

  1. using BBEdit in reply to: David Mead, David Mead (@davidmead)

    @davidmead ownyourgram is better than a bookmarklet. No IG video support yet. Will add next time I post video. Longerterm I want to add Micropub support to @Falcon and then use ownyourgram.com as that’s an even easier (more automatable) approach.

  2. using BBEdit also on Facebook

    34:30 NPSF PR Wednesday this morning, 3:30 slower than June. ran there & back for ~7mi total today. Travel exhaustion has caught up to me. By the second lap (of four) I already felt drained, and was considering stopping after that. Pushed on to do a third lap, figuring I’d stop after the third set of 10 burpees. But @mattschaar had other ideas, and pushed me to run the final lap, running with and encouraging me the whole way (I did run it faster than the previous lap). My only thought when finishing was, at least I finished. This was a rough one. My slowest in nearly 18 months. I thought I was all better from some chest congestion a week ago (bad enough I had to skip November Project Boston despite being in town), but apparently my lungs still have some healing to do. I was both exhausted and out-of-breath more than I can remember. After grabbing breakfast at Jane on Fillmore with a few other @Nov_Project_SF runners, I decided to try running at least partway home, especially since Matt was also running back along Fillmore. At some point the frustration with today’s non-PR time kicked in and turned into a stubborn determination to run all the way home. I kept thinking, I’ve signed up for a marathon, I need to get into the attitude of continuing to push myself at whatever sustainable pace I’ve got left, even when tired, even if I think I’m having an off day. Knees were totally fine. Previously: tantek.com/2016/181/t1/npsf-pr-wednesday-faster

  3. using BBEdit

    At #IndieWebCamp NYC2 I wrote an Instagram Single Photo Bookmarklet to more easily post from IG to my site: https://indieweb.org/Instagram#Single_Photo_Bookmarklet If you use Instagram as a convenient way to post photos from your mobile device (e.g. I use my iPod touch) to the web, but want to re-use those elsewhere (like on your own site), you may find this bookmarklet useful. In one step it will copy minimal URLs for the image .jpg, the permalink of the Instagram post, and the photo caption, replacing any series of IG-style ".(linebreak)" characters with a single linebreak. It’s already simplified my own photo posting user-flow, making it faster by cutting out nearly a half-dozen previously separate steps. This increased speed (less time) to post a photo post makes feel more empowered to post more photos on my own site. I added it to the IndieWeb wiki as an easy way to quickly opensource it with a CC0 license, much easier than going through all the ceremony (AKA overhead) of creating a git repo on Github, creating a new file, saving, committing, pushing, pulling, etc. etc. (the very thought makes me wonder why so many developers are so enamored of so much extra work / steps just to accomplish a simple publishing/sharing task. It’s almost as if they have a greater desire for the comfort of ceremonial steps instead of saving the time and getting more done — likely worth a separate blog post). I got it working (on Firefox & Safari) half-way through IndieWebCamp NYC2 day 2 "hack day", and posted it on the wiki. Within moments of doing so, @aaronpk tested it on Chrome and saw that it worked! Soon after that, Chris Aldrich blogged it as well and provided a drag-and-droppable version in his blog post: http://boffosocko.com/2016/08/28/instagram-single-photo-bookmarklet/ Since then I made one minor bug fix this morning (found while selfdogfooding it and using it to publish photos to my site), and one minor UI update to the prompt text. I updated the wiki accordingly. In addition I'll share it here on my own site: javascript:n=document.images.length-1;s=document.images[n].src;s=s.split('?');s=s[0];u=document.location.toString().substring(0,39);prompt('Choose "Copy ⌘C" to copy photo post:',s+' '+u+'\n'+document.images[n].alt.toString().replace(RegExp(/\.\n(\.\n)+/),'\n')) There’s certainly more I can do to improve my photo posting user flow, and my personal site publishing user flow in general, but this was a nice step forward that I’m already personally benefitting from, and if you use Instagram to post photos, but want to also post them to your own site, you may find this bookmarklet useful too.

  4. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fphl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14052587_1165290130180908_1260708878_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJvHkm2hvDE Last month’s #yxyy004 opening session. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #yxyy #acehotel #palmsprings

  5. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fphl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14145343_331782180499607_367613768_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJvF8TJBzoy Last month, the sign to the opening session of #yxyy004. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #yxyy #acehotel #palmsprings #yaaaassss

  6. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fphl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/14099887_1755494044664991_1948872933_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJvCL-5hMmy Last month’s #yxyy004 unbagging. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter I helped assemble the bags at #yxyy this year, and despite knowing, I was still excited about what was inside. Plus the other things at registration. #bag #tshirt #swag

  7. using BBEdit

    Thank you #IndieWebCamp coorganizers @dshanske @EmmaGHodge and sponsors @Dalbergtweet NLNet @Sovrnholdings & @Mozilla!

  8. using BBEdit

    And that’s a wrap for IndieWebCamp 2016 NYC2! Several here want to (re)start a Homebrew Website Club NYC. Stay tuned.

