@indiewebcamp @kylewm2 I'll be there early 17:00-19:00 for quiet writing and open discussions. Have to leave early.
going to Homebrew Website Club @TheCreamerySF March 11, but only for 17:00-19:00. Indie event: werd.io/2015/homebrew-website-club-march-11-2015 silo: fb.com/events/1605342076364274
Ghosts in the machine: open tabs and auto-completed-from-history posts from deceased friends. Considering creating or adding to memorial pages for them in the communities we knew each other in, beyond just citing their work. Seems about all we can do sometimes, remember them for their good work, and their positive contributions.
@mikewest good start on #security and #privacy questions. Do you have sample answers e.g. for existing WebAPI CR(s)?
@fugueish @xkit I fear/suspect that. Paytoplay + academic + enterprise + committee design at odds with min viable APIs
Does it matter that @Google is asking for exclusive internal use of .dev, and silo-izing .blog? http://sealedabstract.com/rants/google-our-patron-saint-of-the-closed-web/
And @W3C needs a Security (#s6y) group that reviews all specs, like #i18n & #a11y (WAI) groups do. cc: @bcrypt @W3CAB
Thoughts yesterday lunch w @bcrypt: @W3C specs too big/complex. How do we simplify WebAPIs to reduce security surface?
@awoods @kylewm2 your bio says WordPress & your site too. #indieweb is about empowering how you already work: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress As @kylewm2 said, up to you. We do have plenty very friendly WordPress folks who are happy to help out - stop by our IRC channel if you get a chance: irc://irc.freenode.net/indiewebcamp Realtime archive: indiewebcamp.com/irc/today
@mnot @bcrypt always keep your independence close to heart & mind. ABC: Always be creating on/for your #indieweb site.
Ran 3x up Hayes hill (Laguna>Pierce) this morning in 30 minutes. 11 weeks til we #raceb2b. #b2b2015 #hillsforbreakfast
@kylewm2 hence I replied to the source for context. The brackets […] indicate removal from a quote. More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsis Specifically: “If an ellipsis is meant to represent an omission, square brackets must surround the ellipsis to make it clear that there was no pause in the original quote: [ . . . ]. Currently, the MLA has removed the requirement of brackets in its style handbooks. However, some maintain that the use of brackets is still correct because it clears confusion.” Since we often use ellipses to truncate POSSE tweets, it’s better to always use […] when elliding inside a quote, to disambiguate that the ellipsis was not in the original. And square brackets are also the convention for indicating quoter edits to the content of a quotation, such as insertion of implied words, substitutions for pronouns etc.
“dropped my RSS […] to simplify my site’s code. I don’t want to maintain all these sidefiles.” — @kartik_prabhu
At last night's Homebrew Website Club we discussed, shared experiences, and how-tos about realtime indie readers, changing/choosing your webhost, indie RSVPs, moving from Blogger/Tumblr to your own site, new IndieWebCamp Slack channel, and ifthisthen.cat.
See kevinmarks.com/hwc2015-02-25.html for the writeup.
@rachelnabors right-click works fine on that image in Firefox 37. Perhaps file a bug/feature request for your browser?
@rachelnabors I remember that. Experiments are good. Better techniques now, e.g. http://tantek.com/2013/149/b1/bayesian More: http://cookiecrook.com/longdesc/
W3C has advanced the longdesc
attribute to a Recommendation, overruling objections from browser makers.
Not a single browser vendor supported advancing this specification to recommendation.
Apple formally objected when it was a Candidate Recommendation and provided lengthy research and documentation (better than anyone has before or since) on why longdesc is bad technology (in practice has not and does not solve the problems it claims to).
Mozilla formally objected when it was a Proposed Recommendation, agreeing with Apple’s research and reasoning.
Both formal objections were overruled.
For all the detailed reasons noted in Apple’s formal objection, I also recommend avoid using longdesc, and instead:
(text alternative) attributes for images, that read well inline if and when the image does not load. Or if there’s no semantic loss without the image, use an empty alt=""
.Perhaps the real tragedy is that many years have been wasted on a broken technology that could have been spent on actually improving accessibility of open web technologies. Not to mention the harrassment that’s occurred in the name of longdesc.
