(Huge crowd of trail runners cheering with their arms up, perched on top of rocks at the Mount Tamalpais East Summit with the bay and lands beyond in the background.) (Partly cloudy sky over the Temelpa trail start, bushes, trees, and trail steps well lit by the sunshine.) (Partly cloudy sky above a view of the East Bay, Richmond Bridgy, the bay itself, and Mount Tamalpais shadow starting to cover the land below.) (Sun low in the West, backlighting the Mount Tam East Summit hut and nearby rocks with a few people barely visible on top.) (Partly cloudy sky above a distant view of Tiburon, the Bay, the Bay Bridge, San Francisco, and the Marin Headlands all well below us.)
⛰🏃🏻♂️ Mt. Tam PR on the annual Jorts run! (1. 📷 @1jorgemaravilla selfie) Final 2019 #run, finishing the year at 901 #running miles. #HappyNewYear friends.
2. #Temelpa trail start in the bright afternoon sun.
3. #MtTam casting a shadow below
4. Mt. Tam East Summit
5. San Francisco viewed from the summit
Despite my watch battery dying part way on the downhill, it still captured my ascent of Mt Tam, and enough of the descent for almost 6 miles of the 8.5 miles total roundtrip. That was just enough to push me over 900 miles for the year.
I haven’t run up Mt Tam in months, so the 84 minutes PR (personal record) felt good. My heart felt strong (not broken). I kept thinking of everyone I was grateful for this year, those I’ve known for years, and new friends I met in 2019. Love you all.
#trail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #Marin #MarinHeadlands #MtTam #MountTam #MtTamalpais #MountTamalpais #50mileTraining #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #SF #SanFrancisco #InstaRunner #noFilter
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TODAY: Donate, and renew arts & science memberships:
@ACLU 2x
@PPact 3x
@InternetArchive 3x
Donate/renew NOW for 2019+2020 for 2-3x matches, and keep funding science! Why:
Why you must act TODAY (everyone)
Several of the above charitable organizations have matching donations that will increase your donation 2-3x IF you donate by end of day TODAY 2019-12-31 US Timezones.
See the 2x/3x next to the @-names for which organizations and how much.
Why you must act TODAY (US friends)
It’s the last day of 2019. By donating today, you may be able to itemize your donations and deduct them from your 2019 Federal taxes (IANAA, talk to your accountant regarding itemizing vs using the standard deduction).
You can donate to all of these organizations online and get an email receipt in minutes (I confirmed this by donating/renewing all the above personally).
See each Twitter profile above for their site/donation URLs, except @CalAcademy inexplicably doesn’t link to theirs:
**Disclosure: I work for @Mozilla, on & with open web standards & communities @indiewebcamp @microformats @W3C @WHATWG supported by @Firefox to provide a more human-centric, private, and secure web for all users. #fightfortheuser
Previously: (Dark blue sky above the San Francisco skyline, buildings lit, an orange yellow glow most pronounced towards the East, dark Dolores Park in the foreground, dotted with street lamps.) (Tantek taking a selfie in Dolores Park with a bunch of November Project runners planking behind him.) (Medium blue clear sky above an orange band at the horizon, backlighting trees above Dolores Park still in darkness, yet just light enough to see a dark green tint of the grassy field.) (November Project San Francisco group photo in Dolores Park with a view of early morning San Franciso in the background.) (Tony takes a selfie of himself and a larger than usual November Project San Francisco breakfast continent at the Dolores Park Cafe.)
Last #NPSF this decade. Made it to (most of?) the bounce & the entire workout. Dolores Park in the dark, downtown lights, the glow of dawn’s break(1). One @Nov_Project_SF workout station required planking until the next person got there, ~5.5 minutes for me, then taking a #selfie with everyone like @TheEllenShow’s at the 2014 #Oscars ( except with everyone else planking(2).
Slowly the clear sky lightened, an orange band on the horizon backlighting the trees under a medium blue glow(3). It was quite light out by the time we finished and took the group photo(4 📷 @TonyD256). Must be the holidays because we took over and re-arranged literally every table for the larger than normal breakfastclub attendance. Tony took a great selfie of us(5 📷 @TonyD256).
Super grateful for the #NovemberProjectSF community. Sweating it out with positive people while waking up with the #sunrise #outdoors is such a great start to the day. Especially helpful in weathering this year’s ups & downs. Thank you NPSF leadership for all that you do.
#NovemberProject #grateful #wakeUpTheSun #fromWhereIRun #dawn #sunrise #gradient #clearsky #deepbluesky #optoutside #DoloresPark #SanFrancisco #freefitness #plank #planking #run #runner #runners #nofilter (The sun shining brightly in a clear sky above a thing layer of haze behind a bit of the Bay Bridge and the San Francisco skyline from downtown to Sutro tower, Golden Gate bridge towers visible just below, a sunlit bay, and Marin headlands in the foreground.) (Emily taking a photo, distant hills, haze, the Pacific Ocean, and Marin Headlands.) (Eucalyptus forest and trail in the background, overwhelmed visually by sunbeams emanating from the left, piercing a couple of tall thin blue arcs on the right side.) (Emily runnin on Alta Trail, bright sun overhead in a clear sky, Marin Headlands in front of us, the tops of the Golden Gate bridge towers peeking up behind them, a tiny Sutro tower in the distance.) (Tantek standing on a hill, backlit by a bright sun in the blue sky, the San Francisco skyline and bay behind him, Golden Gate bridge towers visible behind the Marin headlands to the right, the 101 freeway far below, sparse with tiny cars.) (Emily taking a selfie of herself and Tantek with bright sun behind them, and the Golden Gate bridge towers poking above the Marin Headlands.)
🌞 🏙⛰ 11 miles of #SFRC #yesterday with pal @EmilyMueller88 under a bright sunny sky.
