

  1. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-11-02 https://indieweb.org/events/2016-11-02-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2016-11-02! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-11-02 Wiki: https://indieweb.org/events/2016-11-02-homebrew-website-club

  2. using BBEdit in reply to: http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/indiewebcamp-los-angeles-2016 https://www.facebook.com/events/1701240643421269 https://indieweb.org/2016/LA http://lanyrd.com/2016/indiewebcamp-la

    going to IndieWebCamp Los Angeles🌴 2016-11-04…06! Register! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indiewebcamp-la-2016-tickets-24335345674 Wiki: https://indieweb.org/2016/LA

  3. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/301/t3/why-twitter-growth-stalled-broken-locked https://twitter.com/t/status/791813531528105984

    “Your account is now unlocked” in <1hr! If your new @Twitter account is locked, file a support request, explain what you did immediately beforehand, and reply to the email confirming your support request. Hopefully you’ll also get a similarly prompt response. Full support message resolution: “ Hello, Your account is now unlocked, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. Twitter has automated systems that find and remove automated spam accounts and it looks like your account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake. This sometimes happens when an account exhibits automated behavior in violation of the Twitter Rules (https://twitter.com/rules). Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please do not respond to this email as replies will not be monitored. Thanks, Twitter Support ” I appreciate @Twitter’s both prompt response (under an hour is quite reasonable for a service as large as Twitter), and immediate apology. However I don’t believe the "when an account exhibits automated behavior in violation of the Twitter Rules” excuse at all. Here is what I did: * I created the account @PostTypeDisc (for a convenient shorthand and status updates for the @W3C @SocialWebWG Post Type Discovery specification that I’m editing) with a new email address * I confirmed the account via the email confirmation link * I changed a few preferences (to reduce ads, emails) * I edited the profile to add a short bio from the spec abstract, location of "World Wide Web", and URL to the specification * I followed @W3C * I followed @SocialWebWG * Account was automatically locked by Twitter I did it all from a web browser, using Twitter.com directly. Nothing automated, and none of those actions violate any Twitter Rules. I was setting it up and following a few other accounts before writing the first tweet, which seems like a perfectly reasonable pattern. I think this incident indicates the presence of bugs in Twitter’s “automated systems” and hopefully they’re looking into it. I’m likely not the only person that “got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake”, and I’d expect the typical user to just give up at that point and go back to another social media silo rather than take the time to file a support request (with any hope of a positive resolution). Regardless, both opening and closing the resolution with a direct unconditional apology is good form, and good service design.

  4. using BBEdit

    Why @Twitter growth stalled: 1 Broken sign-up https://aaronparecki.com/2016/10/15/11/twitter 2 Locked new @PostTypeDisc for 2 account follows

  5. using BBEdit

    New @SocialWebWG @PostTypeDisc Working Draft https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-post-type-discovery-20161028/ Finally used @W3C Echidna to publish successfully

  6. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14624480_1756676851265135_6684508566293839872_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BMD8R83hFXY Last night we did yoga (thanks to @lululemonsf and @peterwaltersyog) outdoors under sparse clouds at twilight until it was dark enough to see a few stars, despite the urban light pollution. Afterwards we were greeted with this beautiful Tomorrowlandesque view of a 108 year old dome. #yestergram #nofilter #SF #emporium #dome #tomorrowland #skyline #rooftop #terrace #latergram

  7. using BBEdit

    How many lightbulbs does it take to screw the internet of things? …server not found #iot #adamawasright * https://community.rapid7.com/community/infosec/blog/2016/07/26/r7-2016-10-multiple-osram-sylvania-osram-lightify-vulnerabilities-cve-2016-5051-through-5059 * https://www.wired.com/2016/10/internet-outage-webcam-dvr-botnet/ * https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/hacked-cameras-dvrs-powered-todays-massive-internet-outage/

  8. using BBEdit

    35:07 NPSF PR Wednesday this morning, 0:37 slower than Aug, including ~1min to reti(ght)e(n) shoes. Technically I was slower this month than last time (2 months ago), yet actual running time was faster since I stopped to retie my right shoe that came untied literally on the first straight, after having run 2.2 miles to Alta Plaza without any sign of trouble. At that point I wasn’t going to take any chances so I spent the additional time to tighten the laces and retie both shoes. I was hanging with the pack until then (which was a good feeling, felt strong going into the first hill), but then never caught back up. I didn’t feel exhausted like last time. This was despite my mind being busy with too many thoughts last night (despite two yoga sessions earlier!) keeping me awake past midnight (slept 4-5 hours), despite literally physically getting into bed by 22:00. Woke up with slight soreness in my right knee. Iced it a bit, which helped, a bit. Took some ibuprofen preventatively, which may also have helped, a bit. However it was still sore, in that low-grade way that makes you not want to push as hard. That’s an annoying regression from two months ago, and has been on/off enough the past few weeks that I’m going to go see someone about it. On the positive side: * breathing seemed fine (still had to hike most of the West hill straight) * left knee (the one I injured last November) was still totally fine * actually ran the last short hill straight before steps (every lap) Still got work to do, still going to stubbornly keep coming back and doing the best I can. Previously: tantek.com/2016/244/t1/npsf-pr-wednesday-slower

