

  1. interesting: "a large trove of documents ... C.I.A. ... beginning to go through it" http://j.mp/nytsfr longlink: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/03/world/asia/osama-bin-laden-dead.html

    Twitter post 65146563336478720
  2. watched nephew #1 do quite well in the local schools' juniors (K-3) chess tournament (3-1 over last year's 1-3).

    Twitter post 64584638298988544
  3. once again making plans for Portland and Poland (last year http://ttk.me/t46Y2) 1 roundtrip flight planned. 1 to plan.

    Twitter post 63701035146940417
  4. mom came along too. nice 6 mile walk/jog in the nearby hills. yet even LA wilderness air is dirtier than SF city air.

    Twitter post 63684746911293440
  5. going out for a run with dad. 17 days til #baytobreakers.

    Twitter post 63614572757659648
  6. Update: @zephoria's Tumblr URL restored, but what about lesser-known folks? Join us @IndieWebCamp in two months: IndieWebCamp.com: June 25-26 in Portland, Oregon, right after opensourcebridge.org (@OSBridge). See also: tantek.com/2011/010/b1/owning-your-data and indiewebcamp.com/Why.

    Twitter post 63446264867594241
  7. If it can happen to @zephoria it can happen to you "Tumblr disappeared me" http://j.mp/zepzap #indieweb longurl: http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2011/04/27/tumblr-disappeared-me.html

    Twitter post 63442544930983936
  8. Must not fall asleep on Caltrain listening to Inception soundtrack, must not fall asleep... Oh no, how did I get here?

    Twitter post 62736586453950464
  9. my 1st "forgot to tag-off post-Caltrain-disembarking" = Clipper balance -$10.50. If I dump it for a new card? Strongly dislike it when the digital interface (Clipper card) is a noticeably worse UX (two required steps) than the paper interface (one step - buy a ticket).

    Twitter post 62734297194434560
  10. watching @BarackObama Town Hall @Facebook http://j.mp/whfbth spotted @daveman692 @aubs in the audience! longurl: http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2011/04/20/facebook-town-hall-president-obama

    Twitter post 62423504011800576
  11. bicycling back from the Mission = second wind.

    Twitter post 62423443798376448
  12. not that I'll actually *talk* to her. that's besides the point. and she's moving. but here's @benward and @dsingleton!

    Twitter post 61943966991519744
  13. in minutes: cute hipster girl with glasses, tie, cardigan, android and book asks if she can share the table. #adjusted

    Twitter post 61942584603447296
  14. after England adventures, finding the crowd at Four Barrel decidedly plain, slobby, unsatisfying. superb lattes still.

    Twitter post 61937709610041344
  15. OH: "Try the new and improved Soma™. Side effects may include hypnosis, song, and mild dystopia."

    Twitter post 61665189883424768
  16. just finished an interview with @benhamamoto of @IFTF about the post-phone future (I used iPod-touch+Skype+MiFi in UK)

    Twitter post 61548428001415168
  17. @where20: "Groupon Now" announced, solves the "where do we go to lunch?" at work problem. But will it make us healthy?

    Twitter post 61114654407139328
  18. @where20: OH: "... 1 in 50 - and if I do my math right, that's 1%" (same speaker as previous quote) - Ouch.

    Twitter post 61113446019776512
  19. @where20: OH: "We found men buy more when they have a woman friend with them. So we encourage them to bring a guest."

    Twitter post 61112664469942272
  20. @where20 really enjoyed @jewelia's "location is dead" vs "long live location" examples. I want my own personal Watson!

    Twitter post 61112010598907905
  21. "God-willing, this [iPad app] will be available in the next few weeks, where god is Steve Jobs." – @ben_fry @where20

    Twitter post 61104967175507968
  22. Wow! @mg just announced @where20 that places data returned from @SimpleGeo APIs is CC0 as of today. #openplaces #geo

    Twitter post 60852590388318208
  23. asked @caseorganic @aaronpk @ dinner: PETA today METH tomorrow? (Machines for the Ethical Treatment of Humans) #skynet

    Twitter post 60537203348082689
  24. asks @commanda: @t... your bathroom... http://canv.as/p/2yj3m#138392 ? Yes! My first tile artwork. Flickr photo: http://flic.kr/p/76CVY5 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2469/4001928664_d5b4bdf7e2_b.jpg in reply to: twitter.com/commanda/status/60485060255694848

    Twitter post 60490887075078144
  25. a year ago today: I caught a lost dove http://flic.kr/p/8Qi1n9, walked down the street bird-in-hand, released it into a park.

    Twitter post 60448007589601280
  26. London, Brighton, thanks for good times, adventures, and a very informative @UXLondon. Boarded and heading back to SF.

    Twitter post 59929715309412352
  27. The full Twitter help chain for tonight's save: Brighton -> PDX -> NYC -> Brighton.