We started early from the Tennessee Valley trailhead parking lot, ran up Marincello to beautiful views on Alta Trail of hills rising from the ocean haze(2) south of the Golden Gate. My favorite spot on Alta Trail is a little #Eucalyptus #forest near its south end. Serendipitously captured booming sunbeams with deep #blue arcs(3) filtered through the trees. I don’t know the optics but the effect was beautiful.
Ran out to the SCA trail where it was so sunny and exposed it was hard to see when photographing, especially when #running. Emily and I traded off leading & following, I was able to get one backlit running shot(4). Emily took a backlit shot of me at the vista point a bit uphill from the SCA trail(5), before I took my own vista shot(1).
She took a selfie of us on the hill(6), we continued the rest of our run catching up on so much each of us had experienced since we’d last seen each other many months ago.
#run #trail #AltaTrail #SCATrail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #MarinHeadlands #trailsForBreakfast #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #laterGram #2019_362 #20191228 #noFilter (Deep blue sky above the light blue to orange dawn light backlighting trees, and reflecting off the bay in the distance.) (Blue to light blue gradient over a bright orange band on the horizon, dark backlit trees in the foreground, and buildings in darkness with their lights on.) (Blue to light blue gradient over a light orange band on the horizon, dark backlit trees in the foreground with a single lamppost, its light off and clear, showing the sky behind it.)
🌅🌳🌴🌆 Ran to #NPSF #hillsforbreakfast with dad this morning in the dark. Did hill repeats while the cold clear sky lightened with gradients from deep #blue above(1) to a growing #orange band on the horizon(2,3). After breakfast we ran back through Golden Gate park, closing a 4 mile loop.
#NovemberProject #NovemberProjectSF #wakeUpTheSun #fromWhereIRun #dawn #sunrise #gradient #clearsky #deepbluesky #optoutside #run #runner #runners #nofilter (Blue grey sky, mostly cloudy, sunrise lighting barely peaking through some of the clouds, just above the cityscape in the background, a single palm tree in the foreground at Alta Plaza park.) (Inside the yoga room at Baptiste Yoga San Francisco, light coming in from the one window, lighting up a single yoga mat, blocks, towels, and water bottle.)
Made it on time to #NPSF yesterday(1), first time in weeks (months?). And to yoga this morning, or so I thought, actually 30 min early(2).
I knew the past 3 months would be intense, my time was blocked out for work(+travel+organizing+speaking) & ultra training (, and nothing else. Tiring time zone changes and long trail runs meant choosing sleep, missing some NPSF workouts, or being late. IndieWebCamp SF 12/7-8 was my last commitment of 3 months, and I barely had the energy for it after actively observing the TC39 standards meetings that week before. I had no reserve for setbacks (like my water heater breaking the night before I hosted Thanksgiving for family). Such packed time & focus seemingly invited an unexpected & intense arc of joy, a story for another time.
Still making sense of that night after IndieWebCamp SF, despite managing to bake my first blueberry pie ( Recovery since has been hard, both from being drained, and from needing to reflect on what I could have done better, to be sustainably better, instead of a crash & burn of sorts. A better friend, healer, and lover, in that order.
For now I’m rebuilding, and small temporal victories are one sign of progress.
using BBEdit (Berlin Victory Column under a partyly cloudy sky, sitting atop its base, with trees in the background on both sides.) (IndieWebCamp Berlin2 day 1 participants at Mozilla Berlin.) (IndieWebCamp Berlin2 day 2 participants at Mozilla Berlin.) (Teresa speaking at the podium at IndieWebCamp at Mozilla Berlin with a display behind her showing a slide titled Toward a More Civil Social Web.) (Tantek, Rose, David, and Yulia sitting around a table at Mozilla Berlin with laptops and IndieWebCamp supplies, planning the weekend.)
1 month ago today: Victory Column en route to @IndieWebCamp #Berlin.
Our second #IndieWebCamp @MozillaBerlin this year, we had amazing participants(2,3), hosted an @OptOutSocial hackathon, and a keynote by founder Teresa(4 📷 @cheukting_ho)!
About a dozen sessions with notes and some with session videos linked from the schedule:
Last but not least, great working with co-organizers Yulia (@ioctaptceb), @RosemaryOrchard, and @DShanske to put it all together and discuss community at the Organizers meetup the day before the camp(5).
#VictoryColumn #IndieWeb #community #organizers #grateful #2019_328 #20191124 #latergram #nofilter
The Fragmention Syntax section states that an HTML ID cannot have whitespace, citing the HTML standard. However, a test case demonstrates that IDs with spaces are supported across browsers:
data:text/html,<div style="height: 10000px"></div><div id="space here">I am linked to</div>#space here
Whether or not this poses any practical problems remains to be seen, however the specification should at least explicitly acknowledge and state:
What browsers implement today, even if outside the HTML standard, and
How browsers would need to change that behavior in order for fragmentions to work as expected. (Rainbow in partly cloudy sky looking down Lyon street with houses on both sides.) (Looking down at a mottled white mosaic entryway with a brass sun-with-a-face seemingly sipping a cup of coffee, brass segment sunbeams radiating outward.) (Cream colored heart on a lightly foamed latte in a glass mason jar sitting atop a woodgrain table.) (The sun peaking through between trees, lighting up glistening leaves and grass in Buena Vista Park.)
🌈 Yesterday’s rainbow. If you only look ahead, you’ll never see the #rainbow behind you.
Ran outside in the rain #yesterday morning, to meet a friend for #coffee (2). I was the only one wearing bright clothes among a sea of dark hues. The barista made a lovely #heart on my almond #latte in the mason jar I brought(3), I complimented and thanked her.
#Running home the rain dropped to a drizzle, and the sky lightened. Running uphill I saw the sun start poking through the clouds. Turned around and saw the rainbow(1). Kept running up and into Buena Vista Park, everything freshly drenched sparkling from the sunlight between the trees(4).
