

  1. using BBEdit

    #Berlin friends, I am in your fine city! Last call for #IndieWebCamp tickets @MozillaBerlin! No cost sign-up: https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin Let's chat & hack to improve #InternetHealth #OpenWeb #IndieWeb! CC: @crh @leyink @nuzz @rosanardila @sonniesedge @tessa

    Twitter post 1124051845469675526
  2. using BBEdit in reply to: @

    @voxpelli you’ll be missed! Options: 1. Participate remotely? We’re figuring it out for Berlin & Düsseldorf! 2. #IndieWeb Summit? 3. Help pick dates for more 2019 IndieWebCamps! (add yourself to cities: https://indieweb.org/Planning#2019)

    Twitter post 1123108033209327616In reply to: https://twitter.com/voxpelli/status/1123099838197977088
  3. using BBEdit in reply to: T prev @t prev

    @voxpelli except the next two weekends are IndieWebCamps Berlin & Düsseldorf, highly in-person & online! So I’ll have to improvise, perhaps more offline activities during the weekdays.

    Twitter post 1123099110079254535In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1123094764281257985
  4. using BBEdit in reply to: @voxpelli

    Ordinary weekends yes @voxpelli, harder to let go of keeping up. A few weekend techniques I use: * regular #optoutside activities * walk/hike/#run off-grid, notifications&wifi off * plan non-work activities … with friends, stay in-person present, not scrolling online

    Twitter post 1123094764281257985In reply to: https://twitter.com/voxpelli/status/1113705591195803648
  5. using BBEdit in reply to: @Suw

    @Suw it’s truly amazing. As a lifelong #California resident, I’ve never seen the hills so green. Appreciating it while I can, before they turn golden tan.

    Twitter post 1123088105299308545In reply to: https://twitter.com/Suw/status/1122335550374121472
  6. using BBEdit in reply to: @pfefferle

    @pfefferle @schnarfed thanks for heads-ups! https://tantek.com/updates.atom fixed, raised item count so subscribers can catch-up. Cause: PHP 5.3 to 7.2.13 update. Stricter default function params handling. Updated @cassisjs repo accordingly, deployed live.

    Twitter post 1123084251002429440In reply to: https://twitter.com/pfefferle/status/1122790035206606848
  7. using BBEdit

    Read @Mozilla Internet Health Report https://internethealthreport.org/2019/ and act. Improve your #InternetHealth @IndieWebCamp: #Berlin https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin #Düsseldorf https://btco.nf/DUS2019indiewebcamp #Utrecht https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indiewebcamp-utrecht-tickets-60457184065?ref=ecount #IndieWeb Summit https://2019.indieweb.org/summit

    Twitter post 1123058744340799488
  8. using BBEdit

    #Berlin friends! Join us @IndieWebCamp this weekend @MozillaBerlin: https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin @ioctaptceb @martijnvdven & I are looking forward to welcoming you! CC @sonniesedge @TYPOBER @TYPO_Labs @LiebeFonts @nuzz @leyink #InternetHealth #indieweb

    Twitter post 1122965874707533824
  9. using BBEdit NYTimes: Why Does Exercise Guard Against Cancer? Inflammation May Play a Role How exercise guards against colon cancer and other types of cancer remains a mystery

    “changes in … blood were potent but ‘transient,’ …. So activities would have to be repeated to provide any continuing [#cancer] protection, and it remains unclear how intense or prolonged that exercise ideally would need to be” — @nytimes https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/well/move/why-does-exercise-guard-against-cancer-inflammation-may-play-a-role.html

    Twitter post 1122551773695074310In reply to: https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1122029554363768833
  10. using BBEdit also on