  9. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14727691_1652046438420050_6619813838986412032_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BMBFVlBBRfR A raven on Saturday’s Tennessee Valley Fox Trail run. #latergram #nofilter Ravens hold a powerful place in mythologies across the world and it’s easy to see why. This raven perched quietly, watched me run up the steep Fox Trail, and didn’t flinch when I stopped to observe him. He looked at me briefly as if he wanted to tell me something, then looked eastward and continued staring that way as I continued up the trail in the opposite direction. #raven #perch #perched #seenonmyrun #fromwhereirun #run #trailrun #tennesseevalley #foxtrail #marin

  10. using BBEdit

    📖 read “Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010” in “Some Remarks” by @nealstephenson. tantek.com/isbn/0062024442

  11. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/caseorganic/status/790670709290852352

    @caseorganic good suggestion. Started indieweb.org/device-deaths with @revolv and @mybasis Basis B1 as examples.

  12. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14712380_1799490050332351_6081539061091139584_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BL8_idFh6uR Friday’s Ocean Beach sunset clouds, because I forgot to run down to the water after NPSF this morning. #latergram #nofilter #bluesky #sunset #cottoncandyclouds #ocean #surf #beach #reflection

  13. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14676702_1317880544950761_191943020466143232_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BL5t41yBDE_ Or this past Friday @nov_project_sf, tapping #eucalyptus #trees on top of Lafayette Park on every hill rep. 🌿🌆 #NPSF #latergram #nofilter #hillsforbreakfast #fromwhereirun #dawn #sunrise

  14. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14717558_347326225614355_7613803647922601984_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BL5tL0oBa-O Or last Wednesday @nov_project_sf 🌴🌆 #NPSF #latergram #nofilter If you look closely you might glimpse a fellow runner or two pushing the air out of their way crushing stairs at Alta Plaza Park before #sunrise. #palmtree #dawn #sf #skyline #city #park #clearsky #thatglow

  15. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14712188_186825838432318_6856771174731350016_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BL5rO1mhnor Dawn last Monday @nov_project_sf. #natural #beauty #NPSF #justshowup #latergram #nofilter Besides the incredibly supportive community and the inspiring commitment of those that dare to start Monday getting sweaty before sunrise, I have to admit anticipating skies like this motivates me to get out of bed in the dark, and get moving. #heysweatdaily #fromwhereisweat #cottoncandy #cottoncandyclouds #fortmason #monday #sunrise

  16. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14498905_934859549952929_6395134758178783232_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLuUwRDBAmL After last Saturday’s trail run we took coffees & food to go back to SF and sat on a bench with this peaceful view. #latergram #nofilter After outrunning dark clouds from the north, we had a window of sunshine and calm before the storm. It's weekend moments like these that help me get through the work week. Tuesdays are often challenging, perhaps the day of the week when I most often question if I did enough professionally, tried hard enough, helped colleagues as much as I could. When that happens, I try to remember moments like this photo. #SF #palaceoffinearts #sky #architecture #water #peace #moments

  17. using BBEdit

    https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14659407_217309048682783_867187638325477376_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLqkQidhPwR Corps of Engineers Survey Mark C-121, Marin County, CA. Find it and you’ll find a rare VORTAC^1 (ht: @therunetarian) #latergram #nofilter Hint: find the view from the previous photo (tantek.com/2016/290/t1/bridge-bridge-view-trail-run-sfrc) then #lookdown around your feet and be careful not trip on a short metal flag in the ground with C-121 etched into it. For the previous “mark” (tantek.com/2016/284/t3/coyote-ridge-2-horizontal-control-mark) I found a single online result (until I blogged about it, then more showed up afterwards). This time, I tried searching for "Corps of Engineers" "Survey Mark" "C-121" https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Corps+of+Engineers%22+%22Survey+Mark%22+%22C-121%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 and got two results, a PDF from Washington State Legislature, and an Internet Archive of a periodical index, neither applicable. I tried searching for "Corps of Engineers" "Survey Mark" Marin 1957 (all phrases words on the physical mark itself) https://www.google.com/search?q="Corps+of+Engineers"+"Survey+Mark"+Marin+1957 and got two pages of results, none of them about this mark in particular, but I did find a fascinating PDF of a 1980 document: “Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base / Volume I. Horizontal Control Data” https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/FGCS/BlueBook/pdf/Chapter1-2-3--1980.pdf So for the next person that comes across this survey mark, here’s the full text, roughly in the order and phrases intended on the mark: CORPS OF ENGINEERS – U.S. ARMY SURVEY MARK $250 FINE OR IMPRISONMENT FOR DISTURBING THIS MARK MARIN 30TH ENGR GP STATION DESIGNATION AGENCY YEAR 1957 (Known typos: CORP OF ENGINEERS) According to Google Maps (dropping a pin in satellite view) the latitude longitude coordinates of this Marin County mark are: Latitude: 37.8556 degrees (N) Longitude: -122.5221 degrees (W) Altitude: 1040 feet I need to get a GPS watch (or an https://aaronparecki.com/) to record more precision. No luck searching on geocaching.com/mark either — nearest benchmarks they had were 1.3 miles away. ^1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VORTAC https://irs2.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/476_V-CavS2umxuwVizihzcjj7e9ET4mbs6HDd9POIgENbw.jpg https://foursquare.com/v/faa-vortac/4e1268dcae602afe96c5efc5?openPhotoId=58026574d67ce59c29d6b37b #seenonmyrun #trailrun #corpsofengineers #army #armycorpsofengineers #surveymark #permalink #marin #ca #gottacatchemall