#run #runner #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #2019_356 #20191222 #latergram #noFilter (Mostly cloudy sky, with a low sun illuminating streaks of light blue, yellow, and orange, above a tiny San Francisco skyline barely visible above distant Marin Headlands hills, Coastal trail in font, with fresh green bushes and grasses on either side.) (Grey clouds above, a distant orange-ish horizon with Sutro tower poking above, rolling hills in the foreground.) (The sun shining through grey cloud cover, above a streaky orange horizon, hills of San Francisco Marin, the Pacific ocean on the right edge betwen them, green hills and buses in the foreground.) (Rocky hill and outcroppings extending into the ocean, the sandy beach and surf in the foreground, the ocean on the right side with two quite small rocky outrcoppings emerging from the surf.) (Jagged rocky outcropping extending into the ocean, with surf and a sandy beach in the foreground.) (Looking down at the surf coming up the sandy beach and surrounding trail running shoes, socks, legs, and shorts above them.)
🌄 #Solstice #SFRC, sun’s getting real low. The solar arc at its lowest on the greyest day. 10+ miles started with friends, run #solo as usual, only seeing friends again afterwards at breakfast.
Ran most of the SFRC course, skipping the first loop. Up Miwok(2) to Coyote Ridge(3) then down to Coastal Fire Road(1) to Tennessee Valley. Ran the last little bit to Tennessee Valley Beach(4,5,6) then Tennessee Valley trail all the way back to breakfast.
My first double-digit miles run since the November North Face Endurance Challenge Races.
Gradually stepping it up for my #50miletraining.
#run #trail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #LetsDoThis #MarinHeadlands #TennesseeValley #trailsForBreakfast #sunrise #WorkHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #noFilter
Fragmention spec needs a Security and Privacy section
The Fragmention specification needs a Security and Privacy Considerations section, perhaps right after the Processing Model section.
At a minimum this section should describe any changes to security or privacy caused by the processing model changes. E.g. revealing to the destination page a phrase or range of text that may have some importance for the user that clicked the fragmention link.
Thanks for the heads-up Sam (@gsnedders); sent me down quite a rabbithole!
While reading More Than Two, I did notice some imbalances, e.g. male-author centering bias, but wow.
Reading your link + these posts first, then re-reading MT2 with them in mind:
I’ll add more as I find them and read more. Updated original post to point to this one too.
Fragmention spec: non-current syntax & semantics should move to an appendix
There is a bunch of stuff in the Fragmention specification, e.g. the '##' stuff, that doesn't relate to the current proposal that should be moved to an appendix like Historical, or Alternatives considered. Such an appendix should be clearly separate so that it’s easier to tell which parts of the spec are necessary for current publishers and consuming code implementers, which are optional (if any), and which are purely informative background.
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I have repeatedly expressed to peers working on #IndieWeb #SocialWeb #SocialMedia #FederatedSocialWeb that tech/plumbing-centric framing of #dweb "Decentralized Web" "Distributed Web" is heavily problematic. Beyond MastoGab, there is now something much worse (not linking). I’ll follow up with a longer blog post (it’s been in my drafts for a while), explaining why, how we got here, and maybe some ways for how can we replace use of "Decentralized Web" or "Distributed Web" with something human-centric instead.
For a start, re-read Mozilla’s Manifesto and Principles:
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📕 finished reading “More Than Two” by Veaux & Rickert. #hardcopy
Excellent #book for all relationships, romantic & friendships. #communication #trust #disclosure. Choose #courageous paths instead of fearful. #lovemore #fearless
Re-reading a few chapters.
UPDATE: While I definitely saw some odd patterns, I had been filtering them and didn’t understand the full significance.
See this follow-up post about what to consider reading first, to understand some context around “More Than Two”:
link preview agent — n. a user agent that crawls a web page for text, image(s), link(s) etc. to make a link preview
@24ways (ht @KevinMarks): it’s not a “microbrowser” (already an alias for mobile browser^1) #xkcd386
Web searches also reveal that existing definition for “microbrowser”:
E.g. all first page results on:
@Google (which even shows a onebox definition for it!):
It’s futile to attempt to redefine longstanding term/phrase like that.
Always research what you think is a new term or phrase before attempting to define it.
At a minimum do a couple of web searches and check @Wikipedia.
To be fair, naming things is hard (
To be clear, it’s *good* to identify a thing or class of things that exists but isn’t named, and give it a name, so we can talk about it. Reminded me of @timoreilly’s talk at the 2013 Brooklyn Beta (
Instead, when naming something, start with trying a name that is descriptive. E.g. as the @24ways article already mentions “link preview” as the canonical phrase for the thing that is generated and shown, it makes more sense to define “link preview agent” as:
“a class of User-Agents that also visit website links, parse HTML and generate a [non-interactive, representative] user experience”
And before this post, “link preview agent” had *zero* Duck Duck Go or relevant Google results for the actual phrase (just four in Google, two split by periods, and two adjacent text coincidences that are separated by page UI).
* (A tall pine tree on the left, large palm tree on the right, blue pink purple orange yellow dawn sky backlighting them and buildings on Dolores street, still in darkness, dotted with lit streetlamps.) (San Francisco skyline and East Bay hills bathed in sunrise on the horizon, Dolores park spanning the foreground with palm trees, and walking paths curving through the lawn.)
🌲🌆🌴 #getUp #optOutside #dawn #wakeUpTheSun @Nov_Project_SF. However you slept, get up (you can nap later). If it’s cold(ish) outside, add a layer (or two). If you’re late, stay after and do more. If you fall, get up and run harder. #JustShowUp. And keep showing up, especially for yourself.
#SanFrancisco #DoloresPark #NPSF #sunrise #fromWhereIRun #run #runner #runners #Monday #MondayMotivation #getUpAndGo #blue #pink #purple #orange #yellow #scatteredClouds #clouds #clearSky #palmTree #palmTrees #noFilter (Freshly baked blueberry pie with latticed dough on top, its pie tin sitting atop a metal tray on the lower shelf of an oven.) (Blueberry pie ingredients, assembled on an off-white tile countertop.) (Blueberries and pie ingredients mixed in a metal bowl, pie crust lining a pie dish, atop an off-white tile countertop.) (Blueberry pie made, with a latticework top, atop an off-white tile countertop.) (Blueberry pie with the edge of its pi tin showing in the lower right, atop a white table, black serving utensil in the top right.) (Bakers and friends standing around a table of pies, taking photographs.)