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_DSVJYmEbd-_tVt79zV4PD7g5Ya3z-7H-U-MUM3wGuu8.jpg (Yellow flowers among tall grasses) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_DSVJYmEbd-_tVt79zV4PD7g5Ya3z-7H-U-MUM3wGuu8.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_L28oL35egOu2ryZ3tyvYn-Xi0Uo755E6W9IR0yuuCxI.jpg (Tantek and Annemarie on Wolf Ridge with green hills and Rodeo Beach in the background) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_L28oL35egOu2ryZ3tyvYn-Xi0Uo755E6W9IR0yuuCxI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_LPiliLwmtiAQmywRVyLLBsQHhTAL4WeBHgBmCAYHmRk.jpg (View from above Rodeo Beach and Rodeo Lagoon retreating into Rodeo Valley, one tower of the Golden Gate bridge barely visible in the distance behind the Marin Headlands) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_LPiliLwmtiAQmywRVyLLBsQHhTAL4WeBHgBmCAYHmRk.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_qQyi41R38PzWTrXXlAuwEO5CKdgvt1MLGBoEBXHH_Sk.jpg (Trail steps surrounded by tall grasses and flowers leading upwards, and a sign for Rodeo Valley Trail) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_qQyi41R38PzWTrXXlAuwEO5CKdgvt1MLGBoEBXHH_Sk.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_MrBy3K8LP6eo6ovXEO5YesxPOD5yzXo9fnNE4wCTULc.jpg (Trail with two grooves in it heading uphill between tall grases up to more hills, and a sign for Upper Rodeo Trail) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_MrBy3K8LP6eo6ovXEO5YesxPOD5yzXo9fnNE4wCTULc.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_Ugna26dUlZDbXS5UQy0M9UsRzkrY-N09RjtPq4tluJU.jpg (Red flower with a darker ring inside, and yellow inside that, above some grass and dirt) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_Ugna26dUlZDbXS5UQy0M9UsRzkrY-N09RjtPq4tluJU.jpg Beautiful morning to #run a #trail half in the #Marin headlands with #SFRC. Trails surrounded by more #flowers, taller plants, and lusher #green #hills than ever. Cloudy days are great for #running and diffuse lighting. First full SFRC since my double Tam over a month ago, first full SFRC in a while (ever?) starting & finishing with a friend. 1. yellow daisies (I think?) on Old Springs trail 2. #selfie with Annemarie on top of Wolf Ridge trail 3. view from Battery Townsley towards Rodeo Beach and #SF in the distance 4. Rodeo Valley Trail start steps 5. Upper Rodeo Trail start looking up to the Alta Trail hills 6. red & yellow flower on Alta Trail Can anyone identify the flowers in 1 and 6? #trails #runner #trailrun #runners #50ktraining #optoutside #getoutside #fitstrongfierce #RodeoBeach #RodeoValley #MarinHeadlands #California #nofilter

    Twitter post 1122331218236850176Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/33841292538/
  11. using BBEdit in reply to: Mozilla standards positions issues

    isInputPending API

    Request for Mozilla Position on an Emerging Web Specification

    Other information

    Filing because it got some prominence in tech press and we should consider a summary position, especially to state concerns.

    From my understanding this API is an attempt at providing web developers more control to improve user-perceived load-time performance, yet is a "run-to-completion violation".

    CC: smaug----

    Label: WICG

    GitHub post https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/155
  12. using BBEdit

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_QuDKZEhxzjNgZQNa-j0bGBIkpUNWSnC_MeU-Q7Szu2o.jpg (sunrise breaking through clouds on the horizon, viewed from Temelpa trail on Mt Tam with nearby backlit trees) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_QuDKZEhxzjNgZQNa-j0bGBIkpUNWSnC_MeU-Q7Szu2o.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_LkwnxZ0Wa0DlpL71IL0uvKMxqX_us0Ok9WisHNwbO54.jpg (View from Mt Tam East Peak above the clouds covering all of San Francisco except for Sutro Tower and just the top tip of SalesforceCow) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_LkwnxZ0Wa0DlpL71IL0uvKMxqX_us0Ok9WisHNwbO54.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/590x786/476_XBoIwGrqiV6KYAcXV6Uu0pkluI_NMSmkWedZyUyATWo.jpg (Sunrise high above clouds in the distance with Mt. Diablo and nearby mountain range just poking through, trees and bushes in the foreground) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/590x786/476_XBoIwGrqiV6KYAcXV6Uu0pkluI_NMSmkWedZyUyATWo.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_HOFaM_gwv8ozyi4o5wBPrXPiVtwtQ9mVcmnyzH1TnSA.jpg (Tantek and Hannah backlit by the sunrise at Mt. Tam East Peak, with clouds, Mt. Diablo, and the bay behind them) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_HOFaM_gwv8ozyi4o5wBPrXPiVtwtQ9mVcmnyzH1TnSA.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_gb2D6-ym8doJresCHVGOalX-omqZrsTafW_NHKGMjz8.jpg (Tantek and Hannah smiling lit up by the morning sun with the Mt Tam East Peak tower structure behind them) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_gb2D6-ym8doJresCHVGOalX-omqZrsTafW_NHKGMjz8.jpg “It's amazing how productive doing nothing can be.” — Jeff Bridges as #KevinFlynn^1 Set a #sunrise PR #running to the top of #MtTam today, 84:41 #ascent, cutting nearly 4 minutes my previous #record set six months ago. Thanks to a #beautiful day, chasing speedy pal Hannah, and taking time-off to heal from an injury 33 prior. That rainy Friday I ran up #Tam twice (while pal Bryan was doing 3x), hit my head on a tree on the first descent, injured my right thigh on a hard fall onto solid rock on the second. https://tantek.com/2019/081/t1/ran-tam-rain-twice Took the weekend to recover, went to the doctor Monday, no concusion (or any symptoms of head injury, somehow no head bruise either), no leg break, just tissue damage. Ran a mile the next day, that night my right knee turned purple and swelled up, apparenty from my internal thigh bruise liquifying and leaking downward. Stopped running after that Started waking up every night from knee pain, struggling to get back to sleep. Three weeks without running, part of it at a yoga retreat, doing a yoga twice a day, and plenty of nothing too. On the second night of the retreat the overnight knee pain stopped. Tried a short trail scamper down & up the next day, felt fine. Gradually increased my #trail running distance and altitude until returning to Tam this morning for the first time post injury. Felt strong so I pushed hard and finally shattered a six month old PR. ^1 TRON Legacy https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1104001/quotes/qt1412166

