
    * or tantek.com/pay note TNF fire donation

    10¢/km = $5.5 tantek.com/pay/5.5
    20¢/km = $11  tantek.com/pay/11
     $1/km = $55  tantek.com/pay/55
     $2/km = $110 tantek.com/pay/110

    Whatever you can, and @TheNorthFace will match. Thank you!

    Photos from my 55k: tantek.com/2018/329/t1/ultramarathoner

  34. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. This is an ultramarathoner. đź“· @davidtlam
    Last night I completed the #ECSCA 50k course, 55km+ & 7000'+ actual. I started at 7:00, moments before sunrise(2), exactly one week to the minute after the scheduled race time. After 11+ hours of running & power-hiking, I finished in an empty pitch black field, alone, perhaps the hardest thing I have ever done in a day.

    Many things went well, ideal running weather, no falls or scrapes, so many online chat encouragments; a few things did not, an ankle roll, an IT band/knee flare-up slowing my downhill running, bad connectivity, dead batteries. New challenges were overcome, unfamiliar squishiness on familiar trails, first time bounding ankle deep through swollen streams(6), and the quietest I have ever seen the Marin Headlands.

    Thanks to @BryanTing for making this solo run possible with encouragement & support, picking me up in the dark, dropping me off at the start, then meeting me an hour later at the Tennessee Valley Trailhead to top off my water bottle and show me where he’d stashed my one essential dropbag with water & spare fuel out of sight (fortunately it was still there hours later), my only actual "aid station(s)" (the race had seven). The rest were just knowing where water fountains were, Santos Meadow before Heather Cutoff(3), Cardiac(4), Muir Woods(5), Golden Gate Bridge north side(9), Warming Hut.

    After running to approximately where I remember last year’s @TheNorthFaceECS finish line was in a cold, unlit, and bumpy Crissy field, city lights in the distance(10), I jogged to the nearby Sports Basement to find refuge before a calling ride home.

    Morgan recognized & surprised me, congratulated me and gave me a cup of warm cider. @DavidTLam came by moments later, took a photo(1) and posted it to show everyone I had made it.

    Tired muscles, a little soreness, and only a few blisters to show for it, it still feels surreal, like I have to say it to remind myself that I actually did it.

    Still sorting through everything I saw from dawn to sunset(7&8), felt physically & emotionally, thought & heard inside my head (no headphones).

    I also know I have more work to do for my next ultra. For now, rest, reflection, and recovery.

    Lastly a reminder to consider donating to @JWLevitt’s fundraiser for fire victims:
    * Directly: https://www.facebook.com/donate/359051034667215/
    * Or tantek.com/pay and note "TNF fire donation". I will pass it on.

    $1/km $2/km whatever you can, and @TheNorthFace will match. Thank you!

    #2018_328 #tnfecs #50ktraining #ultra #ultramarathon #notarace #runner #workharddreambigdocoolshit #instarunner #marin #marinheadlands #trailrunner #trailrunning #fromwhereirun #whereirun #ultrarunner #latergram #nofilter

    Previously: tantek.com/2018/328/t2/running-ecsca-course-support-fundraiser

  35. a jpg. Inspired by @jwlevitt I’m running the #ECSCA 50k course today, one week later than expected, thanks especially to @BryanTing, in solidarity and support of @JWLevitt’s fundraiser.

    Feel free to donate directly (see his profile), or tantek.com/pay and note "TNF fire donation". $1/km $2/km whatever you can. Thank you!

    And if you’re in SF/Marin, come run part of the course with me if you like! 50k course guide on @thenorthfaceecs site.

    See two previous posts for some background:
    * tantek.com/2018/328/t1/grateful-week-year-quote-presently-relevant
    * tantek.com/2018/327/t1/ecsca-donating-fire-victmis-relief

  36. Grateful for a lot this week, this year, still wanting to run 50k that I trained for, still thinking about all the fire devastation. This quote (via @HeatherroseSf) felt very presently relevant:

    "Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." via https://www.instagram.com/p/BqgdmBKAU7K/

  37. Last weekend’s #ECSCA was canceled due to unsafe air.¹
    @TheNorthFaceECS donated race food, $30k, etc. to fire victims & relief. My friend @JWLevitt & few others organized a Tahoe 50k run that Saturday, raised $9k+ which TNF is matching!²
    Âą. https://www.thenorthface.com/get-outdoors/endurance-challenge/california.html
    ². https://twitter.com/JWLevitt/status/1064608753662795776

  38. likes aaronpk’s photo (@)

  39. likes @thenorthfaceECS’s tweet

  40. likes @thenorthfaceECS’s tweet

  41. If you have lots of tabs open, I highly recommend https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-counter-webext/
    Installed it today, provided just enough feedback/momentum to process closed 100+ tabs.