  9. using BBEdit

    IndieWebCamp NYC2 demos live-stream: http://youtu.be/JOrfr8fDtg8

  10. using BBEdit

    https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/14031577_1770316556522731_1409855952_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJqZCcDh6zR This year’s kale salad at #yxyy. Black Kale Salad #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #kale #kalesalad #kingshighway #yxyy004

  11. using BBEdit

    https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/13671818_1774035882810997_2017801657_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJqUkjUh45z Chilaquiles. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #chilaquiles #kingshighway #yxyy #yxyy004

  12. using BBEdit

    https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14052407_1169663706406272_2032469679_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJqHM5yBgYF Pan seared salmon with crunchy vegetables. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #salmon #kingshighway #yxyy #yxyy004

  13. using BBEdit

    One of the things I still find challenging is posting photos. May try some posting / coding iteration today. #indieweb

  14. using BBEdit

    IndieWebCamp NYC2 day 2 is off to a quiet creative start. Sounds: AC humming, keys clicking, occassionally furiously.

  15. using BBEdit

    We are live at IndieWebCamp NYC2! YouTube live link: http://youtu.be/ZRaBVvUKkgU

  16. using BBEdit

    Getting ready to start the fourth IndieWebCamp NYC! https://indieweb.org/2016/NYC2

  17. using BBEdit

    After 8 halfs, I’ve signed up for my first full: 40th SF Marathon 2017-07-23 Who’s joining me? http://www.thesfmarathon.com/the-races/full-marathon/

  18. using BBEdit

    Just two more sleeps til IndieWebCamp NYC. Still a few spots left! Join us: http://2016.indieweb.org/nyc2

  19. using BBEdit

    https://indieweb.org/images/3/3f/2016-238-fb-99-plus-notifications.png https://indieweb.org/File:2016-238-fb-99-plus-notifications.png Off boat 7 days, have not checked 99+ FB notifications. 11d away broke a habit. #indieweb Question is, is there a way to deliberately check FB notifications and avoid re-acquiring a dopamine-twitch-check habit? E.g. on a schedule, similar to only checking email twice a day (start and end of work day), methodically process them in clusters, and close the tab when done. Also trying to figure out how this personal datapoint could be used to inform a more independent-empowering/centric IndieWeb notifications design. http://indiewebcamp.com/notifications Previously: tantek.com/2016/230/t1/facebook-emails-99-notifications-but

  20. using BBEdit

    Next time someone suggests #biometrics for #security, share https://www.wired.com/2016/08/hackers-trick-facial-recognition-logins-photos-facebook-thanks-zuck/ https://www.wired.com/2015/09/opm-now-admits-5-6m-feds-fingerprints-stolen-hackers/ cc: @W3CAB

  21. using BBEdit

    https://i.imgflip.com/19f908.jpg (Matrix Morpheus meme with him saying: What if I told you, what anildash lost*, indieweb has rebuilt?) http://tantek.com/2016/237/t1/indieweb-rebuilt-it-join-us Thanks @petermolnar for the memeing. #lost #infrastructure #socialmedia #indieweb #rebuilt #harder #better #stronger #faster (Working on making that #easier instead of harder)

  22. using BBEdit

    What if I told you, what @anildash lost* the #indieweb has rebuilt? Find it @IndieWebCamp NYC this weekend: http://2016.indieweb.org/nyc2 And join us in rebuilding the independent web. * http://indieweb.org/lost_infrastructure

  23. using BBEdit

    Intense @W3CAB mtg day 1 topics from #HTML5 futures to security. Exhausted, skipped dinner plans to rest, catch up on emails.

  24. using BBEdit

    Micropub^1 is a @W3C Candidate Recommendation! https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/23/2/micropub-cr (replaces AtomPub^2 & MetaWeblog^3) Congrats editor @aaronpk, and @socialwg! ^1 https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/CR-micropub-20160816/ ^2 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023 ^3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaWeblog Great work @aaronpk with brainstorming publicly, selfdogfooding, incubating in indieweb.org, proposing @W3C Social Web Working Group, and patiently working through issues raised, iteratively improving the draft accordingly, all the while helping grow the number of deployed and live interoperable implementations!

  25. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14063646_954249061368710_387104404_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJaScNEBElG Staying in a hotel tonight, but not this hotel. #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #20160707 #acehotel #acehotelpalmsprings #yxyy #yxyy004 #reset

  26. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14033514_323548324657842_332735070_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJaRhYZB1B4 On a plane, but not this plane. #imperfect #lastmonth #latergram #nofilter #20160707 #virginamerica #SFOPSP

  27. using BBEdit

    East Coast friends: In Boston/Cambridge tomorrow for @W3CAB, Then NYC Th-M for @IndieWebCamp! http://2016.indieweb.org/NYC2

  28. using BBEdit

    Still re-adapting upon returning from +9/+10 timezones, and 11 days on a ship.

  29. using BBEdit

    KLM announcement upon landing: “…If you have any questions or comments, you can contact KLM 24/7 via social media.”

  30. using BBEdit

    Copenhagen airport wifi is quite snappy. But that’s likely it til I return home.