🔵🥧 Baked a #blueberry #pie last Sunday, my third pie, blind to an unexpected change coming just minutes after I put the pie in the oven.
After we wrapped up IndieWebCamp SF, I went home, collected the ingredients from my cupboard, realized I was missing a couple, and picked them up from my local grocery store. Ingredients assembled(2), pie dish lined and #blueberries mixed(3), it didn’t take long to make(4), and place in the oven to bake(1).
Thanks to a ride from a friend, the pie made it to the party intact(5), taking its place among others, surrounded by bakers, friends, and baker friends (6 📷 Andrew Garcia).
#2019_342 #blueberrypie #pie #thirdpie #thirdpieblind #imadethis #baker #homecooking #homebaked #bakers #baked #latergram #nofilter
Previously: (Tennessee Valley trail, large pool on the trail in the lower half reflecting the fence on the left, hills in the distance, bushes on the right, and clear blue sky above.) (Hundreds of birds perched on a single wire among several wires overhead with a blue sky above them and clouds on the horizon.) (The sun rising over a hill just to the south of Tennessee Valley beach, sunbeams illuminating the surf, with most of the beach on the shadow of the hill.) (Whitecaps and crashing waves under a blue sky at Tennessee Valley beach.) (Red rocky outcroppings rising out of the ocean and sand at Tennessee Valley beach) (Blue sky above, hills in the distance, bushes and brush at the edge of a green meadow with a few picnic tables off to the left, and trees off to the right at Haypress campground.)
🌄🏃🏻♂️ 3 months from today (2020-03-14) I am #running the #MUC50, my first 50 mile #trailrun, the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted. Today I returned to #SFRC, first time since back-to-back #ECSCA races a month ago. Ran to the #beach (3,4,5) & back, with a little detour to Haypress camp(6), with pal @VivekGowri and it felt great.
Beautiful weather, birds flocked overhead and gathered all on one wire among several(2), and the ground was squishy from the recent rains, leaving a few reflective pools on the #trails (1). Today felt good & necessary for many reasons, physical, mental, emotional. Grateful for running with friends and the ideal running conditions.
With today’s long-ish #run, I’m starting to focus on my #50miletraining for the Marin Ultra Challenge ( Well outside my comfort zone, after I finished a 50k + half marathon (~46 miles in 2 days) without injury, and only sore feet to show for it, I feel 50 miles is within reach with dedicated training. The biggest challenge will be finishing it in under 14 hours.
#Runner friends, this is your heads-up. Starting at about mile 30, I’m allowed pacers for the MUC 50. If you’d like to help me finish 50 miles by running with me for the last 20 miles please let me know. It’ll likely be a slow 20 miles, and some of it in the dark with headlamps. Think of it as an early evening fast-hike, with an opportunity to catch-up and talk about all the things you do when pushing your limits.
#TrailRunner #UltraRunner #LetsDoThis #MarinHeadlands #TennesseeValley #trailsForBreakfast #trail #runners #sunrise #2020_074 #20200314 #WorkHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #noFilter
* 50k:
* 13.1:
@jack @ParagA #bluesky sounds interesting. For “existing decentralized standard” see #IndieWeb specs like W3C #Webmention, and community that actively federates with Twitter (like this reply from my site). Happy to discuss more!
hosting #IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club TONIGHT 17:30 @Mozilla SF!
No #bluesky today, let’s discuss Twitter’s @bluesky:
@adactio will be there. Join us! @jack @ParagA @JackyAlcine @benwerd @dietrich @AndiGalpern @generativist @pvh @JohnMattDavis @html5cat et al
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Wrapped @IndieWebCamp SF and with that we completed:
a record 12 IndieWebCamps this year in 11 cities!
Watch for more and sign-up for Austin & Summit in Portland!
See you in 2020!
#indieweb #openweb
The Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities, content, and interactions.
Optional RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site, or just show up!
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Here @IndieWebCamp SF day 2 we’re about to start demos any minute!
Video feed is live *now*
#indieweb #openweb
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Thanks to a quick tip and advice from @adactio, I was able to improve my offline support here @IndieWebCamp SF in the last 15 minutes!
I started with the script for listing offline cache available pages from, stripped it down a bit, and filtered for / or .html files.
Now when you load my site when offline, you’ll see what pages you have cached and can view while offline!
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Kicking off @IndieWebCamp SF with introductions and a brief informal keynote by @adactio!
Looking forward to inspiring demos and sessions!
Per room livestream links on:
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Stream of consciousness progression of emotional abilities, to develop, grow, and recognize in others.
1 emotional self-awareness
2 "" self-sufficiency
3 "" self-resilience
1 emotional listening
2 "" boundaries
3 "" communication
There is a progression of emotional abilities, from internal to external, and within each, abilities that progressively build on each other.
Internal emotional abilities
1. emotional self-awareness — becoming aware of your own emotions as they’re happening, growing understanding of immediate feelings and deeper perhaps longer term feelings and emotional states behind them
2. emotional self-sufficiency — ability to take care of your own emotional wellbeing and state in normal conditions
3. emotional self-resilience — ability to understand and handle atypical or external influences on your emotions and rebalance your emotional state
External emotional abilities
1. emotional listening — becoming aware of others emotional states, by both explicit listening and sensing, from what they say to physical (e.g. facial, posture) expressions etc.