    Twitter post 1121670255871324160Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/40736099373/
  13. using BBEdit in reply to: IWC BER event IWC wiki

    co-organizing IndieWeb Summit 2019-06-29…30 @MozPDX! Join us in Portland June 29-30! Tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit More info: https://indieweb.org/2019

    Twitter post 1120964017365741569
  14. using BBEdit in reply to: IWC BER event IWC wiki

    co-organizing IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019-05-04…05 @MozillaBerlin! Looking forward to seeing @ioctaptceb @calum_ryan @dshanske @_fumanity and more! Join us in Berlin May 4-5! Tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin More info: https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin

    Twitter post 1120936536147578880
  15. using BBEdit in reply to: calmness perspectives insights @t

    As before, while away I went without a few things for a few days: 4d no coffee while on yoga retreat 8d no watching media (between flights to&from) 12d no deliberate listening to music 16d+ no earphones/headphones for music And significantly reduced screentime. The fewer stimulants, the more calmness, the more I could see, hear, and sense. Previously, previously, previously: * 2018 Do not mistake stimulants for joy https://tantek.com/2018/071/t1/pursue-bring-joy-recognize-keep-close * 2018 yoga retreat in Costa Rica (no coffee during) https://tantek.com/2018/020/t1/began-journey-home-leaving-flower * 2011 eight days no coffee https://tantek.com/2011/012/t1/week-since-coffee-finally-craving-mountain-view-air * 2005 reducing stimulants reduces cognitive overload https://tantek.com/log/2005/01.html#d02t2232 * 2004 six weeks+ no coffee https://tantek.com/log/2004/12.html#d30t0405

    Twitter post 1118433115100155904In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1118410564626108416
  16. using BBEdit in reply to: calmness perspectives insights @t

    Lack of (or insufficient) self-advocacy can be a form of self-obstruction, seeing doors as locked when they are unlocked, or self-sabotage, misperceiving self-worth, not speaking up, understating self-worth. Such harms may spill into shared works and relationships, under-advocacy and under-appreciation of partners, friends, teammates, co-workers, communities. These connections can work both ways. Advocacy strengthening advocacy. Worth to worth.

    Twitter post 1118417840837554176In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1118410564626108416
  17. using BBEdit

    Time away was good. Calmness, perspectives, insights: 1 I need to self-advocate more 2 More sight into the yoga teacher / student relationship 3 Listening, respecting, respecting choices & wishes 4 Talkers vs. listeners, their dynamic, few that balance both

    Twitter post 1118410564626108416
  18. using BBEdit in reply to: days off (@t)

    Despite not checking FB (always a good start), I’ve found it takes a while (at least a day?) to stop feeling compelled to check, keep up with, or “work on” whatever projects (job related or not) are top of mind. Email, Slack, etc.