    Twitter post 59062516218732544
  28. Thanks to @Cennydd for saving the night! All set in Brighton (1:40 BST) Thanks for the tips/retweets everyone.

    Twitter post 59054212490870784
  29. Help needed. Stuck in Brighton (0:57 BST) without a place to stay (key fail) - any hotel suggestions? (usuals full)

    Twitter post 59042808866152448
  30. @UXLondon yesterday: enjoyed superb workshops: @sunnibrown's Graphic Facilitation, @louisrosenfeld's Design to Refine.

    Twitter post 58923777337204738
  31. @UXLondon: thanks everyone who came to the upgrading web UIs lunch. Follow and @-mention @css3ui for more suggestions!

    Twitter post 58878600602071040
  32. @UXLondon: interested in native-looking UI and upgrading UIs on the Web? Join me (@t) at lunch now to discuss CSS3-UI.

    Twitter post 58856537552191488
  33. @UXLondon: @moleitau: "The best way to complain is to make things." - James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem. Brilliant closer.

    Twitter post 58237446453854208
  34. BTW Twitter search is sucking @UXLondon. I'm using Google real-time search instead: http://j.mp/uxsgrt longlink: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1052&bih=537&tbm=mbl&q=uxlondon+OR+uxlon+OR+uxldn&aq=f&aqi=m1

    Twitter post 58206605078048768
  35. @UXLondon and @moleitau released a Roomba into the room. went under stage. I put a glass on it. it ran over a laptop. assistant immediately walked over, turned it off, and put it away. lesson: any misbehavior and you get switched off! this, after @moleitau showed us the Episode 4 scene of the Jawas selling the droids to illustrate robots being treated as slaves for sake of empathizing with them. #irony.

    Twitter post 58201678469541889
  36. @UXLondon aside: Minority Report UI is specialized: fast real-time immersive search used only for seconds not workday.

    Twitter post 58197784163139584
  37. @UXLondon: @moleitau made everyone stand up, hold their arms out, demonstrating flaw of Minority Report UI. #strawman!

    Twitter post 58195074051342336
  38. @UXLondon: @moleitau on stage in CYBERDYNE tshirt, jeans, colorful socks.. opens with ISO OSI stack?! #frontrow #uxlon

    Twitter post 58193324015763457
  39. @UXLondon: thoroughly enjoyed @katerutter talk. was paying too much attention to write tweetbites. took photos. #uxlon

    Twitter post 58180089556381697
  40. @UXLondon before lunch: UX vs Service Design (SD) comparisons confused me. Seems more like SD is just part of good UX.

    Twitter post 58169113897484289
  41. @UXLondon: "Outsourcing your user research is like outsourcing your vacation." - @jmspool quoted by @KimGoodwin #uxlon

    Twitter post 58127714393141249
  42. @UXLondon: really appreciating @KimGoodwin's use of real world case studies to illustrate points. Was getting annoyed at platitudes/generalizations from previous speakers that sounded more like folk wisdom than science. Have heard too much of that across too many fields for too many years to take such hand-waving seriously, regardless of reputation or personal success of the speaker. Refreshing to hear things from @KimGoodwin like "proper analysis of the data" and recommending simple first-hand user research techniques to invoke empathy in product developers.

    Twitter post 58123001530556416
  43. @UXLondon: @louisrosenfeld wants to ban "redesign", replace it with "refine". 90% agreed, iterate/evolve FTW. However, sometimes a redesign is necessary, e.g. you can't refine a pile of crap into something beautiful. Whether visual, interaction, experience or otherwise, advocating such an absolutist "no redesigns" position is a bit narrow-minded / throwing-baby-out-with-the-bathwater IMHO. Much better would be to explain both *why* refining is more appropriate in general *and* some specific cases *when* a redesign is likely to be necessary.

    Twitter post 58110928515891200
  44. @UXLondon: tired of captions + stock art, but appreciated Alan Cooper's concepts, illustrative captions+videos slides.

    Twitter post 58100649455390720
  45. Eager to absorb 3 days of #UX goodness. Prefixing coverage with @UXLondon. Follow to see my #uxlondon tweets. Alternatively just view fresher, longer, and updated originals on tantek.com.

    Twitter post 58099215011811328
  46. Happy 1st official International Day of Human Space Flight http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2011/ga11066.doc.htm #UN

    Twitter post 57958891996188672
  47. Navigation arrows: always back to the past and forward to the future. Back to the Future is a movie, not a UI pattern.

    Twitter post 57821011860656128
  48. requesting @adactio's assistance in the matter of toast.

