The examples given are definitely challenging to consider.
I would be in favor of documenting some “simpler” interesting and desirable examples in spec itself with sample browser renderings.
For example an inline flow element that is wrapped across multiple lines, both where the boxes are disjoint, and where the boxes are touching, or perhaps wrapped across 3+ lines, to illustrate an “outline that encloses all the element’s boxes” as a more ideal rendering than say separate boxes for each piece.
Perhaps related, the spec mentions non-rectangular (effectively) three times in the outline section, “Outlines may be non-rectangular” (twice) and “The parts of the outline are not required to be rectangular”. While clarifying/documenting some preferred outline renderings, perhaps we can simplify the definition and remove the apparent duplicate descriptions.
@csageland sorry to miss you!
Best #IndieWebSummit yet!
Wide variety of sessions, hacks, demos. Check out session notes & videos:
And join us in chat!
A few from #Portland this week:
1 #IndieWebSummit group photo, 📷 @aaronpk’s camera on timer
2 #IndieWeb Leaders Summit the day before @MozPDX, 6 in room + 6 remote
3 Bowl of the gods #acaibowl with peanut butter on top at Kure that morning
4 Chipotle chili bowl with quinoa at Prasad the night before that
5 Berlin IWS Remote Viewing hosted @EmbassyNetwork by 📷 @anikasai
6 Participant proposed & led @IndieWebSummit sessions
7 Running @Nov_ProjectPDX with @DesignNatalie (not pictured)
8 Fresh #NP_PDX tag thanks to co-leaders Lara & Shelby
9 Black Currant Cider limited-edition #donut @BlueStarDonuts
#2018_176 #2018_177 #2018_178
More photos soon. Got photos from @IndieWebSummit to share?
Add them to
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Finished my @IndieWebSummit coding project!
Completed plain text readable reply-contexts^1 (instead of just URLs) for all responses; in particular got these working:
* in-stream^2 for new GitHub issues
* on permalinks for all replies & reacji^3
Sometimes it’s the small details.
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Grateful for the 10th (likely final?) @OSBridge.
@OSBridge culture & values continue to be an inspiration that can benefit every tech/OSS conference (including those I help with).
If you have been to @OSBridge, pass on what you have learned*
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This is your last @xoxo reminder!
~25min to do #xoxofest registration survey!
You can do it in <10 min!
1 line answers to (abbr’d)
What do you do?
What are you working on?
What’ve you made that you’re proud of?
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Sharing brief @IndieWebSummit notes as they come to mind.
This was the first year people pre-wrote proposals before the #BarCamp organizing session. As facilitator I decided to have people who never proposed before go first.
Coincidentally, @Christi3k just announced the same thing @OSBridge unconference organizing session.
This may be worth codifing as a normal practice. Let first-timers propose sessions first before anyone who has done this before, especially at an @IndieWebCamp before.
The other thing I did was, after the the first-timers finished explaining and scheduling their BarCamp session proposals, I had people *other than* the remaining session proposers choose from the remaining session proposals posted on the side of the grid, and advocate for them. I think that worked quite well for selecting for the sessions that were more compelling for more people. #2018_177
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The 8th annual @IndieWebSummit wrapped up yesterday and simply put, I was blown away by the sessions everyone organized and especially by the incredible things everyone made & demonstrated.
Notes & videos:
Photos coming #indieweb #openweb Looks like you can also use the Clipboard API ( to write directly to the clipboard (using navigator.clipboard.writeText) in response to e.g. a click on a link (or button), see and try the code in Example 10 here: according to the linked examples on:
It looks like you can intercept document.oncopy and change the selection (using selection.selectAllChildren) to then cause the copy command itself to copy whatever text you want, rather than having to use execCommand("copy").
Fragmentioner default action should copy link instead of nav
Instead of "Link to Text", I want "Copy link to text" that copies the fragmention to the clipboard rather than navigates to it. Copying the link is a better default desired action than navigation. Why would you want to navigate to the thing you just selected? It's more likely you want to copy a link to what you just selected so you can post a highlight of, or comment on the selected text.
