
a jpg. #TBT to running by #NPSF cheering 1.5 weeks ago near #RnRSF mile 12 and feeling great. 📷 Henry; thanks @avamrtnz @therunetarian @perrwa!

Beautiful weather at #RnRSanFrancisco, much nicer than Monday’s #BostonMarathon. I haven’t seen weather like what they had since the Kaiser SF Half Marathon of 2014, my first half¹.

Also this was probably the second happiest I have been near mile 12 of a half marathon (happiest was I think during the Mt. Tam Trail Half last November²). Slower than expected³, yet maybe happier was the right trade-off, having not really trained for this particular road/distance race (been training for longer distances on trails).

#halfmarathon #fromwhereirun #run #optoutside #getoutside #SF #SanFrancisco #Marina #latergram #2018_098 #nofilter

¹ tantek.com/2014/033/t2/finished-first-halfmarathon-rain-cold-wind
² tantek.com/2017/315/t1/finished-tam-trail-run-half
³ tantek.com/2018/098/t1/rock-n-roll-half-marathon-finished

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