  31. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-amt2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14052537_145821205859570_224469623_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BJRwPKMBeBr 2016-07-02 learned a little #acro #yoga. #latergram #nofilter Thanks to experienced flyer Liddy, and some instruction from Mikka. Quite the #joyful afternoon.

  32. using BBEdit

    Now on Swedish tour bus wifi (slow internet) from Stockholm to Nynäshamn, do I dare try posting photos?

  33. using BBEdit

    https://a-k-apart.com/ (@SaraSoueidan) Build web UX ≤10kB works w/o JS Just a JSframework jockey? Or can you web-dev?

  34. using BBEdit

    https://indieweb.org/images/b/b0/2016-230-facebook-99-notifications.png https://indieweb.org/File:2016-230-facebook-99-notifications.png #Facebook emails keep telling me: You have 99 new notifications, … but a FBO request ain’t one. #gmail #screenshot #notifications #overload #99

  35. using BBEdit

    Start with 1. Your content must be viewable w/o images, CSS, or JS 2. Your links, buttons, & inputs should work w/o JS

  36. using BBEdit

    Ad-driven & js;dr web-dev is breaking the most globally accessible comms+publishing medium ever. We have to fix this.

  37. using BBEdit

    These all fail on slow/flakey internet: * ad revenue driven excess JS e.g. news sites * misuse of React, Angular, or other JS frameworks for content * js;dr e.g. https://webwewant.mozilla.org — that site itself is NOT the web I want, see screenshot via @anseljh: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CknziVhWYAAVXQP.jpg https://twitter.com/anseljh/status/741391388122710016 As @seanparsons also noted in https://twitter.com/seanparsons/status/462993907585134592 “One that doesn't require Javascript” More: indieweb.org/js;dr

  38. using BBEdit

    More slow/flakey internet use-cases: * Some European wifi cafes * Tourist centers (e.g. Warnemünde) * Tour bus wifi

  39. using BBEdit

    Made it to Helsinki. More internally focused cruise than last year. Overcast with a few sprinkles. Like home.

  40. using BBEdit

    Away for a bit. On rare, slow, and flakey internet currently. simple/static sites ok. multiMB/js;dr sites are useless.

  41. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/13743279_316520042014265_2025364675_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BI0qGhfB0IY Obligatory #sfmarathon #finishers backdrop photo. #latergram #nofilter. @jerseyblauvs finished her first marathon with some running-in company, @generictjohnson and surprise weekend guest @chan_tall who decided the best way to spend her birthday would be to jump in and bandit the last 16 miles (new distance PR) with the unexpecting Amanda. When Amanda passed me on the Golden Gate Bridge I had to focus to not spill the surprise that I knew was waiting for her upon running back across the bridge. And I'm particularly proud of my pal @jlsuttles who finished her first #halfmarathon by running the challenging SF 1st half as her first. Well done Jessica! Running races with friends and a supportive community (#NPSF) has made a huge difference. It really makes you feel like you can do more than you think you can, and then you do. #Grateful for each and everyone of these people and looking forward to starting, running, and finishing more races together. #novemberproject #community #runner #runners

  42. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13731346_1804721349760713_471330404_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BI0oyWQBHdK Bowl'd Açai bowl, from their foodtruck at the #sfmarathon finish area. #latergram #nofilter After finishing the first half in Golden Gate Park, walk/running home to change, I MUNId back to the Embarcadero to congratulate friends finishing the full and second half. This foodtruck caught my eye and suddenly I was starving. Got it with extra peanut butter on top. Bowl'd açai gets two purple thumbs up. #acai #bowl #acaibowl #banana #blueberries #strawberry #peanutbutter #vegan #food #sf

  43. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13734387_944204289059261_1401995803_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BI0hclrhDnv Eight days ago I finished my eighth half marathon minutes behind my pal Rebecca Daniels. #latergram #nofilter 📷 @hollyrichardson88 We ran both halves of the SF marathon the past two years (she’s run both halves twice). So I challenged her to run the full next year and she stepped up. That means I am too. #sfmarathon2017 #verbal Finished 1st half of the #sfmarathon in 2:27:37, my first #halfmarathon since recovering from knee injury. I hit several goals: 1. Finish without injury 2. Finish under 2:30 3. Not my slowest half I'm pretty pleased with that. I had no illusions about setting a half PR but I was thinking a course PR was in reach (faster than when I first ran it 2 years ago). Missed that by ~4 min. I went as fast as I could without sustained knee pain. However, when I finished I felt like I could keep going, and that felt great. Finished smiling with gas left in the tank and that convinced me that I have what it takes to train and run a full next year. #run #runner #runners #finish #finisher #finishers #RUNPROGRAM #novemberproject #npsf #grassrootsgear #nofear #racerverything #longrun #initforthelongrun #nofear #sf #sfmarathon2016