Sometimes web standards go wrong. This is one of those times.
going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2015-02-25. Indie event kylewm.com/2015/02/homebrew-website-club-2015-february-25 silo fb.com/events/1579077165643006
@fbonacci no, no joker. Normally that would be a lap or stadium stairs, but not with today’s legs.
This morning: legs too tired to sprint, did a deck instead. 33 cards of ♣ leglift ♦ sideplank ♥ pushup ♠ sergeant lunge 2-10 J=11 Q=12 K=13 A=14 For the sideplank and lunges, I did the count from the card on both sides/legs. Took a photo with the rest of the Trackish Tuesday crew and then watched the sunrise in Golden Gate Park afterwards on my way home. https://instagram.com/p/zfSACaA9b7 https://igcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t51.2885-15/11024384_680436535400682_1016995629_n.jpg
New @W3C TR snapshot of @CSS3UI published. Focus on implemented features, most issues resolved: http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/WD-css3-ui-20150224/
@davewiner you're using Twitter. @benwerd & I use our indieweb sites for all notes & replies, copied to feeds+Twitter
@benwerd @davewiner indeed. And hence “diversity of approaches & implementations” principle: indiewebcamp.com/principles#Plurality
@davewiner disagree. critiques of tech “XML is fragile” useful, of people/groups “problem with the IndieWeb guys” not
2 more IndieWebCamp translations started Spanish indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page-es Catalan indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page-ca Thanks @badosa!
The November Project recently wrapped up a survey for a book project. I had the tab open and finally submitted my answers, but figured why not post them on my own site as well. Some of this I've blogged about before, some of it is new.
Describe your pre-NP fitness background and routine.
How did you first hear about the group?
I saw chalkmarks in Golden Gate Park for "NovemberProject 6:30am Kezar!" and thought what the heck is that? 6:30am? Sounds crazy. More: Learning About NP
Recount your first workout, along with the vibe, and how they may have differed from your expectations.
My first NovemberProject workout was a 2013 NPSF PR Wednesday workout, and it was the hardest physical workout I'd ever done. However before it destroyed me, I held my hand up as a newbie, and was warmly welcomed and hugged. My first NP made a strong positive impression. More: My First Year at NP: Newbie
For those who've crossed paths, what was your first impression of BG? Of Bojan?
I first met BG and Bojan at a traverbal Boston destination deck workout. BG and Bojan were (are!) larger than life, with voices to match. Yet their booming matched with self-deprecating humor got everyone laughing and feeling like they belonged.
Boston Only: If you had a particularly memorable newbie meeting and virgin workout at Harvard Stadium, I'd like to know about it for a possible separate section. If so, please describe.
My first Boston Harvard Stadium workout was one to remember. Two days after my traverbal Boston destination deck workout, I joined the newbie orientation since I hadn't done the stadium before. I couldn't believe how many newbies there were. By the time we got to the starting steps I was ready to bolt. I completed 26 sections, far more than I thought I would.
How has NP elevated your fitness level? How have you measured this?
NP has made me a lot faster. After a little over 6 months of NPSF, I cut over 16 minutes in my Bay To Breakers 12km personal record.
Give an example of how NP has affected your personal life and/or helped you overcome a challenge.
NP turned me from a night person to a morning person, with different activities, and different people. NP inspired me to push myself to overcome my inability to run hills, one house at a time until I could run half a block uphill, then I started running NPSF hills. More: My First Year at NP: Scared of Hills
How has NP impacted your relationship with your city?
I would often run into NPSF regulars on my runs to and from the workout, so I teamed up with a couple of them and started an unofficial "rungang". We posted times and corners of our running routes, including to hills. NPSF founder Laura challenged our rungang to run ~4 miles (more than halfway across San Francisco) south to a destination hills workout at Bernal Heights and a few of us did. After similar pre-workout runs North to the Marina, and East to the Embarcadero, I feel like I can confidently run to anywhere in the city, which is an amazing feeling.