    Twitter post 57729836323586048
  49. previous/next arrowkey buttons tamed (@falcon) http://j.mp/uaknp. Unicode icons tip: font-family:Courier New, monospace; longurl: http://dribbble.com/shots/147165-2011-101-Falcon-previous-next-arrow-buttons

    Twitter post 57717626562035712
  50. Nicely done @ZDNetUK, fairly accurate quotes, @t on #H264 at #w2e #HTML5 Now talk http://j.mp/zdukh5 longurl: http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/500-words-into-the-future-10014052/a-few-key-questions-about-html5-video-10022196/ and related session URLs: plancast.com/p/4kym lanyrd.com/sdpcr tantek.com/presentations/2011/03/html5-now

    Twitter post 57633382112305152
  51. Wonderful Brighton day. Lovely co-working @Clearleft, English pie+pint @ Constant Service, @adactio @wordridden hosts.

    Twitter post 57631943835140096
  52. says @anildash: "folks there [#linkedgov] might be interested in @ThinkUpApp's CSV" I am! Links to examples or a spec?

    Twitter post 57242430860308480
  53. good times #linkedgov @hackcamp (+drinks+dinner) @cbetta @mseckington @johannakoll @kevinprince @hadleybeeman @baskers @glynwintle et al!

    Twitter post 57216481628405760
  54. Skype, with family/friends across 3 other timezones (video 2/3), with iPod + 3UK mifi/3G. I <3 the #future present.

    Twitter post 57211854627405824
  55. sage advice for building/testing autonomous robots: "always remove the batteries when you're done" #linkedgov #skynet.

    Twitter post 57093751788683264
  56. dropped by #LinkedGov @HackCamp, analyzing real-world CSV files for translation to semantic #HTML5+@microformats #uf2

    Twitter post 57080648174813185
  57. Our team "Justice League" won first of 36 teams in The Go Game! http://instagr.am/p/C3mYw #mozilla #vegas photo: images.instagram.com/media/2011/04/05/7984f517337c453a934f831089c6cb22_7.jpg The Justice League with First Place trophy, middle of the table.

    Twitter post 55395500077223936
  58. "We must deconstruct the silos of control" @EdwardNorton, Mozilla allhands mtg. http://instagr.am/p/C1aF_ photo: images.instagram.com/media/2011/04/04/f7a6cd7ef2a645868a0433a24082ed90_7.jpg We're on it, sir.

    Twitter post 55002036365832192
  59. too much coffee. laundry. organic granola strawberries and soy milk for dinner. Newton's 3rd law of attention. Sunday.

    Twitter post 54749075718942720
  60. among lessons learned @SXSW 2011: letting go of expectations of sustainable happiness, and actively embracing enjoying the present; always with kindness and respect of course, for those at least can be sustainably scaled.

    Twitter post 54649535728852993
  61. a moment to breathe. sitting on a couch, basking in skylight diffused mid-day sun, downtempo jazz gently wafts. #cttp

    Twitter post 54632327367757825
  62. In which I object to IANA HTML5 rel registry and explain @microformats work fine. http://j.mp/ianavsuf links: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/issue-27-objection-poll/results and the poll itself: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/issue-27-objection-poll/ (requires W3C member / invited expert login, you have until 9pm Pacific to answer).

    Twitter post 53994016424988672
  63. saving some power for the morning after. wondering if BlackBerry or Roomba (or both?) will awaken on schedule anyway.

    Twitter post 53752214669361152
  64. power outage in the Haight. suddenly, having a mifi, USB battery, practicing Always Be Charging comes in extra handy.

    Twitter post 53746706306707456
  65. drafted a simple @microformats rel registry summary based on existing-rel-values: http://ufs.cc/w/rel-registry #HTML5.

    Twitter post 53672935067615232
  66. In which I declare W3C should abandon bespoke licenses and re-use CC0 + OWFa instead. http://j.mp/w3cc0wfa link: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Apr/0000.html

    Twitter post 53657901423800320
  67. #W2E #HTML5NOW, HTML5 Controversies attendees: please rate+comment! http://j.mp/w2eh5n http://j.mp/w2eh5c links: http://www.web2expo.com/webexsf2011/public/schedule/detail/19758 http://www.web2expo.com/webexsf2011/public/schedule/detail/19987

    Twitter post 53593074101784576
  68. OWF http://openwebfoundation.org published final OWFa CLA 1.0 agreements! http://j.mp/owfa10 #openweb. longlink: http://www.openwebfoundation.org/announcements/owfaandcla10agreementspublished

    Twitter post 53585022938124288
  69. "I want it to be so easy, you don't have to think, you just write." @dom quotes @jack describing his Status idea. #w2e

    Twitter post 53529121317330945
  70. contrast 2 launches: Google +1 http://google.com/+1, Twitter Web Intents http://dev.twitter.com/pages/intents Twitter's documentation is both more skimmable (lots of examples as pictures) and more detailed (sample code and display guidelines right there on the top level page). Despite being quite familiar with the online/geeky culture of "+1", it looks and reads awkwardly, e.g. "Alison +1'd this"? It's obviously Google's "Like" button ala Facebook, so why not just call it that and commoditize "liking" on the web? Also makes me wonder: what would be a good method of implementing "Like" buttons and the respective "19 people liked this" text on the indieweb? However, there's enough user benefit to Twitter Web Intents that I'll likely implement it in @Falcon to see how it affects the UX and use that real world experience to figure out how distributed web intents could work (having your "likes" or "favorites" go directly to and displayed by your own website rather than a centralized site, and then perhaps syndicating/sharing those likes/favorites to such sites).