  44. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13739632_1246705808706181_1607099807_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIs_212hZhN Mile ~5.5 last Sunday @thesfmarathon. 📷 @cru_cait #halfmarathon #runner #latergram #nofilter High-fiving (side-fiving?) the #NPSF #cheergang, after just having run up nearly 200' of incline from Crissy Field below. I swerved right from the crowd, knowing #novemberproject pals would be there. I felt pretty strong in this race, but definitely got a boost from the cheering. It felt like I got launched onto the Golden Gate Bridge. Even on the way back I could hear them cheering and shouting my name, picked up speed accordingly, slaloming through the crowd, picking up speed all the way downhill to the underpass below the bridge and up onto Lincoln Blvd. #fromwhereirun #heysweatdaily #raceeverything #grassrootsgear #run #runners #sf #sfmarathon #sfmarathon2016

  45. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13725561_588720221289784_1846741659_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIixmgUBYa1 2016-07-31 05:36-0700. Moments before crossing the starting line at the #sfmarathon to run the first half, my second time, and first half marathon since knee injury recovery. #fromwhereirun #latergram #bokeh #nofilter #run #runner #runners #heysweatdaily #halfmarathon #firsthalf #dontcallitacomeback #sf #sfmarathon2016

  46. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13724519_642082729289513_1116578733_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIhCzSmhh45 9 days ago, the night before half marathon #8. #sfmarathon #firsthalf #nofilter #novemberproject #npsf #grassrootsgear #sf #sfmarathon2016

  47. using BBEdit

    @W3C First Public Working Draft: Post Type Discovery https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-post-type-discovery-20160728/ (incubated @IndieWebCamp) Summary: “Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs.” https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/5709

  48. using BBEdit in reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/210/t1/grateful-intentionally-positive-communities https://twitter.com/t/status/758907142493446144

    and @Nov_Project @Nov_Project_SF @Nov_Project_LAX @Nov_Project_NYC making sunrise experiences: hug, smile, run, sweat

  49. using BBEdit

    Grateful for intentionally positive communities @xoxo @yxyy @indiewebcamp commonalities: make stuff, hangout in person

  50. using BBEdit

    https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/13873775_1766158396963530_1281266414_n.mp4 https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/13658626_1102233123157781_2083152998_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIY5MZ-B3E3/ Last Saturday we reached the beach on our 15km trail run and just took it all in. #video #latergram #fromwhereirun #nofilter #beach #ocean #waves #loop #tennesseevalleybeach #pacificocean #run #RUNPROGRAM #heysweatdaily #pathtorecovery

  51. using BBEdit

    Appreciating @megnut’s post on #SF invasion vs #webpeople+#personalsites. #indieweb from 2000: http://megnut.com/2000/04/ive-been-thinking-a-lot/

  52. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/fantasai/status/758395420255092737

    @fantasai no. rel=next prev etc all page-to-page, the only well defined interpretation. #microformats had some scoped use, from part of a page to another page (or part thereof), but it was defined only for hAtom^1 with rel=bookmark, and more loosely with rel=tag^2 across a few microformats, but nothing generic to all rel values. Lastly, experience showed that authors were confused by scoped use of rel (with the exception of rel=tag), especially with any attempt at mixing class and rel microformats, so we settled on: * class microformats^3 for anything scoped / structured * rel values^4 for page-to-page relationships, orthogonal to other markup [1] http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom [2] http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag [3] http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2 [4] http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values

  53. using BBEdit

    📖 read Chapter 20 in “Before Tomorrowland” by Jensen, Case, Bird, Lindelof. #hardcopy tantek.com/isbn/1484704215

  54. using BBEdit in reply to: http://2016.indieweb.org/nyc2 https://www.facebook.com/events/1219906251394239/ https://indieweb.org/events/2016-07-27-homebrew-website-club

    going to IndieWebCamp NYC2 at Dalberg, New York City, 2016-08-27…28! Register now! http://2016.indieweb.org/nyc2

  55. using BBEdit

    https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.2886-16/13836410_299979437016407_356815428_n.mp4 https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e15/p640x640/13744057_864865863657209_1429250561_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIPBvjUB5td/ This is freedom. Open trails. Fresh clean air. Being able to run and breathe once again. #nofilter #freedom #trail #open #access #fresh #clean #air #breathe #breathing #run #running #hill #hills #fromwhereirun #view #fog #intofog #intoclouds

  56. using BBEdit also on Instagram

    https://scontent.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13765842_10102434778161843_291487969617834577_o.jpg #fromwhereirun 15km 1300' (902' max elevation). #SFRC to top of the hill at Fox & Coyote trails. Pano from Fox Trail and Sutro poking thru @karlthefog, to the moon and Coyote Ridge Trail.

  57. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/gcarothers/status/756698963496034305

    @gcarothers @fantasai fragments maybe for the destination, but not the source which is always "from" the page as a whole.

  58. using BBEdit in reply to: https://twitter.com/fantasai/status/756531205835751424

    @fantasai unfortunately not. Any new rel usage must be a whole URL->URL semantic. A heading linking to itself with rel=self would look like the page is asserting that that heading fragment is also the whole page, which is not true, unless perhaps you use it on a singular top level H1, which should not link to itself anyway because it is confusing (bad for UX and a11y). Scoped rel use in practice only for backcompat for rel=bookmark, maybe some rel=tag.