2. emotional boundaries — becoming aware of and being able to separate your emotional state from others. when developing emotional listening, empathizing as part of understanding those emotions can make them feel like your own. emotional boundaries are a way to stay aware of both your emotions and others, distinctly
3. emotional communication — starting with sensing and some understanding of your emotions and others, developing the ability to talk about your emotions with others, and listen to others talk about theirs
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Enjoyed my first #TC39 meeting, learned a lot. Lots of notes to go through. Really impressed with chairing, processes, culture of discussing and advancing proposals through stages, conflict resolution, etc. @TC39. Filed an issue:
W3C TAG: Review different cross-domain import mechanisms and their security models
During #TC39 73 I’ve learned about ES Modules Attributes being proposed to address security concerns when importing JSON modules:
ES Module Attributes. Filing this design issue for the TAG to more broadly consider various web-based cross-domain import mechanisms like
HTML Modules (334),
CSS Modules (405),
and ES Modules. Specifically I request the TAG analyze and provide clarity on the exact security model or models and hopefully some degree of consistency and explicit architectural design across these mechanisms.
From a web author, developer, publisher perspective, a more consistent and understandable security model across these would help with easier understanding and better chance of conveying author intent. Thanks for your consideration!
So glad you can make it @andigalpern!
No Facebook event (recent experience shows they add zero* value).
Please share the official event/ticket URL with designers or others you’d send a FB invite to. It has user-friendly Tito-based ticketing!
*In practice we’ve found that Facebook events RSVPs do not add any new people that would otherwise have made it, and those that only RSVP on Facebook in practice are nearly all no-shows which is demoralizing to everyone. As a result we have stopped wasting time with creating Facebook events, and linking people to a source of negative social media distractions.
For @IndieWebCamp events in particular we need more accurate numbers for estimating food needs etc. A proper ticketing system helps with that.
@jmckenty @starbuxman thanks for the citation!
You’re right, needs a refresh, and updates in particular for Slack & GitHub (using threads, @-mentioning, etc.). My GitHub advice will start with #OwnYourData (no #blockchain) per (LEGO month calendar of December 2019)
Happy #December! 31 days left for this year & decade (twenty-teens).
Hit many high points (for the year & decade) especially in the past few months which I’m very grateful for.
Taking this month to show & share as much appreciation & gratitude as I can.
Also me: shedding so much past that is no longer me, embracing #transformation, focusing on #growth, #loving & #friendships right into 2020.
What is your vision for 2020?
#2019 #Gregorian #LEGO #month #calendar #twentyteens #31days #nofilter (Panoramic photograph of sunrise over San Francisco and the bay, from Angel Island to Alcatraz to the city skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, and Sutro tower in the distance) (Sunrise over the San Francisco skyline in the backround, Golden Gate Bridge in the foreground.) (Sunrise over the San Francisco skyline in the backround, Golden Gate Bridge North Tower in the foreground.) (Sunrise over the San Francisco skyline, lighting up the bay below, north span of the Golden Gate Bridge and tower, backlit trees and the Battery Spencer hill in the foreground.)
🌇🌁🏃🏻♂️ #Yesterday @Nov_Project_SF before the rains. Woke up and chose to #optoutside at Battery Spencer (rather than shop-inside), our annual #NPSF #hillsforbreakfast day after Thanksgiving.
#2019_333 #20191129 #BatterySpencer #MarinHeadlands #trailsforbreakfast #GoldenGateBridge #SanFrancisco #run #trail #trailrun #runner #trails #runners #wakeupthesun #latergram #nofilter is this pull request still relevant?
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Amazing start @IndieWebCamp #Berlin with inspiring & thought-provoking keynotes:
Teresa Ingram (OptOut founder) on Toward A More Civil Social Web
Yulia Startsev (#IndieWeb Organizers) My First IndieWebCamp
videos will be posted.
#openweb #socialweb (Hasan and Tantek side by side holding raised hands between them, smiling and about to cross The North Face Endurance Challenge finish line in Crissy Field, San Francisco, with the Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands in the background under a clear blue sky.) (Tantek and Hasan in the morning sun in front of The North Face Endurance Challenge starting arch on a sports field in Marin City, with a forested area in the distance under a clear blue sky.) (Tantek in the distance power-hiking up Alta trail, with the bay, Tiburon, and the East Bay behind him under a clear sky.) (Tantek on the Alta trail’s forested area, with a numerous trees, some with ivy, rising up behind him.) (Tantek on the Marin side of the West sidewalk of the Golden Gate Bridge, run south toward San Francisco, with Marin hills and blue sky behind him.) (Hasan and Tantek smiling side by side holding raised hands between them, just after they crossed The North Face Endurance Challenge finish line in Crissy Field, San Francisco, with the Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands in the background under a clear blue sky.) (Tantek standing on Crissy field with blue skies over the Golden Gate Bridge with the Marin Headlands behind it, and the blue bay below it.) (Wearing The North Face Endurance Challenge 2019 t-shirt with both 50k Finisher and 13.1 Finisher heat decals added, and 50k with blue ribbon and 13.1 Half Marathon with yellow ribbon medals hanging from the neck.)
🏅🏅🏃🏻♂️🏃🏻♂️We did it. 3:22:19 @thenorthfaceECS #TNFECS #ECSCA #halfmarathon #FBF to last #Sunday
Dad’s first half marathon #trailrace. My first half the day after a 50k.
Clear sky, sunrise start(2). My dad and I jumped into wave 8. We started in the middle of the pack, passed through the arch, and the struggle began. After a brief jog out of the field and part way up the Marin City suburb street, my legs dropped to a walk before even reaching the first trail.
I power-hiked off to the right as best as I could, letting all the eager #runners pass. My dad started to pull ahead. I encouraged him, just reminded him to look behind him every 30 seconds or so and keep me in sight.
Pacing dad became chasing dad.
We reached the Alta Bobcat intersection and saw a friendly group cheering us. One of them recognized me from yesterday, and asked didn’t she see me yesterday, I said yeah I did the 50k, and am pacing my dad today, motioning in front of me with a grin. This seemed to catch her attention, and she ran to catch us.