    Twitter post 1113697218454740992In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1113456035736330243
  19. using BBEdit

    Taking a few days off from many things for warmer, sunnier shores, and a yoga retreat. Still haven’t checked Facebook notifications since the last retreat, January over a year ago. Brought a notepad & books. Going to read, write, post what surfaces.

    Twitter post 1113456035736330243
  20. using BBEdit

    More anniversaries (this month) in addition to #TheMatrix: 20th: #CruelIntentions https://hellogiggles.com/reviews-coverage/movies/why-kathryn-cruel-intentions-still-matters-2019/ 30th: #Web30 #TimBL information management proposal http://info.cern.ch/Proposal.html 30 years ago today: #Heathers movie release https://www.newyorker.com/culture/touchstones/an-appreciation-of-the-dark-comedy-heathers

    Twitter post 1112618160136421376
  21. using BBEdit in reply to: T matrix (@t)

    #TheMatrix was a huge influence on how I viewed the evolution of human computer interactions & systems. Had forgotten today was 20th anniversary. No human reminded me. @Instagram’s ad-targeting #AI did https://twitter.com/WBHomeEnt/status/1112399155681353728 (@iTunes #Matrix 4k ad)

    Twitter post 1112607337934524416In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1112602617396355073
  22. using BBEdit

    20 years ago today, having only seen a brief trailer but convinced it was going be a big deal, I took my team working on the #Tasmanengine for @Microsoft #IE5Mac to the opening day of #TheMatrix at AMC Mercado 20. @sfalken @jimmyg #Matrix #1999_090

    Twitter post 1112602617396355073
  23. using BBEdit

    Google+ shuts down in 2 days (2019-04-02) #notajoke Export your @GooglePlus NOW. #ownyourdata May take “hours or possibly days” to create. As a light user (last post 6+ years ago), mine took minutes. 4.8MB zip file. More: https://indieweb.org/Google_Plus

    Twitter post 1112486229008748545
  24. using BBEdit in reply to: @rickydelaveaga

    @rickydelaveaga @ian @andigalpern @indiewebcamp @brianleroux Yes we are on for Homebrew Website Club San Francisco 2019-04-17 @MozSF! Event & RSVP: https://tantek.com/2019/107/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf Join us!

    Twitter post 1111778537378209792In reply to: https://twitter.com/rickydelaveaga/status/1109552405245378560
  25. using BBEdit

    Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing

    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Twitter post 1111776801976512512
  26. using BBEdit in reply to: prev post (@t)

    348 Members of European Parliament (MEP) ignored experts & protests and voted to require magic beans, the so-called #Article13 #Article17 “upload filter”, a technology that does not exist. What #antiscience will they vote for next? Vote them out. More: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/03/eus-parliament-signs-disastrous-internet-law-what-happens-next https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/26/18280726/europe-copyright-directive https://thenextweb.com/dd/2019/03/25/inside-githubs-fight-to-protect-devs-from-eus-disastrous-copyright-reform/

    Twitter post 1111773368703844352In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1110068361394716672
  27. using BBEdit

    Want to hear @zeldman and me talk #webstandards #CSS #microformats #independentweb what to do about the #toolchain rift(s) and latest advances in the #indieweb? 1hr+ raw & uncut @TheBigWebShow № 186: http://5by5.tv/bigwebshow/186 https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1111017460210253826

    Twitter post 1111048044286373888
  28. using BBEdit

    Europeans! (yes you too UK folks) Call your MEP to vote NO on #CopyrightDirective #Article17 (ex. #Article13)! See @EFF thread & instructions https://twitter.com/EFF/status/1109737081478119424 #SaveYourInternet