Support fallback to RelMeAuth for websites missing authorization endpoint
When I try to sign-in I get an error message:
missing authorization endpoint
Could not find your authorization endpoint
It would be great if instead it would fallback to supporting RelMeAuth perhaps via, so anyone who has already setup rel=me for signing into could also sign-in to Aperture!
Finished #RodeoValley 30k in 05:10:17 yesterday! 📷 @kellyfuson #2018_174
My first 30k and the hardest #race I’ve run. First 2 hours felt great, powered up the Miwok ridge, then the heat slowed everything down to a struggle. Race write-up continues after photo summaries:
2 🌄 Marin Headlands sunrise
3 Dressed to race!
4 Ready 30k 50k start
5 SCA photo stop
6 Hill 88 view to Rodeo Beach
7 Race temperature over time
#run #trailrun #trailrace #insidetrail #latergram #nofilter
Always better participating in a race with friends. Kelly and I carpooled, and picked up our Inside Trail race bibs (different races), got ready, and had someone take our photo with Rodeo Beach in the background (photo 3).
The air was cool at the 30k & 50k start (photo 4), and the crowd started at a nice easy pace (in contrast to everyone bursting out of the gate at Double Dipsea).
The 30k course started with a gradual uphill. Everyone pacing themselves provided a good sense of momentum, enough to run up the first set of hills, all the way up to the SCA trail where I saw a few taking photos so I did too (photo 5).
Smooth run up and down SCA and Alta trails to Marincello, took off downhill without missing a beat, and somehow passed a lot of people who had passed me on the uphills.
Made it down to the Tennessee Valley parking lot in (personal) record time. Refilled my water bottle at the aid station and headed up Miwok, where the temperature got noticeably warmer the higher I went. It was a tough slog by myself. When another runner passed me who was also struggling, I found the energy to barely keep up, several paces behind.
We reached the turn onto Coyote Ridge and it had definitely heated up.
Weather forecasts had predicted mid 70s in Mill Valley, and 80 at Rodeo Valley. Clear, not a cloud in the sky.
I didn’t realize until after I synced the temperature data from my watch (photo 7) that since that 2 hour mark, temperatures on the course went from 80 up to 95°F (except for a brief drop to 75°F after hour 4 in Tennessee Valley).
When I felt the heat hiking up Coyote Ridge, I figured it was the predicted mid 70s, accentuated by the direct sunglight. With a full water bottle I pressed on, hitting the halfway mark at about 2h15m in, with over 2200' (much more than half) of vertical climb completed. I had started feeling the effects of the heat, my stomach would no longer accept any food, and I had to slowly sip from my bottle up the hill.
Ran most of the way downhill to Coastal, it was hot enough to slow down and walk a few times. Made my way down to Pirates Cove, without much difficulty. Then the real challenge started.
The climb up out of Pirates Cove was brutal and long. It was feeling hotter still, and I figured it had crept up to ~80°F (when it was actually closer to 95). I knew I had enough water to make it back to the aid station. I focused on my breathing, and watched my heartrate, pushing uphill only hard enough to keep it between 140-150bpm.
The hill seemed to go on forever. I kept pushing until a couple of times I literally had to stop, take a few deep breaths, and then keep pressing on. By the time I got to the top, I was exhausted, too tired go downhill as fast I normally would. It was still a morale boost to see the valley below. I knew I could make it back to the Tennessee Valley parking lot aid station.
Taking it slow back to the aid station, I was able to snack when I got there. Refilled my water bottle, and took off back down Tennessee Valley trail for the remaining 4 miles.
The final steep Coastal Trail south ascent was brutal. Just kept pushing uphill like I did out of Pirates Cove, hands on my knees when necessary. Every so often the plants alongside the trail were tall enough to cast a shadow, and I paused to restabilize my legs, focus on breathing regularly. Again it felt like 80 degrees when it was more like 95.