    Twitter post 53518153367568384
  71. #w2e @mojombo "don't make people jump through... hoops" Where is "ACCEPT PULL" button? #github re: http://ttk.me/t49d5

    Twitter post 53249316248240128
  72. Google person #w2e mini-keynote boring except Dubai QR code hotel: http://j.mp/dubqrcd #ugly #dystopia longlink: http://www.qrme.co.uk/qr-code-news/3-newsflash/190-dubai-qr-code-hotel.html now if it was a giant animated Game of Life that would be cool, like the classic Glider Gun: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Gospers_glider_gun.gif

    Twitter post 53247442614886400
  73. Building Trust Online @w2e - @Mickipedia rocking it. Game Theory audience volunteers demo/experiment. Neuropsych. #w2e

    Twitter post 53210247665430528
  74. OH: "The last time I had to roll my own [Linux] kernel to patch a Firewire driver I was done." - @slightlylate #w2e

    Twitter post 53190243364515840
  75. "On my personal website Firefox rules the world." - Douglas Crockford.com #w2e #browserwars #fx4 #firefox

    Twitter post 53188934687133698
  76. says @theanxy "check slide 38". So I added HTML5 pushState to S5 = #html5now automatic slide permalinks. Reload: http://tantek.com/presentations/2011/03/html5-now then arrow-key through slides and watch the URL bar update. Try the back button. Copy & paste a slide permalink into a new window and watch it load that specific slide. Since we're asking IE9 to add pushState support (ttk.me/t4B23), it only made sense to make good use of it ourselves.

    Twitter post 52885933565034496
  77. #w2e "Controversies of HTML5": Moscone West Alcove 4 - southwest corner of the 2nd floor. http://plancast.com/p/4kyp

    Twitter post 52795300619890688
  78. Dear @IE: please support HTML5 pushState in IE9.1! Other browsers support it, need it to fight #! URLs. #html5now #w2e

    Twitter post 52783093915992064
  79. posted slides from this morning's #w2e "HTML(5) NOW" talk: http://tantek.com/presentations/2011/03/html5-now #html5now

    Twitter post 52780980297154560
  80. speaking @w2e 9am HTML5 Now http://plancast.com/p/4kym, 11:10am Controversies of HTML5 http://plancast.com/p/4kyp #w2e

    Twitter post 52659504814366720
  81. sending parents the XKCD radiation graphics http://xkcd.com/radiation and somehow Gmail Goggles prematurely kicked in.

    Twitter post 52594435925622784
  82. says @aaronpk "like... using a colon to indicate more content", I added ":" in iterations 2-3, but insufficient: numerous smart design/ux-minded folks gave passionate feedback that just the presence of a clickable http link so strongly meant "more content" that they felt compelled to click it and were disappointed when there wasn't any. I need to better write-up my @Falcon permashortlink citation iterations. Notes for now: iteration 1) http permashortlink always at end, auto-preceded by ellipsis "..." to indicate more content. 2) added blog post tweets which use entry title ":" and shorter link. 3) improved auto-ellipsing: if long tweet truncated at a ":", no need for ellipsis. 4) added parentheses around a permashortlink without http for content copies per http://ttk.me/t4As3, re-using the common citation convention of parenthesizing the source, e.g. (ttk.me/t4B16). Lack of "http://" makes it both look like less of a link, and avoids auto-linking on Twitter.com. Now "more content" is indicated by a tweet ending with *either* an ellipsis or a colon *and* a complete clickable http link. Hopefully that's obvious enough for users to quickly "get" when there's more to see (or not). Note that colon truncation is semi-automatic: as the author of the post you have to consciously put a word and a colon near the end of the retweet character limit and the ellipse function finds it automatically. It's too hard to "auto-colon", and wouldn't work for arbitrary text content (whereas auto-ellipsing does work). In-reply-to: http://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/52462920600256512 http://aaron.pk/2DX