  59. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-07-27 https://www.facebook.com/events/1016526531749114 https://indieweb.org/events/2016-07-27-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2016-07-27! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-07-27 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1016526531749114

  60. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13732326_565674270283868_104596138_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BICJaMLhm2Q/ #Ghostbusters at #LyftHQ. And that's it for 2016 June. #SF #latergram#nofilter

  61. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13704321_1568295456806099_164935801_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIB-DDyB69N/ SF, without even trying to be Twin Peaks. #SF #latergram #nofilter #twinpeaks #zigzag #blackamwhite #redglow

  62. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13721252_974783039306477_227092706_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BIB9JYOB1kk/ Inspired to find a new place, I happened upon globe lamps. #SF #latergram #nofilter #globe #lamp #lookup #thinkglobally #shinelocally

  63. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/13721590_1569619593334726_1682278695_n.mp4 https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/13731335_1734762030118321_1505619762_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH7pqJ7Bc6N/ Leaving the past of the future, when they appreciated a calmer pace set to classical music. #CDG #Paris #latergram #nofilter #video #walkway #movingwalkway #calm #classical #pastfuture

  64. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13627919_266718110366792_924966237_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH7oxn9h5QS/ Pain Perdu. What the French call French toast. #themoreyouknow #CDG #Paris #latergram #nofilter #airport #Terminal1 #staralliancelounge #Painperdu #Frenchtoast

  65. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13743658_1767840900098463_751268191_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH7m7NVhbr_/?taken-by=tantek Beauty is in the eye that looks up. #CDG #Paris #latergram #nofilter #lookup #lamp #airport #Terminal1

  66. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13715135_911443429000964_389555202_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH34DPdBoxN/ Boutique hotel bedroom ceiling. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #hotel #lobby #hotelplatine #platinehotel #sleepingwithmarilyn

  67. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13734253_273824149643751_463995780_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH33zcuBgDQ/ Boutique hotel lobby, late night, corner nook. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #hotel #lobby #hotelplatine #platinehotel

  68. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13712509_290421117970049_1815882827_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH33ghYhUIv/ Boutique hotel lobby, early evening. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #hotel #lobby #hotelplatine #platinehotel

  69. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13736987_545950412279942_1412477918_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH3o034BCk3/ Facing north exiting the Inception bridge. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #Inception #bridge #arch #columns #twilight

  70. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13671962_1046857848715053_863400202_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH3n7rrBxKl/ Tour Eiffel at sunset. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #toureiffel #eiffeltower #sunset #seine #river #boat

  71. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13741343_1701504583445628_335854261_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BH3mvhihNGd/ Paris metro stop seats and an açai bowl. #Paris #latergram #nofilter #circles #squaredcircle #metro #seat #acaibowl

  72. using BBEdit in reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-07-13 https://www.facebook.com/events/1253184404692678/ https://indieweb.org/events/2016-07-13-homebrew-website-club

    going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2016-07-13! RSVP: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/homebrew-website-club-sf-2016-07-13 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1253184404692678/

  73. using BBEdit

    State of The IndieWeb — IndieWeb Summit 2016-06-04

    State of the IndieWebCat

    I’m going to give you a short overview of The State of the IndieWebCat. IndieWebCat has had her own site for over a year. This is the first full year that IndieWebCat has been posting on her own.

    IndieWebCat is pretty excited about this.

    This is my website

    I’m Tantek Çelik, and this is my website tantek.com.

    [shows tantek.com homepage]

    Throughout today and tomorrow, you’re going to hear a lot of encouragement to just get up and show your website. So I’m starting, this is my website, I’ve been posting on here by myself instead of Twitter since 2010.

    It’s doable, and if that’s something you want to do this weekend, we can work on that.

    First IndieWebCamp

    Photograph of the first IndieWebCamp participants, 2011, in Portland, Oregon

    But I’ll to go back to what Shane was talking about which was the very first IndieWebCamp that we did here in Portland in 2011. And I actually see a lot of people here today from that first IndieWebCamp.

    Will was there, Shane was there, Aaron was there, Ed was there.

    State of The IndieWeb

    Since then we have held these main IndieWebCamps in Portland once a year every year. This year we acknowledged that our main IndieWebCamp really is our annual summit, let’s plan it like a summit, let’s call it a summit, and let’s do proper introduction talks like all the stuff we are doing, showing off etc.

    This is the State of The IndieWeb.

    Our website

    This is our website:

    Screenshot of the IndieWebCamp.com home page as of 2016-06-03

    Or rather this was our website until late lastnight.

    This is our website now. [Update: or was until July 4th! That’s another post. -t]

    Screenshot of the IndieWebCamp.com home page as of 2016-06-04

    There are a couple of big changes I want to point out.

    New logo

    New IndieWebCamp logo in SVG

    We have a new logo that you may have seen on t-shirts, and that’s thanks to Shane, who started with our first logo, drawn by one of our co-founders Crystal Beasley. He talked to her about some ideas for revising our logo and asked: do you mind if I do it? May I have the files? Crystal gave him the files and told Shane to go for it.