Why do you think NP has gained such traction so rapidly?
Two words: community positivity. Yes there's a workout too, but there are lots of workout groups. What makes NP different (beyond that it's free), are the values of community and barrier-breaking positivity that the leaders instill into every single workout. More: My First Year at NP: Positive Community — Just Show Up
Describe your most memorable workout or a quintessential NP moment.
Catching the positivity award when it was thrown at me across half of NPSF.
Weirdest thing about NP?
That so many people get up before sunrise, nevermind in sub-freezing temperatures in many cities, to go to a workout. Describe that to anyone who isn't in NP, and it sounds beyond weird.
How has NP bled into your "regular" life? (Do you inadvertently go in for a hug when meeting a new client? Do you drop F-bombs at inopportune times? Have you gone from a cubicle brooder to the meeting goofball? Are you kinder to strangers?)
I was already a bit of a hugger, but NP has taught me to better recognize when people might quietly want (or be ok with) a hug, even outside of NP. #huglife
If you've ever won the Positivity Award, please describe that moment and what it meant to you.
It's hard to describe. I certainly was not expecting it. I couldn't believe how excited people were that I was getting it. There was a brief moment of fear when Braden tossed it at me over dozens of my friends, all the sound suddenly muted while I watched it flying, hands outstretched. Caught it solidly with both hands, and I could hear again. It was a beautiful day, the sun had just risen, and I could see everyone's smiling faces. More than the award itself, it meant a lot to me to see the joy in people's faces.
What do your non-NP friends and family think of your involvement?
My family is incredibly supportive and ecstatic with my increased fitness. My non-NP friends are anywhere from curious (at best), to wary or downright worried that it's a cult, which they only half-jokingly admit.
Describe NP in one word.
Additional thoughts? Include them here.
You can follow my additional thoughts on NP, fitness, and other things on my site & blog: tantek.com.
In today’s episode of the blind leading the blind, I offer advice & support to a single guy friend, 10+ years younger.
Appreciating design touches, e.g. @NikePlus app’s after-run voice congrats like: “This is @ShalaneFlanagan. Wow! That’s three days in a row. Boom.” What if we could record such congrats ourselves and share them for friends to hear after they completed their runs?
Excellent Trackish Tuesday this morning. Did warmup, 6 of 7 laps. Getting faster at 200s. Thanks @butteronadonut. http://instagram.com/p/zNZ4Tbg9Tp/ http://photos-e.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t51.2885-15/11005277_1565837396988468_265682354_n.jpg
♫ youtu.be/hqxbSggZ-vI “One of these mornings […] you will look for me, and I’ll be gone.” Trackish Tuesday 0600 @CalAcademy.
Also on: ThisIsMyJam _9nrd6ge@kidehen negative reasoning: “a person doesn't” “you shouldn't need” begets procrastination, not building. More: indiewebcamp.com/FAQ#Is_everyone_going_to_want_to_run_their_own_website
@julien51 please add your tweets to your own site, in both h-entry & your RSS feed too. Yummier than non-RSS tweets :)
@hmans I wish I could reply-to, like, and send a webmention to your wish at an #IndieWeb permalink on hmans.io :)
@kevinmarks @marcoarment great post. “build what we want” core to #indieweb. indiewebcamp.com/principles Let’s work together.
@elfpavlik #IndieWeb focuses on: #ownyourdata, own notes > tweets #UX #design > protocols More: indiewebcamp.com/principles
Still working on figuring out a good design to collapse presentation of likes of same type of thing from same source.