For over a year now I’ve been doing warm Vinyasa yoga (90-95 degrees) about twice a week. As I practiced more I was better able to reach a conscious flow, better able to think clearly despite the 95 degree temperatures. Only after my run (and seeing the temperature chart) did it click — all that warm Vinyasa had trained me to push sustainably even in that much heat, and still focus & think with a strong enough will to keep going.
Reached the Hill 88 crest (photo 6) where I could see Rodeo Beach (the finish) in the distance! As I started an easy run down the hill, I heard someone call out my name. I was so focused on finishing that I didn’t recognize his voice or face until he was much closer. Clayton and Kissie were running up the hill on their on Saturday trail run! They wished me luck and I kept trudging down the hill.
Eventually I picked up speed and passed one person who had passed me on the Coastal uphill. Knowing I’d finish in minutes, I focused on a swift but steady pace, on sure footing more than speed.
Finished (photo 1), saw Kelly cheering me in (she’d finished her half marathon about two hours before).
30k (18.6mi) done! (my Suunto watch only recorded 29.97km, clearly I should have ran it out another 30 meters after crossing the finish 😂) The farthest I have ever ran on trails.
3,780 feet elevation gain (secondmost during a run, only to Double Dipsea last Saturday) according to my Suunto watch / Strava.
And a 1 mile PR of 7:20, during my sprint down Marincello, finally beating my nearly three year old timed track mile PR of 7:23 ( under totally different conditions (downhill vs flat, trail vs track, after ~7mi vs 1mi warm-up).
Thirsty & hungry, I refilled my water bottle, drank deeply, ate snacks, and picked up my finisher’s medal and t-shirt. We retrieved our bags from bag-check and headed to the beach.
Stripped down to my running shorts, walked into the surf, and dove in, fully submerged.
Best ice bath ever.
In year 14, we welcome new admins @aaronpk @gRegorLove @martijnvdven @HeNeArXn!
All have been active for years, helping welcome new members and doing essential wiki gardening & #microformats2 parser updates!
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It was the longest day of the year, yet among the darkest days for the U.S.
2300+ children still forcibly separated from their parents, “spread across states”: “by thousands of miles and a bureaucratic maze”:
All due to unacceptable inhumane directives from POTUS and the bible-distorting AG. Backing down to detaining whole families is still just cover for racist internment.
More families being detained. More facilities being constructed. Because of an imagined (immigrant) threat.
The parallels to WWII Japanese internment are blatant, yet here we are.
It’s long past time to have the difficult conversations with friends and family that may have voted for POTUS, and the GOP that’s sacrificed all principles to support him. Keep the pressure up and see it through to making a difference in November.
Mozilla has been participating in the design and development discussions of Houdini at the CSS Working Group since the beginning and continues to do so.
For Houdini as a whole ("CSS Houdini family features" that have published drafts per this issue), I think the most accurate current summary position is "worth prototyping".
As individual Houdini specifications technically mature (with web developer feedback & iteration) and assuming we see broader use-cases across the web, we can consider stating upgraded positions for each individual specification as appropriate, taking into account the importance of other web platform features.
If anyone has concerns about particular Houdini drafts that should block an explicit "worth prototyping" position, please speak up and we can use "under consideration" while we file issues on those drafts and iterate accordingly.
In addition, since ’s tracker was mentioned, this overall Houdini position should not be taken to apply to anything that is not yet at least a published working draft.
If an explicit position is desired for proposals in without a working draft, please file separate issues for those.
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CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (#CSS3UI) is now a @W3C Recommendation!
Congrats fellow co-editor @frivoal and thanks to the @CSSWG for all the hard work (and patience) for so many years. #openweb @CSS3UI
Happy 13th to!
With more use of #microformats2^1, especially among the growing #indieweb^2 network of websites, we’ve iterated key^3 specs^4 for real-world needs and are seeing more active community members. More updates & posts coming up!
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6 days til the 8th @IndieWebSummit gathers innovators, artists, designers, and journalists to share, make, and grow the independent web, publishing & interacting with each other using their personal websites instead of social media silos.