  18. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14719289_993716807407445_1216027562166190080_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLoRlprBBXv 8.6+ miles, 1200' climb, and this bridge to bridge view from yesterday morning’s trail run peak at SFRC. #yestergram #nofilter It was supposed to be a ~7 mile route, but I ran an extra bit most of the way up to the radio tower on the left and back down to the route. Then instead of turning right onto Miwok trail, I decided to run uphill just a little further to the peak that was “right there” and was rewarded with this view and another survey marker. Like last week, I was alone after the first few miles (though the route leader kept running back to make sure I took the correct forks, up until the fork up to the radio tower, then found me again when I rejoined the route). After taking photos here I ran back down and took the Miwok trail turn, first saw Lucci running the other way with a friend, then within minutes, @poleary87 with his running buddy. Saw just one hiker the rest of the way on Miwok until the turn onto Old Springs Trail where I saw some ~13 mile route runners, where our long & “short” routes of the day merged. Took the downhill at an easy pace, until @mitchwestwood ran up behind me and as you might guess surprise hugged me (neither of us breaking stride, still not sure how we balanced that), before passing me with Katy Kunkle. I decided to keep pace, and raced downhill keeping up with both of them, passing several other runners on the way, until the downhill portion ended at the Tennessee Valley trail head parking lot when I slowed to my own pace. Took the Rhubarb trail (parallel to the road) as usual with its eucalyptus forest and made it back to SFRC with a total trail running time of 1:46:50, ~15s/km faster than last week. I'll take it. #heysweatdaily #fromwhereirun #radiotower #baybridge #sunny #sf #sanfrancisco #goldengatebridge #marin #hills #run #trails #trailrun #stormclouds #outruntherain #latergram

  19. using BBEdit

    03:00 self-wake-up due to a mid-month bills to pay b thought of email replies to send c DSL needs hard reboot d all the above

  20. using BBEdit

    JA #IndieWebCamp BERLIN! 2016-11-05&06 @MozillaBerlin indieweb.org/2016/Berlin @leyink @_cberger_ @julians @crh @jhford

  21. using BBEdit

    Overslept for Tuesday track. Went anyway. warmup, 400, abs and exercises, ran back. Last week: tantek.com/2016/279/t1/back-at-track-yesterday

  22. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14574111_1788397511421795_4204262388481916928_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLYGDTjhmPf Coyote Ridge 2 Horizontal Control Mark #lookdown #latergram #nofilter #run #trail #coyoteridge #peak #solorun #coyoteridge2 #horizontalcontrolmark #nationalgeodeticsurvey I tried searching for "Coyote Ridge" "Horizontal Control Mark" https://www.google.com/search?q="Coyote+Ridge"+"Horizontal+Control+Mark"%20 and found just one result, on geocaching.com * Update 10:10, now three results, including a book, and my Twitter profile. * Update 10:50, more results, top result is now this post. https://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.aspx?PID=ht3417 Kind of surprising for what looks like a physical permalink. Searching for "National Geodetic Survey" I did find http://www.ngs.noaa.gov which has a giant blue and red text-as-an-image link “Looking for Bench Marks?” which sounded close as anything else on their home page to “Horizontal Control Mark”. That link goes to: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datasheets/ (Survey Marks and Datasheets) Which has a “Search By” section with a “Station Name(s)” option which sounded promising. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_desig.prl An ancient Perl CGI "web app" reminiscent of the 1990s web (when was the last time you saw a "Reset" button on a web form? Amazing.) I tried searching for Coyote Ridge and got a beautifully developerific error: ERROR - INPUT INCOMPLETE. Go back and try again. In a PRE with FONT SIZE +3 no less. Went back, chose California from the select list, and clicked Submit. Got a result in another SELECT list (no change in URL, classi CGI perl), selected it, and clicked Get Datasheet. That provided me with “The NGS Data Sheet” which I am unable to link to because it is still at the same ds_desig.prl URL as above. However here’s some info copy / pasted from that sheet: HT3417 DESIGNATION - COYOTE RIDGE 2 RESET HT3417 PID - HT3417 HT3417 STATE/COUNTY- CA/MARIN HT3417 COUNTRY - US HT3417 USGS QUAD - POINT BONITA (1993) HT3417 HT3417 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL HT3417 ______________________________________________________________________ HT3417* NAD 83(1992) POSITION- 37 51 59.28592(N) 122 33 08.78413(W) ADJUSTED HT3417* NAD 83(1992) EPOCH - 1991.35 HT3417* NAVD 88 ORTHO HEIGHT - 314.8 (meters) 1033. (feet) VERTCON Where NAVD 88 links to: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datums/vertical/index.shtml#NAVD88 Lots more in the data sheet, with format details explained in http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_lookup.prl?Item=DSDATA.TXT for those that may be curious. The geocaching page has its own copy of the data sheet at https://www.geocaching.com/mark/datasheet.aspx?PID=HT3417 which had slightly different (out of date?) numbers. Both data sheets and the geocaching page did agree about the altitude or height of the marker at 1033 feet, which is how I determined the 1033' for my previous post.