    Twitter post 1110068361394716672
  29. using BBEdit

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_KKcHgrSsPRIXA7qa6qJNsKDbvNVIZ0APjiQxyU9lhew.jpg (Tantek and Bryan in downtown Mill Valley) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_KKcHgrSsPRIXA7qa6qJNsKDbvNVIZ0APjiQxyU9lhew.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_STUmTqoRlB4hJ__ivn5gUMaM9IkXyrBPyesOrOBCHDI.jpg (Trees and bright green grass lining the steps at the start of Temelpa trail) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_STUmTqoRlB4hJ__ivn5gUMaM9IkXyrBPyesOrOBCHDI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_PgCqvoz1HC1GKUwouDMWNW4wUKZMAnGvFo9pq8W9dik.jpg (Overcast sky over San Francisco skyline in the distance, looking down from Temelpa trail at rolling green hills) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_PgCqvoz1HC1GKUwouDMWNW4wUKZMAnGvFo9pq8W9dik.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_jOgdouj2-JIECDFwHQ39ei15x1JybQzEdDRbvvQdvRo.jpg (Tantek standing in front of the Tam East Peak building with Mt Tam Lookout sign overhead) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_jOgdouj2-JIECDFwHQ39ei15x1JybQzEdDRbvvQdvRo.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_qQq-N7F2ldy3Y8v-bKFcz5RSjbvn1dvDzfeTQWTQlRI.jpg (A few bushes and rocks in the foreground at Tam East Peak, and no further visibility due to being in the clouds) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_qQq-N7F2ldy3Y8v-bKFcz5RSjbvn1dvDzfeTQWTQlRI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_hY1JX0jF4kB121ZffkmhobT7PHRS5rDrm0Pe6Mn2MLs.jpg (Tantek wearing a full rain slicker with hood standing in front of the Tam East Peak building with Mt Tam Lookout sign overhead, surrounded by horizontal rain) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_hY1JX0jF4kB121ZffkmhobT7PHRS5rDrm0Pe6Mn2MLs.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_Mkn_0Y63JZSNH132CYQmxMIRtVqov_DbN12A03nxdmg.jpg (Bryan and Tantek in full slickers, wet, sitting down indoors, smiling broadly) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_Mkn_0Y63JZSNH132CYQmxMIRtVqov_DbN12A03nxdmg.jpg Ran up Mt Tam in rain today. Twice. ~17.8 miles, 5300+' climbed. First #solotam. First #doubletam. I got knocked down, but I got up again. Twice. 1 Started with @BryanTing(📷) 2 Temelpa trailhead 3 #SF #skyline still visible under the cloud cover 4 First Tam ascent done! 5 Clouds blocking the scenic view at Tam East Peak 6 Second Tam ascent done in horizontal rain! 7 Finished with Bryan Ting(📷) Ask me about fallen trees at headheight across trails, and how slippery wet flat rocks can be. #MtTam #DoubleTam #MountTam #steps #Marin #MillValley #trail #trails #trailrun #run #TemelpaTrail #MtTamEastPeak #weatherproof #horizontalrain #50ktraining #rainrunning #runningintherain #behardcore #befierce #getup #getupagain #fitstrongfierce #workharddreambigdocoolshit

    Twitter post 1109349745204645889Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/46531404085/
  30. using BBEdit In reply to: tantek post @t

    Summary: 01:42 suspended per Twitter email: "abusive behavior" and "targeted harassment of someone" 18:36 restored per "account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake" My tweets are pretty boring. Running pics. #IndieWeb #CSS One comparing Twitter to the Matrix about an abstract “someone”. Does Twitter’s automated system think “harassment of someone” literally means referring to the literal text “someone”? Is one offhand tweet considered “harassment”?

    Twitter post 1108578861350940672In reply to: https://twitter.com/t/status/1108577668654493702
  31. using BBEdit In reply to: @zeldman

    Thanks @zeldman @absalomedia @adactio @meyerweb @SaraSoueidan @keithjgrant @benwerd @pdxposhy @bastianallgeier @m_ott @ohhelloana @jackyalcine @ken_bauer @jgarber @tomcoates If my boring account can be falsely suspended, what of those less privileged? Quietly silenced & forgotten? Tweets: * https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1108401652946661379 * https://twitter.com/absalomedia/status/1108456176054751232 * https://twitter.com/adactio/status/1108472538743689216 * https://twitter.com/meyerweb/status/1108474263722434560 * https://twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/1108474081677053952 * https://twitter.com/keithjgrant/status/1108475701160824832 * https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/1108478286089195520 * https://twitter.com/pdxposhy/status/1108478396793667584 * https://twitter.com/bastianallgeier/status/1108483684242460673 * https://twitter.com/m_ott/status/1108486885033340928 * https://twitter.com/ohhelloana/status/1108492852441550852 * https://twitter.com/jr_sawv/status/1108499831843102721 * https://twitter.com/JFSIII/status/1108560555214815233 and back: * https://twitter.com/jackyalcine/status/1108550208357453824 * https://twitter.com/ken_bauer/status/1108566015502401536 * https://twitter.com/jgarber/status/1108566493355278342 * https://twitter.com/pdxposhy/status/1108566867474448384 * https://twitter.com/tomcoates/status/1108571838316048384 * https://twitter.com/tomcoates/status/1108572526546845696

    Twitter post 1108577668654493702In reply to: https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1108401652946661379
  32. using BBEdit

    Implemented alt text for @cassisjs auto_link image embeds (live on https://tantek.com/cassis.js), as paranthetical after image URL. Now photo posts with alt text! imageURL (alt text) -auto_link→ <img alt="alt text"> -Bridgy→ POSSE tweet photo(s) + alt(s)!