    Twitter post 52481831232217088
  83. says @kvanscha "future is a mystery", more a probability tree per Adjustment Bureau and Garden of Forking Paths: notebook interface showing a person's past and forking future possible paths: iamcamerashy.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/adjustment-bureau-069.jpg (image from iamcamerashy.wordpress.com/2011/03/07/i-loved-adjustment-bureau) from the movie "Adjustment Bureau" (recommended) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adjustment_Bureau. And the Garden of Forking Paths blackboard diagram: flashforward.wikia.com/wiki/File:Dyson_Frost's_Wall_Diagram.svg: images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100519193046/flashforward/images/thumb/a/ab/Dyson_Frost%27s_Wall_Diagram.svg/800px-Dyson_Frost%27s_Wall_Diagram.svg.png from episode 17 of "Flash Forward" (B-rate sci-fi TV series with decent exploration of time/temporality/causality) www.hulu.com/watch/143503/flashforward-the-garden-of-forking-paths (note: this episode has lots of spoilers if you prefer to watch a series from the start) in-reply-to: https://twitter.com/kvanscha/status/52417871917232128

    Twitter post 52449851950108672
  84. Android Calendar snaps via @markng show red line for "now" (better than iCal http://ttk.me/t4B13 ). screenshots: http://grab.by/9Jg1 grab.by/grabs/b692c742b0ac8928626770feca658094.png and http://grab.by/9Jg7 grab.by/grabs/c6f95ed93546628b525cd493cedf4858.png Obvious advantages over iCal's red dot indicator: 1) Android has a red line instead of grey line for "now", 2) in the "week" view, the red "now" line only appears on "today" rather than across every day of the week.

    Twitter post 52449379646308352
  85. re @markng Android, @somnambulant Outlook, @kevinmarks gCal. Pictures? Thanks @devonmitton @kroosh iCal red dot: yfrog.com/h0a17bp: http://a.yfrog.com/img612/9870/a17b.png flic.kr/p/9u5XK1: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5138/5568683994_6b9acacf4e_o.png The iCal red dot is cool, but the grey line that extends is both too subtle (gets lost in grid line noise), and is confusing when it extends to days other than today (e.g."now" is not Sunday, Mar 27 as shown). Also, the dot looks like a clickable affordance but doesn't seem to do anything when clicked. Feels half-designed.

    Twitter post 52426877750616064
  86. as maps have a "You Are Here" red dot, why don't calendar/timeline displays have a "You Are Now" red dot/square/line?

    Twitter post 52416173500940289
  87. thanks @lauraglu @mwearhouse for a wonderful dinner! 80s + deduction + teammate @tobiasblue = Trivial Pursuit Master ed. win.

    Twitter post 52306963677192193
  88. says @BenWard "premium vinyl ... Pink Floyd's Time kicks in" as @FourBarrel plays PF's Money on vinyl. #synchronicity

    Twitter post 52196472669732864
  89. uploaded 294 #SXSW 2011 photos and videos: http://flickr.com/tantek/tags/sxsw2011 tag, note, comment away! #goodtimes

    Twitter post 51861360484691968
  90. says @kfury "...it's going to be huge on college campuses. The question is for how long" <- sounds familiar. #color

    Twitter post 51441482263040000
  91. Major update to the CSS3 Flexbox Module: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/ please review, feedback to www-style list.

    Twitter post 51035764485652480
  92. Congrats to all at Mozilla on the launch of @Firefox 4! Watch live downloads worldwide: http://glow.mozilla.org/ #fx4

    Twitter post 50258446137831424
  93. SXSW 2011 was both challenging and restorative. Like it undid years of damage. Feeling a lot more myself, and comfortably so.

    Twitter post 49629550098923522
  94. thanks @kh @rk for the ride to Four Barrel - SF-re-acclimation complete. next: bus home, drop bags, bike to brunch, climbing.

    Twitter post 49555721725030401
  95. Wonderful past 24 hours @SXSW. OMD, catching up, answers. One more show (Diplo), then packing up for 8am flight to SF.

    Twitter post 49338240272056320
  96. New @Falcon permashortlink design: (ttk.me) = citation only, no extra content. explicit http ttk.me URL = more to see.

    Twitter post 49323828383453184
  97. Plan: 16:30 PressPausePlay #sxsw film at ACC/Vimeo theater: http://plancast.com/p/4il8

    Twitter post 49220236817342465
  98. Last Austin day. Plan: 13:30 Frank's coffee, Austin Java breakfast tacos. Still @SXSW and want to join? dm/im me.

    Twitter post 49168059805614080
  99. watched my 1st film of #sxsw: "Something Ventured" - excellent. Go request it on Netflix.com so they'll carry it.

    Twitter post 48826022099030017
  100. #SXSW Music has been a blast. Visited the Trade Show. The @NewRiders booth has completely sold out of @HTML5Now!

    Twitter post 48501441274458112
  101. #sxsw #browserwars Q #! URLs breaking the web. #HTML5 pushState supported by all but IE, when will IE support it?

    Twitter post 47792076133380096
  102. #SXSW @HTML5Now book signing all done! Signed a few extras, get one at ACC Level 4 Book Store across Ballroom D.

    Twitter post 47703149590491136
  103. #SXSW 11:10am *soon* @HTML5Now book-signing, ACC Level 4 Book Store across Ballroom D: http://plancast.com/p/4evr

    Twitter post 47681131885240320
  104. Plan: #futuremf Q&A at Shakespeare's http://plancast.com/p/3wul , 20x2 v11 http://plancast.com/p/3nv9 , food.