  23. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14487360_273478143046029_745209961528688640_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLYDqrrBiIQ Saturday morning at SFRC I ran up to this 1033' peak on Coyote Ridge, to Tennessee Beach, and back. ~10.2 miles, ~1233' climb. I could see SF and Sutro tower, tiny in the distance. #latergram #nofilter The SFRC route for that day was ~13 miles, more than I was ready for. Another group went for the 7.25 mile Tennessee Valley trail run to the beach and back. I felt stronger than last week, yet still fell behind. I was alone when I reached the Fox Trail fork and decided to choose my own path (having run it once before with @micheleperras). This time I kept running uphill to the next apparent peak, behind which there was one more which is when I reached this peak. After taking photos I ran back down to Tennessee Beach, then back to SFRC in Mill Valley. 2:10:48 round trip. My farthest trail run in 18+ months and it felt good. #saturday #sfrc #trail #run #coyoteridge #peak #solorun

  24. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14448358_176697412777524_1796363865324257280_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLX24_Qh0aT This weekend started here, running oceanside trails Friday before dawn, with @novemberprojectsf and headlamps. #latergram #nofilter #wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #hillsforbreakfast #npsf #batteriestobluffs #trail #run #dawn #goldengate #goldengatebridge

  25. using BBEdit

    Beautiful day. Longest trail run in 1.5yrs at SFRC. Flight plans. Election Discussion Salon, 42 SF+CA props, debates+insights

  26. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-10-19 https://www.facebook.com/events/1052899251496635/ https://indieweb.org/events/2016-10-19-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2016-10-19! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-10-19 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1052899251496635/

  27. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-10-05 https://www.facebook.com/events/959674297494718/ https://indieweb.org/events/2016-10-05-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @GoDaddy #SF TONIGHT! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-2016-10-05 FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/959674297494718/

  28. using BBEdit

    📕 finished reading “Before Tomorrowland” by Jensen, Case, Bird, Lindelof last night. #hardcopy tantek.com/isbn/1484704215

  29. using BBEdit

    Back at track yesterday morning, first since knee injury last Nov. I did: warmup 800 3x400 workout: warmup 2x1000 2x400 2x200

  30. using BBEdit

    Finally made an unsupervised espresso @MozSF thanks to @bensauer showing me how in a memorable way last Tue @Clearleft

  31. using BBEdit

    📖 read chapter 34 of “Before Tomorrowland” by Jensen, Case, Bird, Lindelof. #hardcopy tantek.com/isbn/1484704215

  32. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14374484_1843496615881698_2212229043036618752_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLCHJUnBMVu From ferns to eucalyptus, blue skies above, wide open trails for an easy happy run back. #fromwhereirun #tennesseevalley #trail #run #nofilter

  33. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14547688_667829193384745_378077497096404992_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLCGJgcBguj Shine brightly. Explore. Make new footprints. Clear sky. Crashing waves. Clear heart. Breathe #fromwhereirun #tenneseevalley #beach #run #nofilter

  34. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14482018_290113254709154_3757965756864659456_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BLCFZ1qhAvw Perfect way to start the day. #fromwhereirun #tennesseevalley #trail #run #nofilter

  35. using BBEdit

    2010: ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS, EXCEPT EUROPA 2016: Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Europa http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2016/33

  36. using BBEdit

    ♫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UimDQEi71Fc “Beautiful” by Mandalay. See also: https://you-are-beautiful.com/ Happy Friday!

  37. using BBEdit

    Finished part of my #IndieWebCamp Brighton hack. Only visible effect for now: newer published dates with seconds.

  38. using BBEdit

    📕 finished reading “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North on the flight home. tantek.com/isbn/0316399620

  39. using BBEdit

    Late night express train BTN->VIC London: * free wifi * power outlet every row Hey SF, time to upgrade BART & Caltrain

  40. using BBEdit

    Edit specs @W3C? Please add a Security & Privacy appendix answering: https://www.w3.org/TR/security-privacy-questionnaire/ and cite dated version.

  41. using BBEdit

    #IndieWebCamp Brighton hack day plans * created date stretch: * updated date + Webmention updates * Webmention deletes

  42. using BBEdit

    Day 1 @IndieWebCamp Brighton, first sessions on #microformats #directmessage #goingstatic More https://indieweb.org/2016/Brighton/Schedule

  43. using BBEdit

    Two very productive days of @W3C @SocialWebWG meetings done! Next: LIS✈️LGW🚃BTN for @IndieWebCamp Brighton!

  44. using BBEdit

    Congrats Homebrew Website Club Baltimore on your first meetup tonight! https://martymcgui.re/2016/09/21/193105/ More tonight: Bellingham, LA, SF https://indieweb.org/events/2016-09-21-homebrew-website-club

  45. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 grateful for amazing @SocialWebWG demos by @aaronpk @rhiaro @dustyweb @csarven. You all rock! (proud chair).

  46. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 breakout sessions: 10: #webauthn 11: #social 13: #wicg 14: #harmonize 15:30 #vocabs https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2016#Breakout_Schedule_.28session_grid.29

  47. using BBEdit in reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/21/10/

    going to Decentralized + Social Web with Demos! (at W3C TPAC) https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/21/10/ #TPAC2016 #social Demo of Post Type Discovery to determine an RSVP from a Webmention: https://www.w3.org/TR/post-type-discovery/

  48. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 #social @aaronpk demos Webmention spec itself showing webmentions to it! https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/

  49. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 #social @csarven demos LDN, Web Annotations, Solid, notifying there’s an article, and annnotating.