Learned a new arm balance in yoga class @MissionCliffs today. Held Dragonfly pose several seconds. Thanks Katharine.
going to BOOTIE SF: Valentine’s Party https://www.facebook.com/events/334639810064851/
not going to make it to @Nov_Project_SF take on the #Sunrise6K. Free race, great people. Get it fb.com/events/1540673402878317
might remotely attend Homebrew Website Club TONIGHT! Indie event: kylewm.com/2015/02/homebrew-website-club-2015-february-11 silo: fb.com/events/788946017847062
“[…] cats with hiding boxes had lower CSS scores on average […]” Not your usual boxes and CSS: http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/boxes-really-do-reduce-cat-stress
@Nov_Project_SF #flexingforsam #FastAsSam
Also on Facebook comment 587013881435109@html5cat yes, permashortcitation. 14 chars incl ()s instead of 23 from Twitter tco URLs. Also: http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitation#Why
Life is short. Appreciate it. Smile. Be kind. Breathe. Be impatient. Actions over talk. Be patient with the kind ones.
Disable Flash NOW. Unpatched Flash plugin vulnerability (#zeroday) http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/flash-greets-2015-with-new-zero-day/ Steps to disable: Summaries for each browser * Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/108086?hl=en * Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-or-remove-add-ons#w_how-to-disable-plugins * Disable (Never Activate) all "Flash", "Shockwave", * consider disabling any other closed-source binary-only plugins. * At a minimum, choose (Ask to Activate). * Safari - use http://clicktoflash.com/ if you can, otherwise: * "Safari" menu, "Preferences…", "Security" (lock icon) tab, "Manage Website Settings…", choose "Adobe Flash Player", choose "Block" (or "Ask") from the popup menu next to "When visiting other websites:" Typo fixes thanks to: https://kylewm.com/2015/02/edit-of-a-href-http-tantek-com-2015-033-t1-disable
Finished #SurfCity half marathon in 2:18:32, >3.5min PR. Happy to run with dad, Nicole, & @Nov_Project_LAX friends. Everytime I felt tired all I had to do was close my eyes, remember Sam Dweck's smile, try to copy her smile, and moments later I'd pick up the pace. Still missing you Sam. Still would rather run with you. https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e15/10895301_1582871798624355_1202485967_n.jpg http://instagram.com/p/ylYgysg9UW I might have slowed and posed for a few photographers along the way with my backwards cap #HalfAsCool as Sam, maybe even grinning & flexing. I also missed all my @Nov_Project_SF friends running and/or cheering the Kaiser half marathon up in San Francisco today, but I kept them close to heart and could hear their voices as I ran. It was a beautiful Sunday in California, remembering a beautiful person. Previously: * http://tantek.com/2014/313/t1/finished-berkeley-half-marathon
Also on Facebook post 10101487423418343Keeping Sam in mind kept me going all the way to PR: 2:18:32! Thanks @Nov_Project_LAX cheerstation for a mile 10 push!
It’s the night before I #RunSurfCity and I’m thinking about Sam Dweck, the friend we lost last Sunday. Closing my eyes I can see her smiling, no matter how intense our November Project workouts. fb.com/NovemberProjectSF/photos/fp.214611.1234260440/556426371160527 https://scontent-b-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10347644_556426371160527_1581628575812443453_n.jpg?oh=cb8b0323ad19344ce384868ee5708672&oe=556EB6C5&ext=.jpg That’s her with her signature backwards trucker cap, grinning and doing tricep dips while I’m concentrating intensely on something, probably breathing. In addition to NPSF (November Project San Francisco), I got to know Sam during our TrackTuesday workouts which brought out a different kind of intensity. http://instagram.com/p/sNaCAIg1Qg/ http://photos-g.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t51.2885-15/927143_679420362133574_1556234502_n.jpg Sam was always there, always smiling, always kind, always encouraging. Tomorrow I’m running the Surf City Half Marathon in Huntington Beach, my 5th overall, first of 2015, second with my dad, first with my good friend Nicole, and first race with November Project LAX friends as well. I’m grateful I get to race with friends & family. I’ll be keeping Sam Dweck in mind the entire time, and honoring her memory by going as fast as I can (even if not quite as #FastAsSam), and smile doing it. That’s what she would have done.