She ran up ahead to my dad and asked if she could interview him. He had just taken a photo of me(3). After her interview she ran back to me and introduced herself, Brianna (who I’d later find out was @bri_sacks from LA, mutual friends with pal Vanessa! Small world indeed).
The race leaders, having finished their down-and-up loop, passed us on the way to the Alta aid station. We reached the shady forest at the top of Alta trail and I almost caught my dad again.
At the Alta station we topped off our waters, and headed down the moderately steep Rodeo trail. Memories came flashing back from ECSCA 2014 where this very trail was the long downhill of the marathon relay, my first 10k trail race.
Passed a few runners on the way down. Started to close the gap with my dad a few times, yet he kept pulling away. Finally caught him at the second aid station at the bottom of the downhill, and we started power hiking our way up the Bobcat trail.
I hadn’t felt hungry until then, and since this was the last big uphill I tore open a Simple Energy packet and ate it.
Finished our Rodeo Bobcat trails loop, once again hiking up to the top of Alta trail and down through its shady forest. My dad took another photo of me(4). Topped off my water at the Alta aid station where one of the station volunteers warned us that we were behind pace for the cut-off.
Even though technically we were about 5 minutes behind that cut-off checkpoint, I was a little annoyed at being told (hoping my dad didn’t hear it and get discouraged), as having just ran the mostly downhill subsequent six miles the day before, I knew we would easily make it to the finish before the four hour cut-off.
Onto SCA trail we went. Single-track and a bit rocky, it’s the most technical part of the ECSCA half marathon course. Being more familiar I took the lead and my dad followed, til he caught up to me on the brief uphill where you get a great view of San Francisco, the bridge, the bay, and the 101 Freeway. Back to the rocky descent I started to close in on him again.
A race volunteer directed him down the left turn towards the bridge. I’d almost caught up and he took off down those stairs, opening up a bit of a lead again. This was it, my last chance to actually catch him before the Golden Gate Bridge. I focused as I had the day before and started leaping downward as quickly and deftly I could, passing others in pursuit of my dad who had somehow also picked up speed. Caught him on the last switch back, and we crossed the road together onto the brief bit of trail before the bridge.
Apparently there were enough of us running the half marathon that The North Face was able to reserve the West side sidewalk on the bridge just for racers. It was pleasantly warmer than the day before, with a nicer Pacific Ocean view. Once again the concrete path was no fun to run on, so dropped down to a power-walk, swinging my arms forcefully for extra forward momentum. My dad pulled away again, and took another photo(5).
Only near the end of the bridge did I start running with another racer who wasn’t sure where she was going. We realized we needed to cloverleaf under the bridge back towards the finish. Race volunteers were there to direct us yet again. I had my whistle ready, the warm sun had really brought out the toursts.
No need to use the whistle, we were able to get past the tourists with some kind requests or yelling out “on your left!”. I saw my dad enter the sweeping downhill path toward The Warming Hut. Last chance to catch him, so I pushed extra hard. He paused briefly and whistled for me, seeing me approaching he kept going. By the time he reached the steps I was mere feet behind him. As he hestitated for the tourists, I launched down the steps as I had the day before.
Last chance to build up a lead before he’d catch me again on the flats. At the bottom of the steps, race volunteers were once again stopping traffic so we could cross. Dad caught up to me on the gravel path to the field, and we stuck together for the remainder. Tight right turn from the gravel onto the Crissy field green to the finishing chute. Told my dad to step carefully and look out for the gopher holes.
With mere yards to go we grabbed hands and raised them up as we crossed the finish line(6) under bright blue skies.
We finished in 3:22:19 with almost 13 miles, and just over 2000' climbed. Easily beat the four hour time limit. Walk in the park. Like a typical Saturday morning SFRC run. Sore feet but otherwise I felt fine. Nothing else hurt.
My #50miletraining had begun.
Epilogue: Afterwards we walked around, loosening up our legs. My dad grabbed a seat and elevated his legs. I walked a bit more to round up my total distance to an actual 13.1 miles half marathon (We’d only ran ~12.8 miles at the finish line), and also just to savor a moment reflecting on back-to-back race days(7).
We picked up our drop bag with clean clothes and extra layers, though we’d already dried off in the warm sunshine. I decided to check The North Face merchandise tent, felt I’d achieved enough of a feat to pick up something to commemorate. They had a nice “coordinates shirt” with the latitude longitude of the race finish, however were out of medium and large sizes.
I found a plain medium blue sports shirt and asked them to add the coordinates, as well as 50k & 13.1 Finisher heat decals on it. While they were preparing it I pulled out my second red ECSCA t-shirt from packet pick-up and asked for the same double finisher decals. Took a shot the next morning with my #ECSCA2019 #medals for #medalmonday(8).
Still feels surreal that I finished both races, and felt fine. I can only imagine how unfamiliar it might feel in the future, when the memories fade.
I know I have a long hard training cycle ahead for my first 50 miler, with its own ups and downs. When I'm feeling down or having doubts, I’ll be putting on one of these shirts to remind myself of what’s possible.
#runner #WorkHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #InstaRunner #TrailRunner #UltraRunner #GrassRootsGear #NovemberProject #NPSF #LetsDoThis #SundayRunday #2019_321 #20191117 #latergram #nofilter
Previously: (An array of running gear laid out for The North Face half marathon trail race.)
⛰🏃🏻♂️🏃🏻♂️ One more thing. #TBT #ECSCA #Sunday #halfmarathon
“Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel”
Or my last #Saturday night:
After the race is before the race. #AfterTheRaceIsBeforeTheRace
Last year I was not ready for this. I had signed up for both the #TNFECS 50k and half marathon, quite optimistically, to “run” the latter with my dad.
I barely felt I trained enough to complete the 50k. When the races were canceled, I have to admit I felt relief from the fear & anxiety of having committed to more than I could reasonably do.
Since running last years 50k solo a week after the canceled race, I started to entertain the idea of running further.