Join us: (Tantek at the head of a pack of guys running up a trail with Stinson Beach in the distance)
Yesterday: finished my first #DoubleDipsea #race in 3:59:26! 📷 IG jasonthepatsfan
Felt strong, especially on the downhill finish. When I saw the guy in front slow down with maybe 20 yards to go, I sprinted extra hard to beat him by mere feet: 620th of 691 finishers.
#dserunners #optoutside #getoutside #raceeverything #run #runners #trailrun #trails #Dipsea #Stinsonbeach #Marin #yestergram #latergram #nofilter #2018_167
@lightcoin thanks for the post and photo!
Would have loved to show more of @schnarfed’s great work on; definitely click through and try playing with the interactive network graph. Great visualization and data!
@csageland thank you and looking forward to meeting you @IndieWebSummit!
Got ideas for what you want to brainstorm and make?
Join us in (or via Freenode IRC, Slack, or Matrix
going to Decentralized Web Meetup @InternetArchive tonight, looking forward to talking & sharing about #longevity #selfdogfooding #indieweb principles, demonstrating examples using my website, and inviting everyone to @IndieWebSummit!
Links and thoughts for discussion:
* Longevity
* Use what you make
* Principles supporting a plurality of projects
* Owning my data, federating to participate:
* 2010+ every tweet, 2015+ photos & videos, 2017+ events
* 2018-02+ GitHub issues, comments, reactions
* - inviting everyone here to IndieWeb Summit in two weeks
- back to selfdogfooding, it’s an indie event that accepts federated RSVPs, and also accepts sign-ups via webform.
Have been watching this thread, and want to also encourage vocabulary re-use wherever possible, as it greatly helps sharing content and bridging across various heterogenous systems. mentioned h-entry already, which builds on all the experience and expertise from RSS and Atom.
Similarly, consider (based on the IETF vCard standard, and adapted for the web and JSON-friendly) for references and descriptions of people.
Most recently I saw the calendar-app event example in a previous comment, which could re-use as well (similarly based on the IETF iCalendar standard). Happy to present an example using LZ syntax etc with h-calendar vocabulary if that would be helpful.
All of these vocabularies have been both implemented and successfully interoperably deployed peer-to-peer across numerous websites, publishing and parsing / consuming. (stats and examples available at
Happy to help answer any questions about how these vocabularies are developed and how they’re community maintained, either here or
Remembering last Friday, running #hillsforbreakfast with #NPSF around a #waterfall on an #island in the middle of a lake in #GoldenGatePark, snapping wildlife, at sunrise. #takemeback #StrawberryHill #optoutside #getoutside #wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #latergram #nofilter #2018_159
#XOXOFest, self-described “experimental festival celebrating independently produced art and technology”, opens for this year’s registration next week!
Having been to @XOXO several times I highly recommend it to #independent #creatives of all backgrounds, even knowing the more people apply for it, the less chance I personaly have to go again (see blog post for details).
Will miss you @Dries! Can you perhaps participate in the summit remotely?
Add yourself (no RSVP needed)
And join the chat whenever you can and say hi!
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The 8th annual @IndieWebSummit is in 2 weeks!
Want to
* Own your identity on the web
* Reply to #Mastodon toots with your own website
* Grow the practical user-centric #decentralizedweb #dweb
* Build with @W3C + #IndieWeb standards & experts
Learn, get inspired, brainstorm, design, create, make, and help grow the present & future of the independent #openweb!
ICYMI: Yesterday #netneutrality protections expired. Via @ACLU (I‘m a member)
This is a looming problem for everyone on the #internet, except maybe large telecomms shareholders.