  50. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 #social @rhiaro demonstrated Activity Streams 2.0 on her site http://rhiaro.co.uk/

  51. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 #social @dustyweb demonstrated Pubstrate posting via ActivityPub to his local site, and peer to peer to another.

  52. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 #social @aaronpk demo of federated commenting from his site to @kylewmahan’s site: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/21/8/

  53. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 break out session grid photos posted: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cs3di4tWAAA4CTi.jpg http://tantek.com/2016/265/t5/tpac2016-break-out-session-grid https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cs3di47XYAAsicJ.jpg http://tantek.com/2016/265/t5/tpac2016-break-out-session-grid https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cs3di4zWAAA-wJ0.jpg http://tantek.com/2016/265/t5/tpac2016-break-out-session-grid https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cs3di5PXYAEU38-.jpg http://tantek.com/2016/265/t5/tpac2016-break-out-session-grid photos from: https://twitter.com/w3c/status/778521923688988672

  54. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 11:00 Room 5A: Decentralized & Social Web @SocialWebWG demos of IndieWeb SOLID federated redecentralization!

  55. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 @timberners_lee IndieWeb encourages having a website, domain name, blog, linking to each other. We’re going to use the domain name system, HTTP. We’ll use the web, provide tools, make it easy to get certificates.

  56. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 @timberners_lee: many redecentralizing approaches: blockchain, distributed hashtables, IPFS, IndieWeb, SOLID

  57. using BBEdit

    #TPAC2016 Plenary day kicked off by @W3C CEO @jeff_jaffe. Now @timberners_lee talking about #redecentralizing the web!

  58. using BBEdit

    Two days of @CSSWG meetings and a half day of @W3C AC meeting done. #TPAC2016 Plenary tomorrow https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2016#Wednesday_21_September_Plenary_Day_Schedule

  59. using BBEdit

    📖 read ch. 45 of “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” on the flight. Really enjoying it. tantek.com/isbn/0316399620

  60. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-mad1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14269159_674423586040775_219100586_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKgucVzhnKK Hello from parallel universe San Francisco! #TPAC2016 #Lisbon #Lisboa #Portugal #nofilter Staying at a hotel right under this almost the same color as the Golden Gate Bridge bridge. #bridge #25deabrilbridge

  61. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14280475_1754664714793054_1478513466_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKfbiHrhyDs How quaint a city we have, so much space for many more downtown & SOMA skyscrapers. #SF #perspective #nofilter SF has so much potential, we just need the vision to build up, and build densely, retail, offices, and apartments. Provide housing and small business opportunities for a diverse community of professions. #flyby #aerial #seat20K #UA58 #downtown #skyline #potential #SF1m #SF1million

  62. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14280556_1842097169359480_1695911690_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKeKjLUBAS2 Last night’s sunset at Ocean Beach. #latergram #nofilter You don’t need a girlfriend (or boyfriend) to go for a walk on the beach at sunset. #justgo #selfcare #oceanbeach #walk #sunset #sea #sand #surf #sf

  63. using BBEdit

    Time for an optimistic trip to Ocean Beach to see if the weather stays clear for the sunset. 🌅

  64. using BBEdit

    More on iOS: I strongly recommend upgrading ASAP to iOS 9.3.5 before you’re prompted for iOS 10, AKA your device prompts you to publicly beta test iOS 10. Especially if you have an "older" device like an iPhone 5 or iPod 5 touch, I have heard bad (slower, more battery consuming) things about iOS 10. I just updated my iPod 5 Touch to iOS 9.3.5, seems to be ok once you dismiss all the alerts/prompts/dialogs attempting to upsell you on various iCloud options etc.

  65. using BBEdit

    When iOS says: “Turning off Photo Stream will delete all Photo Stream photos”, it is LYING 🔥 E.g. any photos in your Camera Roll will NOT be deleted. I know this because I just did turn off “My Photo Stream” in iCloud preferences in iOS. (yes, after backing up all my photos to my laptop) and clicked the scary “Delete” button on the resulting dialog (with aforementioned message). Not a single photo was deleted. Not one. The only thing deleted was the seemingly superfluous “Photo Stream” album in the lists of albums. All photos still in the Camera Roll. Liar, liar, UI pants on fire 🔥 This alert wording is scare-UI designed to make you afraid of turning off iCloud “My Photo Stream” syncing (ships on by default), because of course, taking photos/videos which get synced to your iCloud is the fastest way to fill up your “free” iCloud storage, and thus make your iOS device prompt you to pay to upgrade your iCloud account. That filling up your iCloud storage also prompts another scare-UI: “Not Enough Storage This iPod touch cannot be backed up because there is not enough iCloud storage available. You can manage your storage in Settings. [Close] [Upgrade Storage] ” to again, pay to upgrade your iCloud account. This feels fairly sinister, such fear-based UI design seemingly incentivized by an attempt to turn every iOS user into a paying iCloud subscriber. Screenshots to follow.