Watching and listening to friends who had run ultramarathons, especially 50 miles or more, I saw a consistent pattern of back to back long runs, up to ~30 miles one day, and ~10-15 the next. I realized #running both @TheNorthFaceECS #EnduranceChallenge 50k & half marathon back to back would be exactly that, training for running even further.
So this year I trained harder, fell more, and got up more. I trained in worse conditions, in the dark, in the wet, and sometimes in the heat. I started to add “easy” day 2 runs on tired legs after my long runs and increase day 2 distance slowly. I got stronger. I recovered faster.
Two weeks (actually 13 days) before ECSCA I finished 22 miles (~5k’) of trails, then 7.5 miles (~2k’) the next day and felt fine.
Sunday before the ECSCA I ran 8 easy miles with running partner Michele. I didn’t run the rest of the week. Hiked with @Nov_Project_SF on Friday to hills but that was it.
With my 50k done ( I laid out my running kit for the next day. I was feeling good so I told my dad I felt great. I was getting excited about running the half with him the next day.
I set my alarms (grateful for a much later 8am start to the Sunday half), and put a pillow under my feet in bed to keep my legs slightly elevated while I slept.
#runner #50miletraining #workharddreambigdocoolshit #instarunner #trailrunner #ultrarunner #grassrootsgear #novemberproject #NPSF #letsdothis #2019_320 #20191116 #latergram #nofilter
going to #IndieWebCamp Berlin2 this weekend 23-24 November @MozillaBerlin!
organizers @RosemaryOrchard @ioctaptceb @t looking forward to seeing you all!
Still a few complimentary tickets:
We have a special keynote too!
#indieweb #openweb #takebackyourweb (Tantek wearing a 50k finisher’s medal just past the The North Face Endurance Challenge finish line in Crissy Field, San Francisco, bowing his head, raising his left fist to the sky.) (Tantek on top of Cardiac Hill, above the clouds, a few spectators standing behind him.) (Tops of the Golden Gate Bridge towers poking through low fog behind the Marin Headlands, as viewed looking south from the SCA trail.) (Tantek running the last few meters on uneven Crissy field towards the North Face Endurance Challenge finish line, finishing area tents in the background.) (Tantek at the North Face Endurance Challenge finish area in Crissy Field in front of cotton candy colored wisps of sunset pink and orange sky, North Face expo tents behind him and to his left.)
🏅🏃🏻♂️I did it. 9:34:44 @thenorthfaceECS #TNFECS #ECSCA “50k”(53k😂). 50k distance PR in 8:59:41 according to Strava.
My first #ultramarathon race.
Yes I trained for this, and so many things had to go right to make this possible. Clean air. Ideal #running weather. Running up the first couple of hills with pal Vivek to new segment PRs.
Magically misty trails until climbing above the fog to clear skies above and a surreal cloudbank below. Pleasantly surprised to see Jenny Maier at the Cardiac Hill aid station pouring water for us racers. My only stop to take a selfie(2).
Feeling nimble down the Ben Johnson trail, picking up speed until I was leading a pair of much faster 50 miler runners to the depths of Muir Woods, whereupon they quickly passed me on the uphill. Worked through a right calf about to spasm and lock-up on the Lost Trail climb out of the woods.
Slower Dipsea descent than I wanted, but controlled. Stuffed salty Pringles chips in my mouth which tasted much better than they should have.
Tough grind back up to Deer Park and then fun times again chasing another faster runner downhill to the highway. Steady work on Redwook Creek back to Muir Beach aid station and then the Coastal Fire Road grind.
Finally the Fox trail descent on legs feeling tired too soon. I kept my toes pointed straight forward downward like Grady had told me to just 8 days before at NPSF, and took shorter shallower steps to maintain form. Picked up speed until I dropped into Tennessee Valley.
Delightfully surprised to see Krissi who ran with me and talked me up to the Tennessee Valley aid station, coaching me on a plan to beat the sweepers. After making sure I got the water & fuel I needed without pause and kept moving, she ushered me up Marincello making it clear I had to pick it up to make it.
Where I’d sped down earlier that morning passing racers, this time it was a strugglefest where I got passed. The last big long grind. I repeated the yoga yamas & niyamas to myself as a distraction from the exhaustion, spending just a moment trying to relate each one to my present and recent past. Literally a moving meditation.
Made it to the Alta aid station, the last one, and knew this was it, the make or break moment. Time to speed down the steady single-track SCA downhill. Stopped briefly to take my only other photo during the race(3). Focused on the rocky trail and started passing racers again. Turned left down towards the bridge, it looked so close. My legs kept trying to tell me they were too tired to go quickly.
No joke I started to hum The Rocky theme out loud to myself to drown out what the legs were saying and it worked. Picked up enough speed to both pass even more runners, and somehow set a couple of segment PRs!
Left the trails and started across the Golden Gate Bridge which was once again enveloped in fog. Except it was cold, wet, and windy enough to wipe out all the warmth I’d built up. Dropped into a slow robotic jog across the concrete bridge, no time to think or worry or feel the cold, or look at the time. Only had to use my whistle twice to part clumps of phone-staring crowds.
Exited the bridge onto the Battery trail and glimpsed my watch, I had a solid finish within reach. Last set of steps down to the Warming Hut. All the muscle memories from NPSF hill-day repeats on these stairs clicked and it felt like I was dancing on the wood beams, barely touching them, easily dodging tourists.
After the stairs, just the gravel flats to Crissy field. I’d pushed all my strong points, successfully executed Krissi’s plan and was down to a shuffling jog on this last slog. Barely buoyed by the remaining cheering spectators, I came around the last gentle bend and could see the North Face finish line arch. Felt myself smiling.
I saw my father in his blue jacket and flat cap, moments before he saw me and started running to join me, asking me how I was doing, taking photos.
Turned the tight hard-right onto the field and reminded myself to watch out for the uneven terrain. Kicked it as hard as I could without risking a finish line fall or twisted ankle(4, Photo: Hasan).