    Shane worked on a new logo, presented it to the community, and asked what did people think? The community was generally positive, yet pointed out a few suggested improvements and ideas. But Shane kept his wits in the face of impending design by committee, gathered the input, made some revisions, kept revising and iterating, and now we have this amazing new logo. He contributed it to the community, and we really appreciate that. Thanks Shane!

    New wiki theme

    The second big change is that we switched our wiki theme.

    We switched from a custom theme that has been doing a lot of hard work for us for many years, to the standard MediaWiki Vector theme, which is consistently updated by the MediaWiki project. We are going to keep this theme up to date, so that we can keep MediaWiki itself up to date, to help keep our community running smoothly.

    Essential Qualities

    We started in 2011 with distinguishing ourselves as a community. All communities start with what makes us different from everyone else.

    The real distinguishing things were three things that came out of the 2010 Federated Social Web Summit that Aaron and I attended, or rather in reaction to it, which was:

    1. Show don’t tell. Show me your website instead of telling me about it.
    2. Scratch your own itch. Make stuff that helps you. Start with what are your frustrations with your website, your stuff online, personal identity, digital archiving, and any other itches. Start solving problems for yourself.
    3. Use what you make. When you solve those problems, use the solutions you create yourself, publicly, as part of your online identity. We call that selfdogfooding.

    We started with those three things — there’s been some discussions recently about what are the essential qualities of a community — and those are the essential qualities that IndieWebCamp started with: Show don’t tell. Scratch your own itch. Selfdogfood.

    Evolved and generalized

    Screenshot of the IndieWebCamp.com home page as of 2016-06-04

    We’ve evolved a bit since 2011, and we’ve generalized beyond owning your identity and owning your stuff:

    • Your content is yours
    • You are better connected because you get to choose where you want to connect to by making your content yours on your domain.
    • You are in control. You get to post any kind of thing you want, you get to style it how you can, you can do whatever formats you want, it’s your site and you can choose to do that privately, you can choose to do it publicly. You can make your own permalinks that work, and are no one’s responsibility but your own.


    The reality is that all of this starts with one goal, which is self-empowerment. If I could say the one thing that IndieWebCamp is about, that is what IndieWebCamp is about. Self-empowerment.

    As we achieve various different levels of self-empowerment with our own websites, our hope is that together, we have also built a community that can spread empowerment.

    We start with self-empowerment, and then second, spread empowerment.

    I see this as a specific instance of: if you’re an idealist, before you go out there and save the world, you have to save yourself. Learn how to take care of yourself, then go save the world. That’s one of the things we try to encourage as a community.

    We’re not just individuals working to empower ourselves, we’re collaborating to empower each other, like during this very weekend. Beyond empowering each other, we encourage everyone to openly share, to empower people that are beyond those that we know, beyond those that could make it here this weekend.

    By sharing your stuff publicly on the web, putting open source in places like GitHub, we empower those that we haven’t even met.

    Documenting and open sourcing your stuff are two of our principles.

    You can read our principles, I’m not going to go over all of them.

    Posts About The IndieWeb

    [shows Posts about the IndieWeb: 2016]

    Let’s look at milestones from this past year. You can see more and more people talking about how they’ve either found the community, or they’ve figured out how to own their data, or own their identity, or own their photos, or own their audio bits.

    Empower yourself, and talk about it, blog about it. We like to highlight folks that are doing that. There’s been a lot of good positive posts like that.

    Once in a while, however, there are occasional unfortunate rants, like click on this one here — Anywhere but Medium — but fortunately this site depends on javascript to view the content, and I have that turned off by default, so you don’t actually get to see the rant.

    We focus on creating to build ourselves up, more than tearing others down.

    Let me just leave you with:

    Don’t Hate, Go Create.

    That’s an important value of our community.

    If you find yourself wanting to rant about something, sadly I find that all the time, and then ask myself instead, what am I actually frustrated with, let’s see if I can go build something, and then post some minor update like even hey look I changed my CSS.

    I think a minor update to your own site is much better than a long screed about being opressed by some silo that is free and you can just choose not to use it.


    We have developed a lot of awesome technologies in the last year.

    A bunch of members in the community have contributed to, worked with the W3C, to take some of the standards and specifications and protocols and formats that we’ve incubated and dogfooded ourselves, through a formal standardization process which involves a lot more work to get lots of details right.

    Webmention Candidate Recommendation

    [shows Webmention CR on w3.org]

    One of the more recent results of that is that the Webmention specification, developed in this community, has become a W3C Candidate Recommendation (CR), which is a huge milestone. I just want to congratulate Aaron, the editor, on that work.

    What this means is that W3C has now broadcast this candidate recommendation saying, hey everyone in the world doing web development, we invite you to implement this, and submit to us your implementation reports.

    I encourage all of you to do so as well. We have a lot of implementations of Webmention. There’s a validator, webmention.rocks. You can go through validator and test suite, check all the different interactions that your site supports, fill out an implementation report, and submit it. That’s how the standard makes progress in CR, through implementation reports and feedback.