#openinternet #openweb #indieweb #sfallhands
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#SFAllHands: @TheWebbyAwards lifetime achievement winner @MitchellBaker starts @Mozilla plenary with a reminder of the recent Manifesto addendum for a better open #internet. #openweb
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my #SFAllHands ⚡️intro
* 8 yrs #openweb #standards @Mozilla[1]
* may know me from: #CSS[2] #microformats[3] #indieweb[4]
* recently: Standards Outreach w @david_bryant
* editing: CSS2.2, CSS scrollbars
* interesting: Vouch[5]
* controversial opinion: technical contributors @Mozilla should be actively using their own website, even if just one blog post a year
[5] - vouching as a practical decentralized solution to commenting, with some trust without requiring a hard-identity, designed to reduce abuse etc. as we have seen in centralized social media, but distributed across the web peer-to-peer
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Awesome #dweb/#openweb meetups & #IndieWeb Summit coming up!
13th: #DecentralizedWeb Meetup @InternetArchive
18th: Re-Decentralising The Web, London @WebStandards
26-27 @IndieWebSummit, Portland OR
29th: @OSBridge, Portland OR
Links & tickets:
I should have been more clear, it would be great if the Confluence Metrics graphs UI itself linked to the definition so it was more easily discoverable.
I.e. by putting a span with an ID on the definition of "Grace Period" in the README, and then linking to that fragment from the web UI, by hyperlinking the first instances of "Grace Period" (with quotes) appearing in the div class="text-content" elements in
I started a pull request at but figured you may have a more preferred method / markup for this.
Thanks for your consideration!
I think IndieAuth makes a lot of sense as the way to implement a federated login protocol to provide a "simpler UX for OAuth2" login for Gitea as this issue is named.
It would also be possible to provide support for the "with GitHub" portion (as originally noted in the issue) without having to ask / wait for GitHub to implement IndieAuth, by adding support. is an example of an open source service that supports both of those, IndieAuth as suggested and RelMeAuth, and is in daily use by folks signing-into the site.
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in reply to:
went to Larkspur Community Run with Equator Coffees & Salomon @EquatorCoffees. Thanks @Amy_Leedham for the heads-up and Esther @SalomonSports for the Sense Ride shoe trial + Q&A! Despite many delays, made it, shoes were great, got a pair @SFRunCo!
Reminder @W3C Advisory Committee members:
TODAY 23:59 EDT is the deadline to vote in the current @W3CAB election!
Please take a few minutes to vote:
I and six others are running:
Thanks for voting!
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#NPSF Double PR Wednesday done!
35:20 #earlygang ~5:30, no music
34:40 #normalgang ~6:30, with music (19s slower than March)
5hrs+ sleep. Some coffee. Again tough two sessions.
2018-04: DNF. 1 lap, bathroom break, 2 more laps.
Grateful for so much this morning. Waking up with sunny skies, @Nov_Project_SF at Aquatic Park, sunbeams beaming and sparkling water.
#NPSF #NovemberProject #SF #AquaticPark #beach #cove #sun #sunbeams #sparkling #water #nofilter
I would disagree with applying this only to explicit u-photo, I think that would result in a surprise to web authors. The simpler model is to handle "alt" for u-photo regardless of whether it is implicit or explicit.
In addition, why shouldn’t it apply to any use of u-* with an img?
E.g. "u-featured" on an img should also pick up any alt attribute.
In short, I’d rather NOT go through multiple proposal/consensus/prototype/changes to get "alt" to work properly. I’d rather we figure out how "alt" should work and change the parsing spec once to handle it.
Note the issue name "image alt text is lost during parsing" is not specific to u-photo. Let’s fix this for any use of any image (img) tags in the parsing spec.
Overcast at #SFRC. Shorter run today (~11.1miles), still 2100+' of climbing.
The cool weather was perfect for running, and the cloud cover provided nice diffuse lighting for the trail flowers. Made it to Muir Beach and touched the Pacific. Slowly getting faster at hills. Less than six months to ECSCA 50k.
Previously: a few times in May (to be latergrammed) and
#fromwhereirun #run #trail #trails #trailrun #optoutside #getoutside #Marin #Miwok #overcast #clouds #nofilter
going to IndieWeb Summit 2018! June 26-27th at the Elliot Center in Portland, Oregon!