    Measuring something helps change it.

  42. đź‘Ť

  43. After 12 full days of dystopia air, really happy to see the greatly improved AQI in the SF Bay Area thanks to the rain: https://www.purpleair.com/map#8.19/37.712/-122.425/-1.5

    Note: Airnow has historical data, e.g. on 2018-11-08 watch when it went from good to unhealthy in 24hrs:
    a gif.
    The next 12 days were a surreal experience, landing in it, living it, watching it worsen, and especially seeing so many people outside ignore or be oblivious to it. Definitely worth a longer blog post. Maybe over the holidays.

  44. Five years ago Homebrew Website Club (HWC) met for the first time: http://tantek.com/2013/332/b1/homebrew-website-club-newsletter

    Since then:
    * HWC has grown, meets in many citiesÂą
    * Path (noted in linked post) shutdown²

    Next HWC meeting 2018-11-28Âł
    Join us, share, inspire, be inspired  

    Âą. https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#Regular_Meetings
    ². https://indieweb.org/Path
    Âł. https://indieweb.org/next-hwc

  45. My 2019-001 #indieweb commitment: build on my @IndieWebCamp Berlin coding, improve archive pages, more nav & pagination, e.g. home stream to prev day(s).
    Details: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#archive_pages

    What’s your 2019-01-01 personal site commitment?

    * http://tantek.com/2018/308/t2/indiewebcamp-archive-navigation-day-archives
    * http://tantek.com/2016/330/b1/2017-01-01-indieweb-commitment-own-my-rsvps

    More on archives, navigation, pagination:
    * https://indieweb.org/archive
    * https://indieweb.org/navigation
    * https://indieweb.org/archive_navigation
    * https://indieweb.org/pagination

  46. Today’s noon SF air raid siren test more meaningful than usual. Thoughts with those who lost homes & loved ones in fires, and those struggling with unhealthy air.
    Protect your lungs: wear an N95 mask, use a HEPA air purifier at home.

    Real time AQI: https://www.purpleair.com/map#8.19/37.712/-122.425/-1.5

    1-2 hour delay averages: https://cfpub.epa.gov/airnow/index.cfm?action=airnow.local_city&cityid=317

  47. Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: … Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing
    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Event created: on
  48. Once more into the air. Looking forward to returning home to a wave of positive U.S. #Election victories: scientists @314action, women, WoC, muslims, LGBTQ, and younger candidates with a larger stake in the future.

  49. Good #ElectionDay U.S. friends!

    If you’ve voted, thank you for voting.
    Put "#ivoted [x]" in front of your name.

    If you’re a youth early voter (“under 30”*), THANK YOU, the media has noticed*, now go get 2+ more friends to vote. Show up to have a bigger voice in the future!

    We need you to influence the future more than old white men who won’t be around in 20 years.

    *News media describing “youth” as 18-29, under 30, etc. and widely reporting the surge in early youth voting:

    * https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/11/05/midterm-election-early-voting-absentee-ballot-youth-vote-republican-democrat/1892285002/
    * https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/05/politics/early-voting-as-of-monday-morning/index.html
    * https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/powerup/2018/11/05/powerup-will-there-be-a-youth-wave-early-voting-points-to-yes/5bdf5c391b326b39290545bd/?noredirect=on
    * https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/414098-young-and-new-voters-surge-in-early-voting
    * https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/midterms-2018-election-early-voting-texas-georgia-beto-orourke-ted-cruz-trump-a8609916.html
    * https://www.economist.com/democracy-in-america/2018/11/05/early-voting-surges-among-young-people

  50. Yesterday: Great speakers @a11yclub (8/9 with blog, 7/9 on own #indieweb site)
    Informative & thought provoking #a11yclub talks.
    Thanks @LeonieWatson @hdv for posting slides, especially Leonie with HTML slides: http://decks.tink.uk/2018/a11yclub/
    #HTMLfirst #a11y #2018_309

  51. Beautiful comic by @ioctaptceb!
    “How to get on the #indieweb”

  52. Complexity reinforces privilege.

  53. At #IndieWebCamp @MozillaBerlin, coded some archive navigation in @Falcon: sequential previous/next navigation across day archives. More to do, like link from home page to more entries, skip days without posts, but happy with progress.

    Next steps: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#archive_pages

    Related #indieweb pages:
    * https://indieweb.org/navigation
    * https://indieweb.org/pagination
    * https://indieweb.org/archive_navigation

  54. This post is gone.

  55. Received webmention update with source redirect should update comment link


    In 3.2.4 Updating existing Webmentions, there needs to be a step to keep track of a source redirect e.g. for a new slug, or updating http to https, and to save and use that new URL instead of the original source in places like linking a received comment back to its original.