    Twitter post 47433009971990528
  105. #sxsw #futuremf CORRECTION: 34% (not 43%) web developers use microformats (2010 WD survey) thanks @randyhoyt. Updated @microformats wiki pages accordingly.

    Twitter post 47431427414949888
  106. Great @microformats session with @benward @phae @ptarjan, from audience @kevinmarks @chrismessina #futuremf #sxsw

    Twitter post 47428459743551488
  107. #sxsw 3:30pm Future of Microformats @phae @benward @ptarjan @t Hilton 6th fl Salon F/G http://plancast.com/p/3q33

    Twitter post 47373212174123008
  108. at Etsy party, making an @T button with @skinny's super-crafty assistance to go with my jacket. photos to follow.

    Twitter post 46744909318864896
  109. recharging everything at the TRON Lounge ACC 10c. A few free TRON frisbees left! http://flic.kr/p/9pMsKT photos: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5520003601_90e505b796.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5257/5519989069_95fe236347.jpg flickr.com/tantek/tags/TRONLounge

    Twitter post 46653573441929216
  110. gmail unknown activity warning rr.com IP:97-77-180-23, changed password. Gtalk sniffing @SXSW? If you use Adium: After you change your gmail password, from the "Adium" menu, choose "Preferences...", choose "Accounts" tab at top, double-click your gtalk account in the list, choose "Options" tab at the top, check the "[x] Require SSL/TLS checkbox", Click "OK", close the "Preferences" window, change your status to "Offline" and then back to "Available". Thanks to @fatbusinessman for the Adium Gtalk SSL option tip.

    Twitter post 46623076137447424
  111. Twitter searches (e.g. #fsw) consistently failing @SXSW demonstrating flaw of depending on a single site/service.

    Twitter post 46607500677623808
  112. #fsw Q+A: called out Wave and Open Social protocol/format efforts for being too big/overdesigned in first drafts.

    Twitter post 46606278537129985
  113. Dear friends: stop using "bit.ly" (j.mp instead). Cannot trust ".ly" (Libya) URLs. cc: @blaine @timoreilly More: @github (in particular for default service hook notifications) @CSScommits @klout @pistachio @marcedavis @boltpeters @kwerb @withings @sgalineau @uxfeeds @veronica

    Twitter post 46603922399436800
  114. #fsw @KevinMarks says nearly everyone supports XFN rel=me: http://ufs.cc/w/rel-me user-centric identity curation.

    Twitter post 46600732874522625
  115. Up early for Federating the Social Web plancast.com/p/44xu and Decentralized Web Identity, trekking to the Hyatt.

    Twitter post 46586690961285121
  116. Happy Birthday @tessa! May you have many many more.

    Twitter post 46583975795363840
  117. survived another year around the sun. thanks for birthday wishes! Join me @ Big Bang Bordello http://plancast.com/p/3i2q

    Twitter post 46353785567707136
  118. SXSW: How Not To Be #dbag, BattleDecks, grilled cheese + tomato basil soup, Why We (Still) Have A Digital Divide.

    Twitter post 46348362328457217
  119. breakfast with @kevinmarks @kellan @wordridden @adactio @blaine @maureen @paulmison http://flic.kr/p/9pAeP5 pic: farm6.static.flickr.com/5052/5517813822_ebf39478c5.jpg

    Twitter post 46268812319924224
  120. great catching up, meeting new friends tonight, yet my thoughts are with everyone in Japan and surrounding areas.

    Twitter post 46135153302573056
  121. via @avantgame: 6 sec of "pro-social" touch (a hug, holding hands) releases oxytocin and you connect. citations: shrinkyourself.com/blog_item.asp?i=-140 "A hug that lasts six seconds or more triggers the release of a hormone called oxytocin." and related: independent.co.uk/news/science/mum-was-right-you-will-feel-a-whole-lot-better-after-a-cuddle-501813.html and npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128795325 "In addition to calming us down and reducing our stress response, a friendly touch also increases release of the oxytocin ..."

    Twitter post 45990851624701952
  122. realizing the "tagging" nature of lists, resultant harshness of "not-at-sxsw", renaming to "missing-you-at-sxsw".

    Twitter post 45968051476234240
  123. Dear friends not @SXSW, I may add you to a not-at-sxsw list, unfollow for now. promise will still love you after.

    Twitter post 45943864602800128
  124. Dear @eventbrite: for SXSW events, email reminders 2 *hours* in advance, not 2 *days*. otherwise it's just noise.

    Twitter post 45874729470541825
  125. last min SXSW office hours: 9:30-11am @ Jo's on 2nd: http://plancast.com/p/4chk wearing Firefox tshirt, LEGO bag.