The cheers got louder. The announcer got my name right. Bounded across the finish line and accepted my medal. Bowed my head in gratitude and raised my fist in defiant victory(1, Photo: Hasan).
I’d done it. I am an #ultrarunner.
Epilogue: my dad had brought me a dry shirt and a long-sleeve zip. I changed to stay warm, picked up a veggie burger & cheese fries, found a bunch of #NovemberProject pals, and #NPSF #TrailRunning friends Bryan, Krissi, and Vivek who were nearby.
The sky turned to cotton candy(5).
#ultra #runner #UltraRunning #WorkHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #InstaRunner #TrailRunner #Marin #MarinHeadlands #CardiacHill #SCATrail #CrissyField #SanFrancisco #GrassrootsGear #NovemberProjectSF #IDidIt #50kfinish #50kfinisher #FirstUltra #FirstUltraMarathon #2019_320 #20191116 #latergram #nofilter
Follow-up: ran the ECSCA trail half marathon with my dad the next day: (An array of running gear laid out for the North Face 50 kilometer ultramarathon trail race.)
⛰🏃🏻♂️ This is it. #50ktraining & waiting just under a year for tomorrow’s 2nd chance @thenorthfaceECS #ECSCA 50k #trailrace. Good luck to everyone #trailrunning #TNFECS 50mi 50k marathon & relay!
Canceled last year due to smoke, I ran the course a week later ( after rains cleaned the air) unsupported and it was the hardest thing I’d ever done.
Fitter & a bit lighter this year, I feel trained, though not as much as I’d like to be (September & October travel made it tough). Yet I know these trails, and I know my body. The air is clean this year, and the weather is looking good.
I’m focusing on finishing healthy in the course time limit to make it official. Going for smoothness over speed. Looking forward to starting with so many friends from near & far and seeing even more at Crissy field.
#ultra #ultramarathon #runner #running #workharddreambigdocoolshit #instarunner #trailrunner #ultrarunner #grassrootsgear #novemberproject #NPSF #letsdothis #nofilter
Previously: my most recent (22 mile) long run:
@benwerd @dietrich
> need to get these on my calendar
Did you try ➕ Add to Calendar link above?
> Would love ICS
On events/tweets since 9/29!
> #indieweb wiki event notifications
✚🗓 Subscribe link on
> service for hevents on pages to ICS
hosting Homebrew Website Club #SF #IndieWeb meetup tonight 17:30 @MozSF!
@benwerd is joining us:
You should too! (if you’re near downtown SF) @dietrich @generativist @html5cat et al
using BBEdit
Teach to what the hand can hold
Love to what the heart is open to receiving
The first of these was perhaps the most impactful summary saying from my teachers during my 2017 #ytt200 yoga teacher training @YogaFlowSF. The second is my abstracting & re-applying beyond.
The first was spoken in the context of how you as a teacher have a responsibility to adapt your yoga class routine to the levels of the participants in a specific class as a whole, and to individuals based on their existing abilities and openness to learning.
It changes the dynamic from an ego-centered approach of a teacher conveying knowledge to student, to an empathetic focus on observing, listening, and understanding the student(s) first, and adjusting your teachings accordingly to what will best *serve* them, now, today, rather than what you may *want* to teach.
Whether physical poses, philosophy, or assists & adjustments, “Teach to what the hand can hold” has resonated strongly with me, and I’m still learning to keep it in mind when teaching.
Whenever I’ve consciously done so, it has improved the smoothness and unity in the classes I’ve taught, as well individuals I’ve helped and assisted 1:1.
When I find a specific approach that works like that, I tend to reflect on it to try to understand underlying aspects that make it work.
Teaching is a form of self-expression, and by redirecting focus from expression to first observation & understanding in the present, the expression becomes more effective. First what can the other person receive, now, of that what can you teach, and only lastly of that what do you want to teach.
As people are open and able to learn different things at different levels, and differently from different people, differently at different times, so it is with expression of feelings.
Love is so often shown in media and Hollywood narratives as being about expressing your feelings, and taking bold actions accordingly, usually without any consideration for if or what the other person is open to much less what would they want.
As much as love is about caring for someone else more than how it makes you feel (and want to express), one way to express that caring is by observing, listening, and understanding first, how is that someone open to receiving that love, today?
Love to what the heart is open to receiving
The Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities, content, and interactions. (Sunbeams fanning out from the top right corner with a blue halo arc across their tips landing on a footbridge across a creek in the middle of a forest with well lit greenery from the trees and ferns on the ground.)
☀️ I watched sunbeams glitter on the Fern Creek footbridge in Muir Woods. 🌲
#trail #runner #trailrunner #50ktraining #ultratraining #ECSCA #FernCreek #footbridge #MuirWoods #Marin #fromwhereIrun #trailrun #optoutside #getoutside #Sunday #SundayRunday #SundayRundayFunday #nofilter
@andymci @no thanks very much for the invitation! Would’ve loved to join y’all but had to catch a flight. Maybe the next #WordPress event we’re both at? Or an #IndieWeb event: And LMK when you’re next in SF!
@HenriHelvetica hello!
Next race is 11/16 @TheNorthFaceECS 50k!
Then running / powerhiking the 11/17 #ECSCA half marathon with dad.
Almost time to taper.
@andersnoren @kevinmarks thanks for the consideration, appreciated!
@dshanske is the real #WordPress Theme #microformats2 expert. I’m sure he can file good issues. @ChrisAldrich is also great at adding #microformats & #IndieWeb to a #WordPressTheme.
using BBEdit
Thank you @WordCampUS and thanks @photomatt for the invitation to speak on “Take Back Your Web”! Huge thanks to @dshanske for all his help!
Great questions & seeing so many with their own sites. Follow @dshanske’s awesome #WordPress #IndieWeb posts and progress on his own site e.g. He’ll also be at Contributor Day tomorrow!