    That’s the most advanced spec we’ve got but not the only one.

    Micropub Working Draft

    [shows Micropub WD on w3.org]

    Aaron has also worked on and contributed the Micropub specification which is currently a W3C working draft, the phase before candidate recommendation. He has been iterating on it and adding features. Especially during the last year, it’s gone from being a simple way to create a post on a site, to now a way to create, delete, undelete, read, or update posts on a site, and I think we have at least two implementations of all that.

    Post Type Discovery Editor’s Draft

    [shows Post Type Discovery ED on w3.org]

    There’s more coming along the way. Post Type Discovery is an editor’s draft, but it’s got a really lazy editor that hasn’t managed to produce a working draft yet so we gotta get on his case about that. ;)


    [shows indiewebcamp.com/Salmentions]

    There’s other technologies that have made good iterations in the indiewebcamp community, which we haven’t taken through standardization yet, but people are working on getting working, across sites.

    One of those is Salmentions.

    Last year there was implementation of a challenge called SWAT0 which is short for Social Web Acid Test 0 which depends on Salmentions. Since then more people have implemented Salmentions, provided feedback, and we’ve iterated on the protocol accordingly.


    [shows indiewebcamp.com/Vouch]

    The other emerging technology I want to bring up is Vouch. This is a way of vouching for a Webmention, or finding a way for someone to vouch for your webmention.

    If you’re commenting on someone’s blog, you’ve never met them before, and you want to say hey, I’m not a spammer, you can accept my post, because we have this link in common, this friend in common, or some other form of this other entity vouches for me. I think this is going to become more and more important in the next year.

    Those are the big technologies and there’s been a lot more building blocks that have been built out. There’s one more that we’ve iterated on and advanced a lot in the last year, which is person-tagging.

    Person tagging

    [shows indiewebcamp.com/person-tags]

    Person-tagging was something we mostly figured out but not really implemented until the SWAT0 test last year which requires tagging someone in a photo. We figured out how to do that and developed implementations.

    The big thing we figured out in the past year is how to POSSE person-tags from an indie post across to different social media silos.

    [shows brid.gy]

    There’s a service called Bridgy Publish that will syndicate your posts to other sites like Twitter, Facebook, or Flickr. Your site can send Bridgy a Webmention as a way of asking it to post a copy of your original post on social media sites, so you don’t have to deal with calling a proprietary API.

    Bridgy Publish started with syndicating just text notes, added articles, photos, videos, and now in the last year, the ability to read person-tags on a photo on your site, and include them on the copy it posts to another site!

    Instead of just telling you, I’ll show you an example.

    Photo of recent Homebrew Website Club meetup participants in front of Mozilla San Francisco

    This is a photo of the Homebrew Website Club San Francisco meetup that I posted last week. You can see there in the bottom it says "with" and a bunch of person-tags.

    Screenshot of person-tags display in a post footer

    I’m linking their names to their personal site (if any), and then in parentheses, linking to their Facebook and Twitter profiles if they have any. There’s seven people tagged in that photo (each with an h-card with one or more URLs). Let’s look at the copies.

    [shows Twitter Status 738438870077833216]

    There’s the POSSE copy on Twitter. There are no person-tags on that copy because Twitter does not have an API to let you set the person-tags in a photo yet. We’re waiting for them on that.

    [shows Flickr photo tantek 27387113266]

    Here’s the copy on Flickr. And here’s the copy on Facebook.

    Screenshot of the Facebook POSSE copy of an indie photo post with person-tags.

    All seven of the person-tags made it across (Bridgy also added the "Originally published at:" parenthetical original post citation at the end of the post text).

    Screenshot of the person-tags display on a Facebook POSSE copy of an indie photo post

    All that silo person-tagging happened automatically thanks to Bridgy.

    I did not use Facebook’s user interface to post this photo; I did not do any user interactions to make this photo appear on Facebook or add the person-tags there. Bridgy did that for me. Bridgy was able to tag 100% of the people I tagged on the photo, on Facebook.

    Those are the kind of building blocks we’re improving, iterating, and just getting to the point where you can post on your own site, you don’t need to worry about being on the silos as much because Bridgy will take care of that.

    All your friends that happen to use those social media sites, you don’t need to talk them into reading your own site. You can tell them: Hey, you use Facebook? Great, keep reading stuff there, you’ll see my stuff there. Or check it out directly on my own site.


    Those are some of the technologies we made progress with last year. How about some numbers.


    [shows indiewebcamp.com/IndieWebCamps]

    We did a ton of IndieWebCamps in the past year. We just completed Düsseldorf, which was the second one in Düsseldorf. We did Nürnberg, the first IndieWebCamp Nürnberg in April, MIT in March, New York City in January, San Francisco in December, and MIT in November.

    Last year we had the first IndieWebCamp Edinburgh in July, which was organized by Amy, who we’re very happy to have with us here today. Thanks Amy. And there’s last year’s main IndieWebCamp which you probably recognize a lot of the people there. There’s a lot of IndieWebCamps, we had some new ones, we hope to have some new ones this year too.