    Twitter post 1108565143909089280
  33. using BBEdit

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_aRp-mdq5Iilm9f3xcisFrKHRQfdQeXCB-MHDpHJSmV8.jpg (Outdoor gravel steps winding uphill between green hillsides under a blue sky.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_aRp-mdq5Iilm9f3xcisFrKHRQfdQeXCB-MHDpHJSmV8.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_P1Xmqr3iYd7_5dZ0--BKImjZU-uA1GKwQSgSOdCGLk8.jpg (Clear blue sky, Pacific Ocean peaking between rolling green hills.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_P1Xmqr3iYd7_5dZ0--BKImjZU-uA1GKwQSgSOdCGLk8.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_2SEafhmeiKEvLxPtG6fha_GJfYCmOV60ZOByFI8Q_K0.jpg (Sun beams on a blue sky, distant mountains, and nearby rolling hills with trees and a winding trail cut into their side.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_2SEafhmeiKEvLxPtG6fha_GJfYCmOV60ZOByFI8Q_K0.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_nyvl8Umy3wi5hoVcGPVMmkjhPoIsRRlCOau70WwD6hs.jpg (Ridgeline view, green hills dotted with bushes, the blue Pacific Ocean on the horizon.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_nyvl8Umy3wi5hoVcGPVMmkjhPoIsRRlCOau70WwD6hs.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_7oJDG5jYegOfK7Yj7ZUKEYzik1fFgkg4m3tXS2WNkGA.jpg (Clear skies and light surf at Muir Beach.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_7oJDG5jYegOfK7Yj7ZUKEYzik1fFgkg4m3tXS2WNkGA.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_GGKgmqrINdZ4l7kRJ414FM-o3VkkhA2MiccDoQ5PtCs.jpg (Rolling green hills dropping off into the Pacific Ocean into Pirate’s Cove.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_GGKgmqrINdZ4l7kRJ414FM-o3VkkhA2MiccDoQ5PtCs.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_nqFF9RSURbfOytK1kq6Se5Cf6oDPImreLt5FtFh75Sg.jpg (Blue sky, a glimpse of San Francisco’s tallest buildings peaking out behind distant hills, downhill Fox Trail in the foreground.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_nqFF9RSURbfOytK1kq6Se5Cf6oDPImreLt5FtFh75Sg.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_SAAHI7wNTp8lrPIV3Hr3NzT0aDdP5PPYcah2_KOqw9w.jpg (Winding downhill trail between green lined hillsides, Pacific Ocean in the distance with a mist hovering on the horizon.) https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_SAAHI7wNTp8lrPIV3Hr3NzT0aDdP5PPYcah2_KOqw9w.jpg #trailtuesdaythrowback to 13.2+ miles and ~2500' last #Saturday at #SFRC. Clear blue skies, a stark contrast from the previous week’s cold rain! 1 Gravel steps up Miwok 2 Hills and the Pacific from Miwok 3 Miwok looking back towards Tennessee Valley 4 Dias Ridge looking west to the Pacific 5 Muir Beach 6 Up Coastal Trail looking south to Pirates Cove 7 Looking down Fox Trail towards the #SF #skyline 8 Coastal Fire Road winding downhill #bluesky #Miwok #Miwoktrail #steps #Marin #TennesseeValley #trail #trails #trailrun #run #DiasRidge #MuirBeach #CoastalTrail #CoastalFireRoad #Pacific #Ocean #surf #sand #latergram #nofilter #2019_075

    Twitter post 1108272612378112000Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/33549765238/
  34. using BBEdit