    Twitter post 45867615247278080
  126. nice. @evanpro @caseorganic are organizing a SXSW #indieweb meetup Friday afternoon. @evanpro, post to planca.st?

    Twitter post 45855951147905024
  127. Good morning Austin! Who wants to grab breakfast? #SXSW

    Twitter post 45852960202293249
  128. Austin 10-day weather kissing 80s http://j.mp/aus80s, 1 day iso t-storms. packing light jacket + umbrella. link: http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/outdoors/tenday/USTX0057

    Twitter post 45578819872096256
  129. prep for SXSW twitsplit: Going? Start bio with "SXSW", move non-goers to a list. Not going? Move SXSWers to list.

    Twitter post 45569173585272833
  130. brainstormed with @benward @phae on 2d+time friends+events UI: Adjustment Bureau notebook + Tufte Napoleon march.

    Twitter post 45383177950334976
  131. 2005 Avon.com 40k reps get hCards (still there!). 2011 Avonromance.com uses pink rotated microformats logo. via: @briansuda. Example Avon Representative with hCard, found by clicking "Find a representative" on Avon.com and entering 94107: gespinalaguerre.avonrepresentative.com/contact.html

    Twitter post 45314853505736704
  132. OH: "Can we just say that again? That redundancy is not a problem." @CSSWG f2f #css21 #nerdhumor.

    Twitter post 45284926827937792
  133. set-up Virgin Mobile MiFi http://ttk.me/i/a/BYvmiL on SF-MV train. posting while waiting for a sandwich. #future.

    Twitter post 45175399705092096
  134. nephews and sister surprise visit, barely held it together. Haven't seen ~1.5 mo. http://flic.kr/p/9oF7ne photo: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5056/5507447839_08eafab975.jpg

    Twitter post 44937484257337345
  135. OH: "We were expecting a fix for Gecko?" "Give me 15 seconds." @CSSWG #CSS3.

    Twitter post 44933335998410752
  136. .@CSSWG f2f: proposed to @glazou that we make Selectors a living spec (no version#) with him as editor for life: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors3/

    Twitter post 44931424373063680
  137. Welcome @edwardjolmos! Thanks for inspiring with Blade Runner, Stand And Deliver (dad is math prof), BSG. links: tantek.com/asin/B000K15VSA tantek.com/asin/B003NF97NK tantek.com/asin/B0036EH3UC

    Twitter post 44902605981360128
  138. Dear @eventbrite: please hide/dim "My Tickets" "Recommended Events" that are "Sold Out" w/o waitlist. (+1 @tessa)

    Twitter post 44896534336241664
  139. SXSW Tip: login @eventbrite, go http://eventbrite.com/mytickets#recommended_events_sec, click "Show all events".

    Twitter post 44893424826068993
  140. woke up at 04:45 PST. not deliberate SXSW "pretrain your circadian rhythms" per http://tantek.com/b/4Aa1 #anxious

    Twitter post 44752498950545408
  141. enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau last night despite 10 minute audio-fail/rewind delay. #adjusted #meta #makeyourfate

    Twitter post 44566874335354881
  142. Happy 64th day of the year! 6-bit day? Or perhaps a day for chess (and checkers?) ...post-movie rain = taxi home.

    Twitter post 44305712381304832
  143. Honored to serve on the Open Web Foundation board. The Legal Drafting Committee have done excellent work. #owfa1

    Twitter post 43992234332393472
  144. SXSW 101 and Additional Tips

    Beyond what to pack for SXSW, there are quite a few things to keep in mind, as SXSW is a conference unlike any other.

    Tessa Horehled (who sparks too many good ideas), a Senior Strategist at Engauge, posted an excellent SXSW 101 – A Guide For N00bs yesterday:

    In particular

    Here are a few of Tessa's tips I want to specifically call out (with commentary)

    • Austin weather is usually HOT but can be very RAINY (and COLD). Bring layers and pack water resistant items accordingly.
    • Sunscreen / sunblock - pack it, bring it. No one likes (having a) lobster-face.
    • RSVP for everything and assume you'll make nothing. So true, best laid plans and all that. Instead, team up with a few friends (mix new and familiar) each night and hit-up what looks like the best option at any given time. No matter what, you'll at least be hanging out together and getting to know each other better.
    • Sites to get on and check out in advance:
    • Breakfast events are less crazy - two words: breakfast tacos. some of my best memories from SXSW are from spontaneous/serendipitous brunch meetups.
    • Carry energy bars, dried fruit, trail mix - whatever healthy snacks you can dip into whenever you feel hunger coming on. Keep your blood glucose even. Avoid spiking it (and inevitably crashing) with anything with corn-syrup or high in sugar / processed "foods", and you'll be happier and more alert throughout the day.
    • Pick sessions based on who you want to see more than the what - particularly challenging as none of the above tools show events by speaker.
    • Arrive early for sessions you really want to get into - popular sessions are standing room only by the time they start. plan to arrive 15-20 minutes early.
    • Consistent clear profile photos. Make sure your Twitter, Facebook, etc. profiles have a consistent, clear photo of your face. I need to get on this. Ditch the 8-bit avatars, cartoons, pets, babies, QR codes. They're not that clever, really they're not. You and everyone else are going to meet tons of new people, and if you want a chance of them remembering you and connecting, look the same online as you do in person.