    Homebrew Website Club

    [shows indiewebcamp.com/Homebrew_Website_Club]

    We’ve also had a bunch of new Homebrew Website Club meetups.

    The San Francisco and Portland chapters are going strong, Washington DC started up, Brighton’s been going well, Los Angeles started up as well and that’s going to continue in July (update: September). There’s a couple in Sweden which are doing well.

    Homebrew Website Club Nürnberg just started last week, with great attendance, and is doing another one next week. The number of cities with regular meetups have grown and we’re pretty happy about that.

    IndieAuth wiki users: 1000+

    [shows indiewebcamp Special wiki users page, first 1000]

    We have finally broken 1000 users on the wiki.

    Over a 1000 people have logged into the wiki with their own domain name, which I think is an awesome high watermark for IndieAuth, for owning your identity. Thanks everyone that put a lot of hard work into that, especially Aaron. He’s made IndieAuth.com easier and easier to use, and I think the numbers will just keep growing.

    If you click on next 1000, let’s see what it shows here.

    [shows indiewebcamp Special wiki users page, next 1000]

    I kind of hacked the MediaWiki query URL. Here it starts at T, and it goes down to lots of WWWs as you might expect, and goes down to Z. zzzzen dot com.

    IndieWeb sites: 10,000s

    The next milestone, just confirmed by Ben Werdmüller, is that there are now tens of thousands of IndieWeb sites.

    These are sites where people have their own URL, control their own identity, which is a great measure of independence, and something we encourage. And they are something more.

    These tens of thousands of sites are actively deploying and supporting IndieWeb building blocks. They support microformats, they support webmentions, out of the box, and that’s kind of amazing.

    [shows withknown.com]

    A lot of that is due to the open source Known project and the withknown.com service.

    Known is something that Ben Werdmuller and Erin Jo Richey created just three years ago. I’m really glad that Ben is here again this year to talk about what he’s done.

    Five years ago we had maybe 10s of indieweb sites. Last year we were at 1000s, and now we’re at tens of thousands of indieweb sites.

    Remember that technology I was talking about, Vouch?

    I would say at this point we’re at Defcon 3, that much closer to when we’re going to see a massive spam attack with Webmention.

    This possibility raises the importance of looking at Vouch, implementing Vouch, making sure it works in the positive use-cases at least. We have to make sure Vouch works for making comments and reactions back and forth across indieweb sites, and also blocks any automated spam as well.

    Success is great, but also brings new challenges. If we continue on this trend of 10xing the number of indieweb sites per year, it’s going to happen real soon. Something to be proud of and to be keeping in mind.

    Last year’s SWAT0 demo

    The last thing I want to show you is what we finished at the end of last year’s main IndieWebCamp.

    How many people were here last year? (show of hands)

    A lot of new folks this year.

    This is the SWAT0 demo. I’m going to play it for you.

    [plays SWAT0 Demo video]

    Achieiving SWAT0 was pretty awesome. If you want to get your site working on SWAT0, as one of the players like that, I think that would be a great goal for the weekend.

    This weekend

    The key thing this weekend is to make something, anything, for yourself, for your own site. Whatever that is, nothing is too small.

    Try to meet someone you don’t know. There are a lot of new folks this year. Go meet somebody you don’t know.

    Help somebody out. One of the reasons we are a community is because we have different levels of expertise in different things, whether it is in engineering, development, different languages or frameworks, whether it’s design, visual design, or copy-editing, people that are really good at writing small bits of text, which is sometimes one of the hardest tasks.

    This is a really diverse community, with diverse skills. When you meet people, find out what you can help them with, what they can help you with, and help each other out.

    Lastly, show something. This is where I really want to emphasize:

    Don’t let the pursuit of perfection stop you from making progress.

    It’s really easy to think I have to get things just right before I show them, to my peers, to be proud of what I do, I don’t want to have it be off by a pixel. Don’t worry about it.

    Get something working, make some progress, don’t let the goal of perfection stop you from doing that, show it, and then iterate.

    We’re all iterating here, as you can see even the wiki itself with the new theme, that’s something that could use some iteration.

    Dream something up, make something, and share it.

    And that’s the State of IndieWeb 2016.

    Thank you.

    See Also

    Thanks to Ryan Barrett and Kevin Marks for proofreading this post.

  74. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13534194_516055141914974_475233276_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BHZDE1BhgXq/ Shiny reflective skyscraper in Paris. #architecture #Paris #latergram #nofilter #shiny #reflective #skyscraper #bluesky #clouds #mirrors

  75. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/13610280_1725647504373908_580324293_n.mp4 https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/13473367_1039446246136724_67670331_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BHY_DQxhqas/ 22 seconds of Paris metro. #Paris #metro #latergram #video #violin #nofilter

  76. using BBEdit

    https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13532042_1021111481300459_309637025_n.jpg https://www.instagram.com/p/BHY9rIhhflM/ Three sides of green and blue & white roof. #jardinduluxembourg #Paris #latergram #nofilter