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_rEjJjzsGjhmyKVnR69OFxbFs1Yb_3sEatCUbrOF9CfI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_rEjJjzsGjhmyKVnR69OFxbFs1Yb_3sEatCUbrOF9CfI.jpg 🌅🌊 #sunset over crashing #waves, stained glass art @TLChihuahua on Divisadero last night. #art #stainedglass #thelittlechihuahua #tlc #latergram #yestergram #2019_076

    Twitter post 1107674032445550593Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/33537219738/
  35. using BBEdit

    https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_UcCtDgN-N3Qs0sOS8GkwZbUsUOurnXO0vpIr7wNDeDw.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_UcCtDgN-N3Qs0sOS8GkwZbUsUOurnXO0vpIr7wNDeDw.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_5CDZx0TG2s_Av0DAZAGTcDkyiAO-S3glhIU3nXLgcAM.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_5CDZx0TG2s_Av0DAZAGTcDkyiAO-S3glhIU3nXLgcAM.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_EL75GJboP1kllQuGxB4e-Tv2H0JMkLJOGAxp5XME6xA.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_EL75GJboP1kllQuGxB4e-Tv2H0JMkLJOGAxp5XME6xA.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476__q2gxBE2_xzr-plfayViz_JIOMkGE6M4crOrkk4DbMU.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476__q2gxBE2_xzr-plfayViz_JIOMkGE6M4crOrkk4DbMU.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_Y4wWeqMAEYU_2wxZ4JmBBXFxzvGcAZpy0nzZClL46dI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_Y4wWeqMAEYU_2wxZ4JmBBXFxzvGcAZpy0nzZClL46dI.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_JqkzWugluQkr5AQ6nqdv0cFImpodxgbNZ6f7_eNVgPQ.jpg https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_JqkzWugluQkr5AQ6nqdv0cFImpodxgbNZ6f7_eNVgPQ.jpg Easy 10km #run in #GoldenGatePark on re-opened #trails for #Sunday #runday #funday! #fromwhereIrun #trailrun #California #SF #SanFrancisco #optoutside #nofilter 1 freshly re-opened #GGP trails 2 #running around Stow lake 3 up Strawberry Hill 4 Huntington Falls 5 blooming #flowers by the boathouse 6 Phil Arnold #Trail / Oak Woodlands trailhead on the Bay Area Ridge Trail, just off the Eastern JFK entrance to Golden Gate Park.

    Twitter post 1107499978749030401Flickr post https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/40443805043/
  36. using BBEdit in reply to: @jgarber

    @jgarber thank you sir! Hope to catch up soon.

    Twitter post 1106449875829284864In reply to: https://twitter.com/jgarber/status/1105109845131362304
  37. using BBEdit in reply to: @shiflett @shiflett

    @shiflett thank you for the well wishes! And for setting a good example with all your Good Work and more @facultyco.

    Twitter post 1106448840612171776In reply to: https://twitter.com/shiflett/status/1105106638887743489
  38. using BBEdit in reply to: @mathowie @leahculver @leahculver

    @leahculver @mathowie brilliant idea and thanks for suggesting it! @FringaleSF was a great spot to try every dessert on the menu — highly recommended. And thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Twitter post 1106445857350545408In reply to: https://twitter.com/mathowie/status/1105173957450166272
  39. using BBEdit

    Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing

    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Twitter post 1106396630339604480
  40. using BBEdit
  41. using BBEdit
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  43. using BBEdit
  44. using BBEdit
  45. using BBEdit
  46. using BBEdit
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  48. using BBEdit

    Shine On You Crazy Diamond, @pinkfloyd 1975 Shine bright like a diamond, @rihanna 2012 Don't ever be afraid to shine. Remember, the sun doesn't give a fuck if it blinds you.-* Shine bright and be inspired by the lights. ✨ tantek.com/2019/063/t3 *Unknown source/year. Via https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu7LsxpgmHx/

    Twitter post 1105841870477844480
  49. using BBEdit in reply to: @BrazenRacing FB Event: 50th Annual Walt Stack DSE Double Dipsea

    signed up for @BrazenRacing 50th Annual #DoubleDipsea #trailrace on 2019-06-15! It’ll be my second. Goals: finish strong, beat last year’s time. Register: https://brazenracing.com/doubledipsea Previously: * tantek.com/2018/168/t1/finished-first-doubledipsea (https://twitter.com/t/status/1008498200561537024) * tantek.com/2017/167/t2/went-double-dipsea-cheer-ran