  66. using BBEdit

    took an hour to get out of bed this morn, barely made it to #NPSF #hillsforbreakfast to run 4 reps up CA & Grant. #justshowup

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    #xoxofest: @numist & I are hosting a last-minute SF meetup: 19:00 Cafe Reverie at Carl & Cole. All XOXO years welcome!

  68. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14310842_254895691572479_5368624732482568192_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKZTIePh6YD Yoga at #xoxofest2016 2/2. Sunday morning. #xoxofest #latergram #nofilter #revolutionhall #rooftop #yoga #finish #shavasana #sunday #20160911 #xoxo #Portland

  69. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14374170_1007282652727846_1452521358_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKZSRZBhID2 Yoga at #xoxofest2016 1/2. Friday morning. #xoxofest #latergram #nofilter #revolutionhall #rooftop #yoga #start #stretching #friday #20160909 #xoxo #Portland

  70. using BBEdit

    #XOXOFest 2016: Ten Overviews & Personal Perspectives

    I braindumped my rough, incomplete, and barely personal impressions from XOXO 2016 last night: #XOXOfest 2016: Independent Creatives Inspired, Shared, Connected. I encourage you to read the following well-written XOXO overview posts and personal perspectives. In rough order of publication (or when I read them):

    (Maybe open Ben Darlow’s XOXO 2016 Flickr Set to provide some visual context while you read these posts.)

    1. Casey Newton (The Verge): In praise of the internet's best festival, which is going away (posted before mine, but I deliberately didn’t read it til after I wrote my own first XOXO 2016 post).
    2. Sasha Laundy: xoxo from XOXO
    3. Nabil “Nadreck” Maynard: XOXO, XOXO
    4. Matt Haughey: Starving artists / Memories of XOXO 2016
    5. Courtney Patubo Kranzke: XOXO Festival Thoughts
    6. Zoe Landon: Hugs and Kisses / A Year of XOXO
    7. Clint Bush: Andy & Andy: The XOXO legacy
    8. Erin Mickelson: XOXO
    9. Dylan Wilbanks: Eight short-ish thoughts about XOXO 2016
    10. Doug Hanke: Obligatory XOXO retrospective

    There’s plenty of common themes across these posts, and lots I can personally relate to. For now I’ll leave you with just the list, no additional commentary. Go read these and see how they make you feel about XOXO. If you had the privilege of participating in XOXO this year, consider posting your thoughts as well.

  71. using BBEdit

    #XOXOfest 2016: Independent Creatives Inspired, Shared, Connected

    Inspired, once again. This was the fifth XOXO Conference & Festival (my fourth, having missed last year).

    There’s too much about XOXO 2016 to fit into one "XOXO 2016" blog post. So much that there’s no way I’d finish if I tried.

    Outdoors on the last day of XOXO Festival 2016

    4-ish days of:

    Independent creatives giving moving, inspiring, vulnerable talks, showing their films with subsequent Q&A, performing live podcast shows (with audience participation!).

    Games, board games, video games, VR demos. And then everything person-to-person interactive. All the running into friends from past XOXOs (or dConstructs, or classic SXSWi), meetups putting IRL faces to Slack aliases.

    Friends connecting friends, making new friends, instantly bonding over particular creative passions, Slack channel inside jokes, rare future optimists, or morning rooftop yoga under a cloud-spotted blue sky.

    The walks between SE Portland venues. The wildly varying daily temperatures, sunny days hotter than predicted highs, cool windy nights colder than predicted lows. The attempts to be kind and minimally intrusive to local homeless.

    More conversations about challenging and vulnerable topics than small talk. Relating on shared losses. Tears. Hugs, lots of hugs.

    Something different happens when you put that many independent creatives in the same place, and curate & iterate for five years. New connections, between people, between ideas, the energy and exhaustion from both. A sense of a safer place.

    I have so many learnings from all the above, and emergent patterns of which swimming in my head that I’m having trouble sifting and untangling. Strengths of creative partners and partnerships. Uncountable struggles. The disconnects between attention, popularity, money. The hope, support, and understanding instead of judgment.

    I'm hoping to write at least a few single-ish topic posts just to get something(s) posted before the energies fade and memories start to blur.

  72. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14276596_877765972354391_297958567_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKSKt5sBJtc Outdoors on the last day of #xoxofest 2016. #latergram #yestergram #nofilter

  73. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/hondanhon/status/775374815192453120

    @hondanhon yes, sorry to miss you as well. Safe travels and til next time our paths cross.

  74. using BBEdit

    Wandering around SE Portland a bit. #xoxofest folks still here, @t me in our Slack if you’re around!

  75. using BBEdit

    Thank you @xoxo @waxpancake @andymcmillan. As always, amazing. Definitely deserve a year off. #xoxofest

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    I’m also matching $1k donations to #xoxofest JOIN fundraiser: give.xoxofest.com Thanks @hondanhon and anonymous matching donors for setting a good example. The JOIN fundraiser is to help Portland homeless families into permanent housing. XOXO Festival represents one of the most intentionally community-positive conferences and efforts I’ve seen, strongly and directly confronting difficult & challenging issues both for the conference itself (like diversity & inclusiveness), and for the actual physical community surrounding the conference (local homeless). The example set by Andy & Andy and the entire XOXOFest crew is amazing in all aspects of how to create, run, and iterate a conference. So much care, kindness, attention to detail, and understanding of broader context. If you run a conference, look at all the details of how XOXO was done: https://xoxofest.com/ If you participated in XOXO Festival, please consider giving to broaden its positive impact. give.xoxofest.com

  77. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t16/make-goes-because-people-carried https://twitter.com/t/status/775197376424181760

    #xoxofest FC: This thing that you’ve made, it's from you, and feels like you, but it really isn’t you. It goes out there, and it’s not yours anymore. Your thing becomes our thing. Will you go alone? Or shall we go together? @frank_chimero

  78. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t15/not-taboo-talk-problems-success https://twitter.com/t/status/775158211678568448

    #xoxofest FC: If what you make goes anywhere, it’s because other people carried it.