Also on Facebook post 10101486027909953@ciberch @kevinmarks @apparentlymart use this http://indiewebcamp.com/next-hwc We update it to auto-redirect to the next meetup.
SWAT0 A posts+tags mobile photo of B B photo notified C(follows A) sees it; replies A&B comment notified Prev: http://tantek.com/2010/199/t3/fsws-social-web-acid-test-swat-v0
going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2015-01-28. Indie event kylewm.com/2015/01/homebrew-website-club-28-january-2015 silo fb.com/events/387249418101711
@glazou my condolensces. It’s hard to make sense. I'm sorry. You have my sympathies also.
@_Lance_Leonard @iboxifoo @ThatEmil @andymcmillan @dinasporer @cameronmoll Thank you. She was too young. Accident.
lost a friend Sunday. Sudden and unexpected. Hug your loved ones.
deduped text addition to Wikipedia “Data deduplication”. Can’t tell if troll or honest mistake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_deduplication
Great post by Gabbi on her first year at November Project. http://runnowandwinelater.com/2015/01/23/one-year-later-november-project-san-francisco/
@kevinmarks FB does not bless link-previews, Twitter need not. @kylewm2 IG needs HTML that works w/o JS, not #metacrap
Twitter: post photos directly, not via Instagram mashable.com/2015/01/22/twitter-instagram-photos/ #indieweb: post to your site, POSSE to Twitter
@atomicules doing similarly, queuing webmentions for now at a proxy, posting with u-in-reply-to & u-like-of. #indieweb
“I would like to take a minute of your time[…]” You already did, you’re lying, you want more. = new Gmail delete rule
mo’ <meta>, mo’ problems need that tshirt for next @W3C TPAC #metatags #dublincore #opengraph #twittercards #metacrap
Hey @Google @YouTube, strongarming indie artists like @zoecello is a form of bullying and evil: zoekeating.tumblr.com/post/108898194009/what-should-i-do-about-youtube
@ceeceeboom that photo is @dybrkr. My running group is @Nov_Project: @Nov_Project_SF @Nov_Project_LAX @Nov_Project_NYC
Great working with @tommorris @kylewm2 @kevinmarks. All major @microformats 2 parsing issues & brainstorms resolved: microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-brainstorming
@microformats dev meetup all setup on the long table nearest the La Boulange register - easy access to ordering food & drink! And online in Freenode #microformats and talky.io/microformats
Reminder TONIGHT @microformats dev meetup 7p @LaBoulange DuDome indie kylewm.com/2015/01/microformats-dev-meetup-2015-01-20 FB fb.com/events/1546660832259649
@kevinmarks Ha! @Google reinvents 15 yr old @Microsoft XML Data Islands as JSON-LD Data Islands msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms766512%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Continued iteration on #indieweb likes: further clustering adjacent likes of same source by not repeating their name.
@benwerd emotionally impactful. Photo of you & censored @Instagram on IG http://instagram.com/p/x6ATf0A9Y4 http://photos-g.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10903187_1591861531027422_1626873163_n.jpg
@atomicules excellent first steps. You also can setup a proxy to receive webmentions for you: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/
@atomicules long & difficult lessons learned. All @microformats work 2010+ based on immediately practical use-cases.
#hackshackers @benwerd: “‘The cloud’ sounds nice and fluffy, but really just means someone else’s hard drive.”
#hackshackers @benwerd talk @mattervc Silos censor: @instagram censored gay kiss photo @facebook censors breastfeeding photos, posts about Syrian Sarin attacks, comments on Paris attack.