This will be the #indieweb #openweb #dweb event of the year. RSVPs limited to 100 total, sign-up before tickets sell-out:
Registration (on the microformats wiki) works fine. I just tried it and created a new account. If you are having trouble understanding the microformats wiki, whether with registration or anything, please state the problem as a question and check the FAQ accordingly:
Recommend closure of issue #3704, works for me, no changes to HTML Standard needed. your suggested text makes sense to me, and I have also added an explicit note so implementers hopefully don’t accidentally propagate body to viewport.
Please take a look at the prose after the property value table at and if the updates are sufficient to resolve this issue, go ahead and close.
Thanks, this suggestion makes sense per your reasoning. I have updated the spec accordingly. Please take a look and if the updates are sufficient to resolve this issue, go ahead and close.
Thanks and good call. Do you have any preferred wording for this, or shall I clone language from ?
Ran #BayToBreakers 2018 Bonus 15k in 1:46:11! Slower pace than last year, but longer distance.
~3.5 min slower than the Hot Chocolate 15k:
Last year:
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The @W3CAB is now actively tracking @W3C Process issues in public @GitHub e.g. we recorded a consensus today:
This is a new level of #OpenAB transparency, working in the open in real time (when we can)
#W3CAC and one more overview:
@tidoust on @W3C Strategy
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#W3CAC two more great overviews:
@koalie on @W3C Marketing & Communications
@torgo on @W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) @W3CTAG
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In #Berlin 🇩🇪 @W3C Advisory Committee meeting (#W3CAC) as a member of @W3CAB, sitting next to @torgo, listening to @jeff_jaffe’s intro, and @plhw3org’s projects update: (more links inside)
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ICYMI: @Mozilla Manifesto addendum on inclusivity, civil discourse, dignity, individual expression, critical thinking, reasoned argument, shared knowledge, verifiable facts, diverse communities, common good: by @MitchellBaker
Define "Grace Period" and "can reasonably assume are still a part of the web platform", W3C REC? CR? WPT tests with 2+ browser interop?
The Confluence Metrics graphs are quite interesting! It would be great if the "Grace Period" could be better defined, in particular, how do you qualify the start of a grace period?
Is it when the defining standard reaches a certain level of document maturity? E.g. W3C Recommmendation or at least Candidate Recommendation?
Or given the qualification "can reasonably assume are still a part of the web platform", is it based on there existing some number of Web Platform Tests for the API, and 2+ browsers passing them (in the same way)?
Either way it would be great to have a (at least somewhat) measurable / objective criteria, especially since the graphs make it look like the data is quite precise.
I should have said prioritized for rather than tailored to.
I agree with your stated goal and scope of "make the process doc easier to understand for all W3C stakeholders". The current content certainly helps with that goal, and I am hoping that re-ordering the content as I am suggesting would help even more.
I stand by the title suggestion: W3C Process Document for Busy People should start with how to make specs
I believe this will serve all W3C stakeholders as you described, and here is why (additional thinking compared to initial issue description).
(I wrote a version of this shortly after this morning’s meeting in IRC, and will repeat here to help move this forward.)
The very name of "Process Doc for Busy People" implies that *time* (or lack of it - being busy) is the prime priority (saving time in particular) and design center of the document.
Thus beyond *who* it is for, if we recognize that some things in the process happen far more often (and thus require referring to the process more frequently) than others, we can take that prime priority of saving time, and implement it by ordering process section by frequency of use, thus saving more people more time more often, since they will take less time to find their more frequent uses.
E.g. iterating on specs happens more often than AC votes on transitioning specs happens more often than AC votes on WG (re)charters happens more often than votes on TAG/AB elections, happens more often than host agreement(s) being iterated, happens more often than change of Director. (illustrative, not exhaustive list)
This is roughly similar to (though not the same as) the order I initially listed, yet this updated thinking is based on more objective criteria.
Thank you for the invitation to raise a PR.
If this line of thinking (ordering sections by frequency of use, most to least) sounds appealing, I can work on a new explicit section list order accordingly, and presuming that has consensus, can work on a pull request for it, all while maintaining the narrative style so the whole document still flows well.