  79. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t14/critical-how-create-awareness https://twitter.com/t/status/775157703920328704

    #xoxofest FC: We need to make sure it is not taboo to talk about the problems of success if we want to be successful.

  80. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t13/keep-day-job-fuel-creative-practice https://twitter.com/t/status/775155693053554689

    #xoxofest FC: Critical: 1. How do we create a cultural awareness that attention doesn’t usually lead to money? 2. How do we produce more equitable platforms where attention does equal proportionate money? 3. How do we build up services that act as a sidekick instead of a tollbooth? 4. How do you honor that audience without letting them have too much power over you?

  81. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t12/be-independent-together https://twitter.com/t/status/775154438398881792

    #xoxofest FC: …long list of artists who decided to keep their day job to fuel their creative practice. If your income isn’t tied to your capacity or ability to make a certain kind of work, it means you don't have to take any shit from anybody. It means you can just make whatever you want to make. And what’s more indepndent than that?

  82. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t11/independence-control-freedom-vs https://twitter.com/t/status/775153383158128640

    #xoxofest FC: How can we be independent together? What are ways that people can work with each other? * Employment - work for * Collaboration - working with * Community - working beside None of these three are mutually exclusive. Each combination produces its own kind of independence.

  83. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t10/xoxofest-frank-chimero-notes https://twitter.com/t/status/775153186118131712

    #xoxofest FC: independence: control, equity, transparency, freedom vs: stability, predictability, resources, coherence

  84. using BBEdit

    Great #xoxofest 2016 closing talk by @frank_chimero. Took some notes, posting after the fact.

  85. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t7/ads-tracking-cookies-betray-where-what https://twitter.com/t/status/775091688331055104

    #xoxofest @sarahjeong: ”Targeted advertising is a matter of surveillance. Where there is surveillance, power imbalances will be exploited.”

  86. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t7/ads-tracking-cookies-betray-where-what https://twitter.com/t/status/775091688331055104

    #xoxofest @sarahjeong: ”The media industry is unwittingly allowing evil [malvertising] to befell their users.”

  87. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t6/journalism-revenue-ad-blockers https://twitter.com/t/status/775090172077576196

    #xoxofest @sarahjeong “Ads endanger you. [Their] tracking cookies will betray where you’ve been what you’ve looked at”

  88. using BBEdit

    #xoxofest @sarahjeong confronts journalism vs ad revenue vs ad blockers. and: “Please don’t turn off your adblocker.”

  89. using BBEdit

    “We can’t all have access to young people’s blood.” @jennschiffer #xoxofest re Peter Thiel & parabiosis #WTF Learning about this for the first time from a clever satirist, then finding out it’s not an Onion article: * http://www.inc.com/jeff-bercovici/peter-thiel-young-blood.html * http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood * http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2016/08/peter_thiel_s_desire_to_live_forever_exposes_some_bizarre_and_pricey_clinical.html How. What. This seems like the opposite of working on stuff that matters. The opposite of empowering others. Of lifting up those less fortunate than yourself.

  90. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/255/t3/simple-tricks-satire https://twitter.com/t/status/775039269182119936

    2. Write about something you have literally no idea about. Good way to get 500 guys try to explain it to you for free.

  91. using BBEdit

    #xoxofest: Two simple tricks to satire by @jennschiffer: 1. Write about something you have only a vague idea about.

  92. using BBEdit

    “Your good ideas might be bad and bad ideas might be good. You won’t know until you build them.” @SimoneGiertz #xoxofest

  93. using BBEdit

    #xoxofest: “Your ideas may be smarter than you.” @SimoneGiertz Good start to separating ideas from sense of self.

  94. using BBEdit

    📕 started “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North. tantek.com/isbn/0316399620 #xoxofest #silentbookclub

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    #xoxofest 2016: venues are all ages & ADA compliant; impoved inclusivity. women 50% of attendees, majority of speakers

  96. using BBEdit

    really proud of #XOXOfest for opening with up-front discussion of impostor syndrome, and helping local homeless.

  97. using BBEdit

    at my 4th #XOXOfest. @waxpancake says no #XOXO next year, but this is not the last XOXO!