    Twitter post 1105701634590412801In reply to: https://twitter.com/BrazenRacing/status/1105544339684364289
  50. using BBEdit in reply to: arewedistributedyet #27 comment

    https://github.com/lgrahl, by “which umbrella organisation”, which organizations do you think are setup / intended to handle incubation efforts that are not yet ready for standardization? Or do you think there is already something that has been incubated that is ready for standardization? If so, could you link to what in particular and where it was incubated? While I am a fan of doing standardization work @WHATWG (and @W3C and @IETF, depending on which is most appropriate accordingly), I will point out that WHATWG themselves note that they “anticipate features will be “incubated” outside of WHATWG standards” per https://whatwg.org/working-mode#new-proposals You also referenced W3C’s paid membership model. Note that W3C Community Groups (which this is a proposal for) are open to all (anyone may participate) and without fee (no membership is required) per https://www.w3.org/community/about/ The existing W3C CG WICG https://www.w3.org/community/wicg/ has a fairly good track record for incubating proposals in their GitHub repos which then either graduate to a working group (some have gone to W3C, others to WHATWG), or incubation stalls/fails as a result of discovering an area or proposal is unworkable or lacks market interest etc. Are there other incubation-friendly/centric organizations that you think would be a better home for a dweb/p2p incubation group than a W3C CG?

    GitHub post https://github.com/arewedistributedyet/arewedistributedyet/issues/27#issuecomment-472228858
  51. using BBEdit in reply to: @val_brigatti

    @val_brigatti thank you! Starting the day early here in California. Hoping to see a nice sunrise :)

    Twitter post 1105092875631521793In reply to: https://twitter.com/val_brigatti/status/1105073553689530369
  52. using BBEdit in reply to: @zeldman

    Thank you @zeldman – grateful to still be here to help fight the good fight. We have our work cut out for ourselves this year Jeffrey.

    Twitter post 1105092193365110784In reply to: https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1105072108080648193
  53. using BBEdit in reply to: @schofeld

    @h2vx @schofeld thanks for your patience. https://h2vx.com/ updated (from dev.h2vx version) with support for #HTML5 elements: article aside figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav progress section time #h2vx to-do: time datetime attribute

    Twitter post 1103726136666673153In reply to: https://twitter.com/schofeld/status/347371870242361344
  54. using BBEdit

    10/10 site migrations completed! 8/10 functional with #HTTPS @IndieWebCamp Austin, https://tantek.com/ Monday, and https://h2vx.com/ up today ~06:21 PST thanks to @DreamHost enabling #phptidy. #microformats #hcard #hcalendar #h2vx @h2vx

    Twitter post 1103705406180737024
  55. using BBEdit in reply to: webmention.io issues

    Webmention.io /api target= param should accept protocol relative URL to return http + https mentions

    The webmention.io /api endpoints accept a 'target' query parameter which currently must be an absolute URL. This proposal extends the 'target' query parameter to also accept a protocol relative URL (i.e. starting with "//") and return all mentions of that target with any protocol (e.g. both 'http:' and 'https:').

    Use-case: this will allow sites which have migrated from http to https, or which still serve both http and https and accept webmentions for both, to easily query webmention.io for all mentions to either http/https versions of their permalinks, to show webmentions regardless of which protocol was used in their webmention target URLs.

    Test-case: http://tantek.com/2019/065/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf is live with an iframe that embeds a display of RSVP webmentions via a service using a protocol relative URL in the target param to a webmention.io api call. Check both of these:

    And you should see at least one RSVP displayed in the bottom from v2.jacky.wtf, likely with a green checkmark ✅.

    GitHub post https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/122
  56. using BBEdit

    Shine bright and be inspired by the lights. ✨

    Twitter post 1102832192672026624
  57. using BBEdit in reply to: @jimmyg

    @jimmyg I setup https://letsencrypt.org/ via one-click activation on my new hosting @Dreamhost.

    Twitter post 1102811955532750848In reply to: https://twitter.com/jimmyg/status/1102809924831232000
  58. using BBEdit

    Homebrew Website Club SF!

    When: Where: Mozilla San Francisco Host: Tantek Çelik

    17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing

    18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night!

    Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo

    Topics for this week:

    Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

    Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC

    More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page

    RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

    Twitter post 1102809146645082112
  59. using BBEdit

    https://tantek.com/ migration complete. Now with #HTTPS!

    Twitter post 1102808937521274885