Despite Technorati dumping tag & blog search long ago, rel-tag succeeded on web, in #HTML spec https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#linkTypes
Today is the 10th anniversary of Technorati Tags, based on the open rel-tag #microformat: tantek.com/log/2005/01.html#d14t0308
@dougmckown my self-built personal publishing software @Falcon (uses OSS @cassisjs @tmhOAuth) https://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon
new home page * 100 posts via flat bim files * <64KB HTML * <1s page load no DB XHR ∞scroll needed beat that, silos :)
On the positive side, posted a record 60+ posts on my own #indieweb site today. Mostly with #ownyourlikes, thinking about: * how to improve display of clustered likes even further * automatically sending webmentions for those that support it * POSSEing likes to Twitter (or using Bridgy Publish to do so) * auto-discovering original posts from tweets, so that even if I paste in a tweet URL to like, @Falcon can automatically like an original post instead (if any)
It’s days like this that I ask myself, what would @adactio do, and I hear “be kind”, and think, say & do nice things, like “like” a bunch of things others have said.
Despite names, ind.ie&indie.vc are NOT #indieweb @indiewebcamp indiewebcamp.com/2014-review#Indie_Term_Re-use @iainspad @sashtown @thomatronic
still missing #aaronsw, still can't watch the film about him. previously, previously, previously: tantek.com/2013/025/b1/remembering-aaron-swartz-part-1-you-should-blog-that tantek.com/2013/026/b1/remembering-aaron-swartz-part-2-hacking-essence-advancing-humanity tantek.com/2013/059/t1/doj-prosecutors-aaronsw-fear-face-saving-not-justice and Lessig on MIT's failure: lessig.org/2013/07/on-the-emptiness-in-the-concept-of-neutrality/
2015-01-01 personal site launches so far: indiewebcamp.com/2015-01-01-commitments Add yours, post+POSSE #indieweb. Blogging soon!
using BBEdit.Last call for 2015-001 #indieweb launches! @_pius @haxor @jonpierce @AStateofKate @fdevillamil tantek.com/2014/357/b1/2015-indieweb-site-launch-commitment
using BBEdit.“Never Buy A Phone Again” says @WIRED wired.com/2015/01/phones-are-tablets/ #NoPhone #Future I started 1 yr ago tantek.com/2014/006/t2/ipod-wifi-mifi-works-iamnotanumber-nophone-future
using BBEdit.Where were you 6:30 on the Fifth of November 2014? I was @Nov_Project_LAX at the Hollywood Bowl running.competitor.com/2015/01/news/crowd-sourced-socially-focused-running-exploded_120697
using BBEdit.going to Homebrew Website Club 18:30 @MozSF 2015-01-14. Indie event werd.io/2015/homebrew-website-club-january-14-2015 silo fb.com/events/581851598581887
in reply to: using BBEdit.going to @Microformats Dev Meetup 2015-01-20 La Boulange Du Dome. #microformats2 uses+parsing: https://kylewm.com/2015/01/microformats-dev-meetup-2015-01-20
in reply to: using BBEdit.@potch sorry no built-in backfeed in Known yet. Connect Bridgy to withknown, FB, TW, etc. More: stream.withknown.com/2014/getting-started-with-bridgy-1
in reply to: using BBEdit.Analysis & examples of when a quotation should instead be a reply, bookmark, repost, or photo: https://indiewebcamp.com/quotation#Instead_use
using BBEdit.#indieweb building blocks reply-context, fragmentions, marginalia help distinguish quotations: indiewebcamp.com/quotation#Why
using BBEdit.@jnymck yes. contact form or even search counts. Every site needs hosting of some kind, wide spectrum of possibilities: http://indiewebcamp.com/web_hosting#Services_by_Type
in reply to: using BBEdit.What is a web app? A #webapp is a website that accepts some form of user input. I tried that on @adactio several weeks ago and he didn't flinch, so I figure it's a pretty good working definition. See also: https://adactio.com/journal/6246
in reply to: also on: using BBEdit.reviewing 2015-01-01 #indieweb commitments; super impressed with what @aribadernatal shipped! https://aribadernatal.com/2015/01/01/homebrew-website-2015-edition/
in reply to: using BBEdit.2010: notes on my site before Twitter 2013: @-replies 2015: faves before Twitter Join the #indieweb and #ownyourdata.
using BBEdit.Began 2015 with music, dancing, friends, rooftop views, fireworks, hugs, thoughtful words, strength from vulnerability
using BBEdit.