  98. using BBEdit in reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/07/1/hwc https://www.facebook.com/events/1660054967643391/ http://calagator.org/events/1250470578 https://indieweb.org/events/2016-09-07-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club PDX @basecampbrewing 2016-09-07! RSVP: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/07/1/hwc FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1660054967643391/

  99. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-09-07 https://www.facebook.com/events/1222619177782493/

    not going to Homebrew Website Club SF, but you should if you’re in SF! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-09-07 FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1222619177782493/

  100. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14262841_162379267537899_1118583614_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKAQFgEhTE8 #20160714 Ritual Roaster’s new signature “Laura Palmer” in a jar. #latergram #nofilter Iced song tea, cold brew ritual coffee, and tonic, on the rocks. #ritual #ritualroasters #coffee #laurapalmer #jar #outdoors #summer #sf #drink

  101. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14269149_1762772293971700_876797873_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKAN4Kkh9b7 #20160714 celebrated Bastille Day with fresh baked Tartine veggie quiche and chocolate croissant. #latergram #nofilter #bastilleday #tartine #quiche #croissant #food #sf

  102. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14240666_181390795626997_1620951194_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BKALCOIhBBm #20160713 Wednesday morning sunrise with #NPSF at Alta Plaza Park, one of the things I miss the most when traveling. #latergram #nofilter #altaplaza #park #sunrise #palmtree #fromwhereirun #sf #summer

  103. using BBEdit

    Fascinating watching a collective non-instant stream of multiple Instagram photo posts from those returning from the burn.

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    Quiet Labor Day weekend. Perhaps enough for sleep & cycles to resync after many miles. Brief calm before this month’s travels.

  105. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/georgebrock/status/770105177311481857

    @georgebrock sorry to miss you @IndieWebCamp NYC! Ping @dshanske @EmmaGHodge, restart HWC NYC! https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#New_York_City

  106. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/paulrobertlloyd/status/772857260439633920 https://twitter.com/jgarber/status/772857965292482560 https://twitter.com/Cennydd/status/772866692204593152

    @paulrobertlloyd looking forward to seeing you @IndieWebCamp! @jgarber @Cennydd sorry to miss you!

  107. using BBEdit in reply to: https://adactio.com/journal/10950 https://www.facebook.com/events/855814224523191/ https://indieweb.org/2016/Brighton

    going to IndieWebCamp Brighton 🎪🍦 2016-09-24…25! Register! https://ti.to/clearleft/indie-web-camp-brighton-2016 Wiki: https://indieweb.org/2016/Brighton

  108. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/l/t51.2885-15/e35/14145535_1760817030873231_272421666_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ9C38oBaz8 Flew here thru airy skies, ran up earthen hills, enlivened indoor spaces, absorbed solar fire heat while soaking in aquamarine waters. Til next year. #yxyy004 #latergram #nofilter #yxyy #acehotel #palmsprings

  109. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14240721_1048968691866263_1698189853_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ9B8UOhmFV Sometimes the patterns, beauty, and diversity in little things, like a succulents centerpiece, can illustrate harmony, growth, and expansion under constraints. #latergram #nofilter #yxyy004 #yxyy #plant #succulent #succulents #acehotel #palmsprings

  110. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14052623_1582996981995921_168850632_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ9A3TPhFbP Yes you *can* go to Prom (again) if you choose to accept that it and you can be weird *and* beautiful. #latergram #nofilter And you will meet others who embrace the same. #yxyy004 #yxyy #prom #sign #beautiful #weird #weirdo #weirdos #beautifulweirdos #acehotel #palmsprings

  111. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14134998_1038205256293463_1469381588_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ7Nik8hrdg Saturday morning yoga @yxyy led by @jessdandy who once again asked me to lead a brief arm balance session (to ~2x the people in the photo, as the room filled to capacity during her class). #latergram #nofilter Last year I showed my friend Jess how to do sidecrow, as my teacher Jordan had taught me. Jess (who has actual yoga teacher training) asked me to show her class what I showed her. She asked me to do the same this year at #yxyy004. The class was much bigger this year than last, and several people said afterwards that they were able to do crow and/or side crow for the first time! A few gave me constructive feedback as well. The entire experience convinced me to take the next step and pursue teacher training myself. I'm looking into options, and time+opportunity willing, I want to complete 200 hours before the next #yxyy. #yoga #teacher #learning #acehotel #palmsprings

  112. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14240826_759339944207012_1712695135_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ7GNk2BMIA Four years @yxyy. Every one has been distinctly different. #latergram #nofilter If I could use one word to distinguish this year, it would be “intense”. The past year has seen stressful events, personally, to friends & family, locally, in the country, and across the world. Some of these things we can positively affect, some more than others. This year in particular I was grateful I could both help a good friend believe they should go, and take care of just enough details so they could go. #yxyy004 #acehotel #palmsprings #wristbands #fourforfour #grateful

  113. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14031534_945078845620371_932360381_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ6-E5OhLSQ From the first annual #yxyy sunrise trail run. #latergram #nofilter 📷 @ph Every @yxyy I’ve organized something new or different. The past couple of years I've organized morning runs, but in local loops on the streets of Palm Springs. This year I decided to level it up (so to speak) and planned a trail run up the nearby picturesque hill. In addition to posting it I talked a few friends into meeting up at the Ace Palm Springs lobby well before sunrise. After a brief warmup run to the base of the hill, we entered the north end of the Lykken trailhead, speed hiked and ran far enough to get 500' above Palm Springs. The desert sunrise was amazing. The temperature rose quickly with the sun. We drank the water we brought with us, and swiftly ran back down the hill. We grabbed iced coffees (or various blends) at the cafe across from the Ace and exchanged the photos we’d taken. #sunrise #fromwhereirun #hillsforbreakfast #trail #trailrun #run #runprogram #heysweatdaily #desert #yxyy004 #palmsprings

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