    There were only a few tips for which I have alternate suggestions:

    • Bring Moo mini-cards, not normal business cards. Seasoned SXSWers frown upon anything traditionally business-like: suits, ties, sales pitches, and business cards. Leave your business cards at home and order Moo mini-cards instead:
      • front: simple design with your name, personal URL, Twitter, maybe Flickr, and of course a clear photo of your face per previous tip.
      • back: a variety of photos from your Flickr that reflect your personality.
      • delivered to directly your hotel. too late to ship home.
    • Speed-walk instead of pedi-cab. I'm not a fan of the pedi-cabs. They're great in concept but my experience(s) have left something to be desired. Due to frequent traffic jams, they're not that much faster than speed-walking or jogging, and quite expensive. Instead, between now and next Friday, practice speed-walking everywhere you go, and if you're up for it, jog/run 1-2 miles a day. It will make a difference. Exception: 10+ blocks are worth pedi-cabbing it.
    • Carry a rechargeable USB battery instead of phone charger. Everyone has a smart phone that dies in the evening, and rushes to use the scarce outlets in bars/restaurants. Don't expect to plug-in when you're out. Get a rechargeable USB battery pack like the Trent Super-pack IMP500 5000mAh External Battery and use it to recharge your iPhone/BlackBerry/Android on the go.


    All her good suggestions sparked a few more in my head:

    • Sharpie your name + URL + twitter on your stuff. Use an ultra fine Sharpie pen (if you want to stand out pick a signature color from this 24-pack of 80's glam colored sharpie markers) to write your name, URL, handle on all your gadgets, cables, extension cords, power supplies etc. In all the hustle and bustle that is SXSW you might easily forget something somewhere, or drop something. By clearly visibly labeling your stuff you make it easier for/to:
      • someone to return your lost stuff
      • people to say hi and remember your name in sessions
      • conduct your own honesty experiment, deliberately "forgetting" stuff to see who returns it
    • Recharge everything at night. Before taking your clothes off, empty your pockets of devices and plug everything in:
      • phone(s)
      • camera battery
      • USB battery
      • laptop
      • iPod
      I know it sounds obvious, but it's easy to forget when you return exhausted to your bed. Practice this every night before you head to SXSW next week. Making it a nightly habit will lower the cognitive load of remembering.
    • Carry a small laptop power adapter and a couple of USB cables with you so that if you do end up away from your base of operations for the night, you can at least recharge your laptop, USB battery, and phone by connecting them all together.
    • Carry a water bottle with you. You will dehydrate quickly in the warm weather outside / air-conditioning inside, and from all the speed-walking across town. Stay hydrated and you'll be happier and last longer.
    • Start days with breakfast tacos and coffee. Nothing like a solid dose of protein (eggs) and caffeine to get into gear. Breakfast might be your only proper big solid meal of the day, so make it count.

    I hope you find Tessa's SXSW 101 intro and these additional tips useful in your SXSW adventures.

    Have awesome SXSW tips of your own to share? Tweet them out and cc: @tessa @t. I'll watch for them and add/attribute the best ones.

    Twitter post 43772854487101440
  145. my 1st Dribbble http://drbl.in/Tzw, "liked" by none other than The Creator himself. I'm so not worthy. longlink: http://dribbble.com/shots/123002-2011-061-Falcon-blog-links-embeds

    Twitter post 43517456156864512
  146. TRON: Uprising animated prequel to @TRONLegacy in 2012! Miniseries starts this fall: http://j.mp/tronup Trailer: http://youtu.be/THcItXSnngA longlink: http://www.ugo.com/tv/tron-uprising-first-look-trailer

    Twitter post 43382733069754368
  147. says @edrabbit "It's all about the onebit avatars now" I have a list http://twitter.com/t/black-and-white/members

    Twitter post 43379607294050304
  148. Dear @Amazon: instead of 404-ing a product id, redirect to new id. E.g. B002WCUTEQ to B003S0TXOS. thanks @jsonp: http://twitter.com/jsonp/status/43346632074473472

    Twitter post 43371711453863936
  149. all your 8bit avatars sadly remind me of Eternal Sunshine memory loss, when faces and things go literally blank: http://youtu.be/dZIHQ92csvM

    Twitter post 43367929827438592
  150. says @CraigGrannell "hard to compile [an iPad 3] wish-list" Easy: Retina display, untethered, self-hosted coding.

    Twitter post 43343971765850112