
a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. Five years ago today I just showed up to @Nov_Project_SF, and my life took a turn for the better. #NPSF itself started at #Kezar so perhaps it was appropriate that I celebrated my fifth #NPversary with a bit of #tracktuesday and this dedicated pre-dawn crew.

So grateful for the friends, community, lessons learned, and so many workouts. I would not have imagined being where I am now (19 days til my first ultra).

Previously at track (it’s been a while, #50ktraining took over)
* 2018-254 late to track, did my own 4x400
* 2018-240 nearly complete track workout
* 2018-233 same
* 2018-191 same
* tantek.com/2018/173/t3/fbf-tracktuesday-recovery-taper-stretch

Previous NPversaries:
* tantek.com/2017/303/t1/four-years-nov-project-sf-npversary
* tantek.com/2014/308/b2/my-first-year-november-project
* tantek.com/2014/303/t1/one-year-ago-justshowup-npsf-npversary
* tantek.com/2013/303/t3/novemberproject-different-level-fitness

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